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School of Energy and Power Engineering held the theme education activity of "knowing agriculture and loving agriculture, strengthening agriculture and promoting agriculture"
Date:October 14, 2020   View:

The undergraduate party branch of the School of Energy and Power Engineering successfully held an education activity on the theme of "Knowing and loving agriculture, strengthening and promoting agriculture" in the No.1517 lecture hall in Nengdong Building on the afternoon of October 13th. Yuan Shouqi -Secretary of Party Committee of Jiangsu University, Jin Shude -Honorary Director of Work Committee of Jiangsu University, Cheng Shan -Director of Party Affairs Office of the School, and all other related party members participated in the theme education activity. This activity was hosted by Director Cheng Shan.

At the beginning of the meeting, the party branch secretary Sha Mengmeng led others to learn the contents on the theme of “Knowing and loving agriculture, strengthening and promoting agriculture". Afterwards, Jin Shude -Honorary Director of Work Committee of Jiangsu University, shared the struggle experience in the period of the older generation to build the agriculture mechanization. Then, five practice groups of the party branch introduced their practice process and results. Finally, Secretary of Party Committee Yuan Shouqi made a summary speech. He first affirmed the effectiveness of this theme education activity, and then combing with his own growth experience, he encouraged students to cultivate innovative spirit, learn professional knowledge, and learn excellent skills.

Under the strong leadership of Party Committee of Jiangsu university, we will continually move forward to try our best to create top university.

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Address: School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University, Jiangsu. P. R. China. 212013
Email: Wangjunfeng@ujs.edu.cn Tel: +86-0511-88780210