GAO Bo, Professor
Email: gaobo@ujs.edu.cn
Fields of research:
Fluid Machinery and Engineering, Flow measurements, Pump Vibration.
Granted Projects:
1. Vortex dynamics of confined turbulent flow in pumps and its excitation mechanism, NSFC, 2016-2019.
2. Key techniques of a charge pump for small modular reactors. Key R&D Program, 2018-2021.
3. Hydraulic design for a supercavitating pump. Industry Program, 2018-2020.
Broad research areas:
Pump theory and design, Performance and internal flow in fluid machinery, Unsteady flow and its excitations in pumps, Vibration and noise reduction in fluid machinery, Hydraulic design and optimizations.
1.Effects of modifying the blade trailing edge profile on unsteady pressure pulsations and flow structures in a centrifugal pump. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2019
2.Unsteady magnetohydrodynamic stagnation point flow —closed-form analytical solutions. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition) , 2019
3.DDES analysis of the unsteady wake flow and its evolution of a centrifugal pump. Renewable Energy, 2019
4.Experimental and numerical investigation on the pressure pulsation and instantaneous flow structure in a nuclear reactor coolant pump. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2018
5.Distribution characteristics of the flow around four flat plates in staggered at different arrangements. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
6.Unsteady ow structure and its evolution in a low specific speed centrifugal pump measured by PIV. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2018
7.Unsteady Pressure Pulsation Measurements and Analysis of a Low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump. Journal of Fluids Engineering,2017
8.Experimental Investigation on Cavitating Flow Induced Vibration Characteristics of a Low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump. Shock and Vibration,2017
9.Numerical study on the effect of the diffuser blade trailing edge profile on flow instability in a nuclear reactor coolant pump. Nuclear Engineering and Design,2017
10.Influence of the Blade Trailing Edge Profile on the Performance and Unsteady Pressure Pulsations in a Low Specific Speed Centrifugal Pump. Journal of Fluids Engineering,2016.