HAN Xinyue, Associate Professor
Email: hanxinyue123456@163.com
Fields of research:
Solar PV/T system, Solar concentrating PV/T system.
Granted Projects:
National Nature Science Foundation of China (2018.1-2021.12)
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (2019.11-2021.10)
Selected Publications:
[1] Xinyue Han, Xiaobin Chen, Yao Sun, et al. Performance improvement of a PV/T system utilizing Ag/CoSO4-propylene glycol nanofluid optical filter. Energy, 2020, 192(2): 1-12
[2]Xinyue Han, Xiaobin Chen, Qian Wang, et al. Investigation of CoSO4-based Ag nanofluids as spectrally selective absorption filters for hybrid PV/T applications. Solar Energy, 2019, 177(1): 387-394.
[3]Xinyue Han, Dengshuai Xue, Jun Zheng, et al. Spectral characterization of spectrally selective liquid absorption filters and exploring their effects on concentrator solar cells. Renewable Energy, 2019, 131 (2) 938-945.
[4]Xinyue Han, Yongjie Guo, Qian Wang, et al. Optical characterization and durability of immersion cooling liquids for high concentration III-V photovoltaic systems. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 2018, 174 (1): 124-131
[5] Xinyue Han, Yongjie Guo, Qian Wang, et al. Investigations of III-V concentrator solar cells with liquid immersion for high concentrating photovoltaic systems. Solar Energy, 2017, 158 (12): 728-736
[6] Xinyue Han, Qian Wang, Jun Zheng. Determination and evaluation of the optical properties of dielectric liquids for concentrating photovoltaic immersion cooling applications. Solar Energy, 2016,133(8): 476-484
[7] Xinyue Han, Qian Wang, Jun Zheng, et al. Thermal Analysis of Direct Liquid-Immersed Solar Receiver for High Concentrating Photovoltaic System. International Journal of Photoenergy, vol. 2015, Article ID 321350, 9 pages, 2015. doi:10.1155/2015/321350
[8] Xinyue Han, et al. The performance and long-term stability of silicon concentrator solar cells immersed in dielectric liquids. Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, 66(2):189-198.
[9] Xinyue Han, et al. Mechanism study of the electrical performance change of silicon concentrator solar cells immersed in de-ionized water. Energy Conversion and Management, 2012, 53(1):1-10.
[10] Xinyue Han, et al. Electrical and thermal performance of silicon concentrator solar cells immersed in dielectric liquids. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(12):4481-4489.
[11] Xinyue Han, et al. Reliability assessment of silicone coated silicon concentrator solar cells by accelerated aging tests for immersing in de-ionized water. Solar Energy, 2011, 85 (11):2781-2788.
Three granted Chinese patents and five Chinese patents application about solar energy
Recruit Postdoc, Ph.D. and master students who are interested in solar energy research field both from China and oversea countries