On October 20-22, 2023, the Annual Conference of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics and the National Natural Science Foundation of China Multiphase Flow Project Exchange Conference were successfully held in Shanghai. The conference has been held for 28 consecutive sessions and is the highest-level academic conference in the field of multiphase flow in China. The conference was hosted by the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics, sponsored by the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, and supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Academician Guo Liejin, Vice President of the Chinese Society of Engineering Thermophysics and Director of the Multiphase Flow Branch, Guan Yonggang, Director of the First Division of Engineering Science of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Professor Zhang Hua, Vice President of the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, were invited to attend. The conference set up a total of 9 topics and marine industry forums, including gas-liquid two-phase flow and boiling heat and mass transfer, gas-solid two-phase flow and clean and low-carbon combustion, and simultaneously collected popular science works in the field of multiphase flow. At the same time, an exchange meeting on the progress of fund projects in the field of multiphase flow was also organized during the meeting.

Charge Multiphase Flow Team of Jiangsu University
More than 30 teachers and students from the charge multiphase flow team of Jiangsu University participated in the meeting, and 29 oral reports were made. Among them, Professor Junfeng Wang, the team leader, was invited to preside over the gas-liquid two-phase flow fund project exchange meeting; Associate Professor Shuiqing Zhan presided over the sub-venue of multiphase flow measurement and experimental technology; Prof. Zhentao Wang, Prof. Hailong Liu, Associate Prof. Huibin Xu, Associate Prof. Jiameng Tian and Associate Prof. Bin Li were invited to give speeches entitled "Atomization Characteristics and Exploration of Stable Fracture of Injection Emission in Electrostatic Fluid", "Laminar Flow Mixing under the Action of Electric Field: Visualization Measurement and Enhancement Mechanism of Flow Field", "Experimental and Numerical Simulation of Heavy Metal Pollutants Removal from Flue Gas by Biomass Activated Carbon", "Study on Multiphase Flow Characteristics of Flash Spray Coupled Cold Air Jet Based on LES Simulation and POD Analysis", " Molecular dynamics studies on the dynamic behavior of micro-nanoscale currents"; A number of graduate students in the team gave oral reports, showing the research progress and achievements to peer experts, and also exercising their academic communication skills. At the meeting, Associate Professor Bin Li's work "Spontaneous Birth"-A Nano-flooding Produced Liquid Dehydration Equipment with Collector Field-Cyclone Field Coupling" won the "Best Interdisciplinary Award for Popular Science Works".
Through this conference, the teachers and students at our school fully demonstrated the characteristics of the scientific research direction of charged multiphase flow, expanded the academic influence, and also learned about the latest research progress in the domestic multiphase flow academic field, and strengthened the communication and exchange with brother universities and research institutes.