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6th "Young Teacher Seminar" Held Successfully
Date:October 17, 2022   View:

To further promote the construction of the young teachers' team at the school, enhance academic exchanges and interactions between young teachers, and create an active and open academic atmosphere, the school held the 6th "young teacher seminar" in the first lecture hall 1415 on the afternoon of October 14, 2022. Prof. Bo Gao, vice dean of the school of energy and power engineering, the directors of various research institutes, representatives of young teachers, and master/doctoral students participated in the activity. The seminar was chaired by Prof. Bo Gao. This event was held via a hybrid online and offline meeting. Teachers and postgraduates of the school participated simultaneously through online meetings.

This seminar has invited 7 speakers, all the young teachers who have joined the college in the past year. They are Yanzhen Liu, Jie Yang, Mao Mu, Huiping Qi, Ning Mao, Zhen Wu, and Yuling Zhao. The topics of the report mainly involve energy utilization, energy storage, multiphase flow, and combustion. Young teachers introduced their research respectively and shared their main work and proposed research plan.

The young teacher seminar of the college is an important scientific exchange platform, which effectively promotes mutual understanding among young teachers, boosts future scientific research cooperation and multidisciplinary research, and promotes the output of high-level scientific research results of the school.

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Address: School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu. P. R. China. 212013
Email: Wangjunfeng@ujs.edu.cn Tel: +86-0511-88780210