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The School Holds a "Course Ideology and Politics" Seminar
Date:November 18, 2022   View:

In order to implement the fundamental task of fostering virtue through education and solidly promote the construction of the "Course Ideology and Politics" major, the school held a "Course Ideology and Politics" seminar for the first semester of the 2022-2023 school year in the conference room 1 on the morning of November 18. More than 20 representative teachers attended the seminar. The seminar was presided over by Prof. Can Kang, secretary of the party committee of the school.

Prof. Kang first clarified the implementation background, purpose, and significance of "Course Ideology and Politics", and formulated the rich connotation of " Course Ideology and Politics" from three aspects: family and country feeling, professional responsibility, and personal practice. Prof. Kang pointed out that in accordance with General Secretary Xi Jinping's requirements for most young people when he visited Tsinghua University, we should cultivate our students to "be ambitious, be virtuous, be a great talent, and take great responsibilities". In the context of carbon neutrality, we will guide students to bravely meet the challenges, strive to seize the opportunities, realize their life value through their knowledge, and contribute their strength to the comprehensive construction of a socialist modernized country and the realization of the great revival of the Chinese nation.

By listening to Prof. Kang's "Course Ideology and Politics" open class and combining their personal experiences, the young teachers participating in the meeting actively shared their understanding and experience of "Course Ideology and Politics", and also exchanged ideas in the process of serving as academic tutors and guiding students with difficulties and problems.

Finally, Prof. Kang gave suggestions and answers to the difficulties and questions raised by the teachers, and asked the young teachers to spread positive energy to students in the process of teaching and training in combination with national strategies, professional background, subject development, course content, etc. At the same time, the teachers should work as role models with positive subtle influences to ensure that students are always on the right way in life.

Through the previous "Course Ideology and Politics" open class and this seminar, it will help teachers in our school to clarify the fundamental task of the teachers to build morality and cultivate people, enhance the awareness of educating people in developing course ideology and politics, playing a positive role in promoting new ideas for the implementation of course ideology and politics.

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Address: School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu. P. R. China. 212013
Email: Wangjunfeng@ujs.edu.cn Tel: +86-0511-88780210