KANG Can, Professor
Email: kangcan@ujs.edu.cn
Fields of research:
Fluid Machinery and Fluids Engineering
Granted Projects:
National Natural Science Foundation and 7 projects from enterprises
Broad research areas:
Cavitation, Hydrokinetic rotor, Impeller pump, Cavitation erosion, Waterjet, Bubble dynamics, Transport of solid-liquid two-phase flows, Prefabricated pumping station
1.Can Kang, Qing Li, Mingyi Li, Shuang Teng.Deposition of solid particles exposed to the suction of dual pumps in the tank of a pumping station. Powder Technology, 2019, DOI:10.1016/j.powtec.2019.11.049.
2.Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Hexiang Zhao, Shuang Teng. Effects of in-line configuration of drag-type hydrokinetic rotors on inter-rotor flow pattern and rotor performance. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 196: 44–55.
3.Ning Mao, Can Kang, Shuang Teng, Christian Mulbah. Formation and detachment of the enclosing water film as a bubble passes through the water-oil interface. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124236.
4.Wisdom Opare, Can Kang, Xiao Wei, Haixia Liu, Hualu Wang. Comparative investigation of ultrasonic cavitation erosion for three materials in deionized water. Journal of Engineering Tribology (accepted for publication)
5.Mingming Zhou, Haixia Liu, Can Kang, Xiao Wei. Resistance of curved surfaces to the cavitation erosion produced through high-pressure submerged waterjet. Wear, 2019, 440–441:203091.
6.Can Kang, Wei Zhang, Ning Mao, Yongchao Zhang. Effects of the wake flow on bubble patterns downstream of a cylindrical nozzle. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 145: 128–140.
7.Can Kang, Wei Zhang, Zi-wen Zou, Chun-bo Pang. Effects of initial bubble size on geometric and motion characteristics of bubble released in water. Journal of Central South University, 2019, 25(12), 3021–3032.
8.Qing Li, Can Kang, Shuang Teng, Mingyi Li. Optimization of tank bottom shape for improving the anti-deposition performance of a prefabricated pumping station. Water, 2019,11:602.
9.Can Kang, Haixi Liu, Tao Zhang, Qing Li. Investigation of submerged waterjet cavitation through surface property and flow information in ambient water. Applied Surface Science, 2017, 425:915–922.
10.Can Kang, Ning Mao, Wenbing Zhang, Yiping Gu. The influence of blade configuration on cavitation performance of a condensate pump. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2017, 110:787–797.
11.Ning Mao, Can Kang, Wisdom Opare, Yang Zhu. Hydrodynamics features of dispersed bubbles in the ventilated wake flow of a cylinder. Chinese Journal of chemical engineering. 2018, 26(9):1803–1813.
12.Haixia Liu, Can Kang, Wei Zhang, Tao Zhang. Flow structures and cavitation in submerged waterjet at high jet pressure. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017, 88:504–512.
13.Can Kang, Wei Zhang, Yiping Gu, Ning Mao. Bubble size and flow characteristics of bubbly flow downstream of a ventilated cylinder. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 122: 263–272.
14.Can Kang, Ning Mao, Chen Pan, Yang Zhu, Bin Li. Effects of short blades on performance and inner flow characteristics of a low-specific-speed centrifugal pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A-Journal of Power and Energy, 2017, 231(4): 290–302.
15.Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Yanguang Ji, Qing Li. Experimental and numerical investigation of flow patterns and performance of a modified Savonius hydrokinetic rotor. Renewable Energy, 2019.
16.Can Kang, Haixia Liu, Hitoshi Soyama. Estimation of aggressive intensity of a cavitating jet with multiple experimental methods. Wear, 2018, 394:176–186.
17.Haixia Liu, Can Kang, Hitoshi Soyama. Experimental study of the influence of test chamber dimensions on aggressive intensity of the cavitating jet. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2020, 48(5): JTE20180573.
18.Can Kang, Yongchao Zhang, Yilin Xiong, Qing Li. Effects of the pump base on the resonance of a horizontal condensate pump unit: A case study. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 2018, 21(4): 633–644.
19.Kang Can, Liu Haixia, Yang Xin. Review of fluid dynamics aspects of Savonius-rotor-based vertical-axis wind rotors. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 33:499–508.
20.Li Qing, Kang Can, Li Mingyi. Flow features of a prefabricated pumping station operating under high flow rate conditions. International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems, 2018, 11(2):171–180.