LIU Yangxian, Professor
Email: liuyangxian1984@163.com
Fields of research:
Air pollution control and resource utilization of biomass/waste gas
Selected Granted Projects:
1. Fundamental research on simultaneous desulfurization and denitrification using free radicals produced by persulfate with activation and induction of microwave and magnetic separation catalyst. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2017-2020).
2. Fundamental research on integrated desulfurization, denitrification and mercury removal using photo-thermal synergistic activation of ammonium persulfate. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2015-2019).
3. Study on removal of elemental mercury from coal-fired flue gas by UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation. National Natural Science Foundation of China (2013-2015).
Selected Publications:
1.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan. Gaseous Elemental Mercury Removal Using Combined Metal Ions and Heat Activated Peroxymonosulfate/H2O2 Solutions. AIChE Journal, 2019, 1, 161–174.
2.Liu Yangxian∗, Wang Yan. Simultaneous Removal of NO and SO2 Using Aqueous Peroxymonosulfate with Coactivation of Cu2+/Fe3+ and High Temperature. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63, 1287–1302.
3.Liu Yangxian∗, Jun Zhang. Removal of NO from Flue Gas Using UV/S2O82- Process in A Novel Photochemical Impinging Stream Reactor. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63, 2968–2980.
4.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Yin Yanshan. Removal of Hg0 from Flue Gas Using Two Homogeneous Photo-Fenton- Like Reactions. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61, 1322–1333.
5.Liu Yangxian*, Pan Jianfeng, Wang Qian. Removal of Hg0 from Containing-SO2/NO Flue Gas by Ultraviolet/H2O2 Process in A Novel Photochemical Reactor. AIChE Journal, 2014, 6, 2275–2285.
6.Liu Yangxian*, Shan Ye, Wang Yan. A novel simultaneous removal technology of NO and SO2 using semi-dry microwave activation persulfate system. Environmental Science&Technology, 2020, 51, 11950–11959.
7.Wang Yan, Han Xuan and Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Carbon Monoxide from Simulated Flue Gas Using Two New Fenton Systems: Mechanism and Kinetics. Environmental Science&Technology, 2019, 51, 11950–11959.
8.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Liu Ziyang and Wang Qian. Oxidation Removal of Nitric Oxide from Flue Gas Using UV Photolysis of Aqueous Hypochlorite. Environmental Science&Technology, 2017, 51, 11950– 11959.
9.Liu Yangxian*, Qian Wang, Jianfeng Pan. Novel Process on Simultaneous Removal of Nitric Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide Using Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV)-Activated O2/H2O/H2O2 System in A Wet VUV-Spraying Reactor. Environmental Science &Technology, 2016, 50, 12966–12975.
10.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Qian. Removal of Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas by Thermally Activated Ammonium Persulfate in A Bubble Column Reactor. Environmental Science&Technology, 2014, 20, 12181–12189.
11.Liu Yangxian* and Yan Wang. Gaseous Elemental Mercury Removal Using VUV and Heat Coactivation of Oxone/H2O/O2 in A VUV- Spraying Reactor. Fuel, 2019, 243, 352–361.
12.Liu Yangxian* and Wang Yan. Removal of Hg0 from Simulated Flue Gas by Ultraviolet Light/Heat/Persulfate Process in an UV-Impinging Stream Reactor. Energy&Fuels, 2018, 32, 12416–12425.
13.Liu Yangxian*, Li Ying, Xu Hui, Xu Jinjin. Oxidation Removal of Gaseous Hg0 Using Enhanced-Fenton System in A Bubble Column Reactor. Fuel, 2019, 246, 358–364.
14.Wang Yan, Liu Yangxian*, Liu Yong. Elimination of nitric oxide using new Fenton process based on synergistic catalysis: Optimization and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 372, 92–98.
15.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan. Removal of Gaseous Hydrogen Sulfide by a Photo-Fenton Wet Oxidation Scrubbing System. Energy&Fuels, 2019, 33, 10812–10819.
16.Dongjing Liu, Chaoen Li, Jiang Wu, Yangxian Liu*. Novel Carbon-based Sorbents for Elemental Mercury Removal from Gas Streams: A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 27, 103068.
17.Ding Shuai, Liu Yangxian*. Adsorption of CO2 from flue gas by novel seaweed-based KOH-activated porous biochars. Fuel, 2020, 342, 326–334.
18.Yang Wei, Chen Hui, Han Xuan, Ding Shuai, Shan Ye, Liu Yangxian*. Preparation of magnetic Co-Fe modified porous carbon from agricultural wastes by microwave and steam activation for mercury removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 342, 326–334.
19.Yang Wei, Li Ying, Shi Shuo, Chen Hui, Shan Ye and Liu Yangxian*. Mercury removal from flue gas by magnetic iron-copper oxide modified porous char derived from biomass materials. Fuel, 2019, 256, 115977.
20.Yang Wei, Xu Wen, Liu Ziyang, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas using sargassum chars modified by NH4Br reagent. Fuel, 2018, 214, 196–206.
21.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan. Elemental mercury removal from flue gas using heat and Co2+/Fe2+ coactivated oxone oxidation system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 348, 464–475.
22.Yang Wei, Liu Yangxian∗, Wang Qian, Pan Jianfeng. Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas using wheat straw chars modified by Mn-Ce mixed oxides with ultrasonic-assisted impregnation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326, 169–181.
23.Liu Yangxian*, Xu Wen, Zhao Liang, Wang Yan, Zhang Jun. Absorption of NO and Simultaneous Absorption of SO2/NO Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Light/Ultrasound/ KHSO5 System. Energy&Fuels, 2017, 31, 12364–12375.
24.Yang Wei, Arshad Hussain, Zhang Jun, Liu Yangxian∗. Removal of Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas Using Red Mud Impregnated by KBr and KI Reagent. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 341, 483–494.
25.Xu Wen, Hussain Arshad, Liu Yangxian*. A Review on Modification Methods of Adsorbents for Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 346, 692–711.
26.Liu Ziyang, Yang Wei, Xu Wen, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Elemental Mercury by Bio-chars Derived from Sargassum and Enteromorpha Impregnated with Potassium Iodine. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 339, 468–478.
27.Liu Ziyang, Adewuyi Yusuf G., Shi Shuo, Chen Hui, Li Ying, Liu Dongjing, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Gaseous Hg0 Using Novel Seaweed Biomass-based Activated Carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 366, 41–49.
28.Wang Yan, Wang Zhuliang, Pan Jianfeng, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Hydrogen Sulfide Using Fenton Reagent in A Spraying Reactor. Fuel, 2019, 239, 70–75.
29.Wang Yan, Liu Yangxian*, Xu Jinjin. Separation of Hydrogen Sulfide from Gas Phase Using Ce3+/Mn2+-Enhanced Fenton-Like Oxidation System. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 359, 1486–1492.
30.Liu Yangxian∗, Wen Xu, Jianfeng Pan, Qian Wang. Oxidative Removal of NO from Flue Gas Using Ultrasound, Mn2+/Fe2+ and Heat Coactivation of Oxone in An Ultrasonic Bubble Reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326, 1166−1176.
31.Liu Yangxian*, Liu Ziyang, Wang Yan, Yin Yanshan, Pan Jianfeng, Zhang Jun, Wang Qian. Simultaneous Absorption of SO2 and NO from Flue Gas Using Ultrasound/Fe2+/Heat Coactivated Persulfate System. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2018, 342, 326–334.
32.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Wang Qian, Pan Jianfeng, Jun Zhang. Simultaneous Removal of NO and SO2 Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Light (VUV)/Heat/ Peroxymonosulfate (PMS). Chemosphere, 2018, 190, 431– 441.
33.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Yin Yanshan, Pan Jianfeng and Zhang Jun. Oxidation Removal of Nitric Oxide from Flue Gas Using Ultraviolet Light (UV) and Heat Coactivated Oxone System. Energy&Fuels, 2018, 32, 1999–2008.
34.Liu Yangxian∗, Wang Yan, Wang Qian, Pan Jianfeng∗, Zhang Yongchun, Zhang Jun. A Study on Removal of Elemental Mercury in Flue Gas using Fenton Solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 292, 164– 172.
35.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Pan Jianfeng. Photochemical Oxidation Removal of Hg0 from Flue Gas Containing SO2/NO by an Ultraviolet Irradiation/Hydrogen Peroxide (UV/H2O2) Process. Energy&Fuels, 2014, 28, 2135– 2143.
36.Liu Yangxian*, Zhou Jianfei, Zhang Yongchun, Pan Jianfeng, Wang Qian, Zhang Jun. Removal of Hg0 and Simultaneous Removal of Hg0/SO2/NO in Flue Gas Using Two Fenton-Like Reagents in a Spray Reactor. Fuel, 2015, 145, 180–188.
37.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Yin Yanshan. Study on absorption of elemental mercury from flue gas by UV/H2O2: Process parameters and reaction mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 249, 72–78.
38.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Pan Jianfeng*, Tang Aikun. Investigation on Removal of NO from SO2-Containing Simulated Flue Gas by UV/Fenton-Like Reaction. Energy& Fuels, 2012, 26, 5430 − 5436.
39.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Wang Zhuliang. A Study on Kinetics of NO Absorption from Flue Gas by Using UV/Fenton Wet Scrubbing. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 197, 468–474.
40.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Sheng Changdong, ZhangYongchun and Zhao Liang. Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 from coal-fired flue gas by UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 162, 1006–1011.