LI Changfeng, Professor
Email: cfli@ujs.edu.cn
Fields of research:
Complex fluid dynamics, turbulent drag reduction and flow control, multiphase flow and heat transfer, particle-turbulence interaction, high-speed railway aerodynamics, non-equilibrium thermodynamics theory and application
Granted Projects:
Study on the mechanism of the maximum drag reduction (MDR) asymptote of polymer dilute solution; Study on the interaction between micro-particles and near-wall turbulence and drag reduction mechanism; Complex fluid dynamic analysis and application of micro-particle turbulence drag reduction; Research and development of high efficiency and low noise jet pump based on turbulence
Broad research areas:
Fluid Mechanics, Engineering Thermophysics
1.Analysis on turbulent drag reduction multistage transition and turbulence characteristics in a channel flow. Journal of Drainage and Irrigation Machinery Engineering (JDRME), 2019, 37(3): 242-247. (in Chinese)
2.Spreading behaviors of high-viscous nanofluid droplets impact on solid surfaces, Korea-Australia Rheology Journal, 2019 (31), 167-177
3.Discussion on the wake vortex structure of a high speed train by vortex identification methods. Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 2018, 50(3): 667-676
4.A globally convergent and closed analytical solution of the Blasius equation with beneficial applications, AIP ADVANCES 7, 065311 (2017)
5.Effects of hysteresis of static contact angle (HSCA) and boundary slip on the hydrodynamics of water striders ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2017, 33(1), 40-61.
6.Corrosion Resistance and Wave Absorbing Property of Carbonyl Iron Powder Coating with Alumina by Atomic Layer Deposition, JOURNAL OF INORGANIC MATERIALS, 2017, 32(7), 751-757.
7.Simple framework for understanding the universality of the maximum drag reduction asymptote in turbulent flow of polymer solutions. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 043014 (2015)
8.Numerical simulation on turbulent flows in vertical chemical vapor deposition reactors, Journal of Crystal Growth 318 (2011), 168-172.
9.Removal of dust from flue gas in magnetically stabilized fluidized bed, Particuology 6 (2008), 116-119.
10.Effects of polymer stresses on eddy structures in drag-reduced turbulent channel flow, Journal of Fluid Mechanics 584 (2007) 281-299.
11.Influence of rheological parameters on polymer induced turbulent drag reduction, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 140 (2006) 23-40.
12.Turbulent channel flow of viscoelastic polymer solutions: drag reduction scaling and eddy viscosity model, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 139 (2006), 177-189