PAN Jianfeng, Professor
Email: mike@ujs.edu.cn
Fields of research:
Combustion Process and Combustion System of Power Machinery; Gas-liquid combustion/ Micro-scale combustion; Operation Process of the Rotary Engine/ Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition process.
Granted Projects:
National Natural Science Foundation of China, Flame characteristics near the wall and flame/wall interaction mechanism(2020-2023), Study on fuel adaptability and coupling mechanism of flow and combustion in the rotary engine(2016-2019).
Broad research areas:
Power Engineering and Engineering
1.Chen, W., J. Pan, Y. Liu, B. Fan, H. Liu and P. Otchere, Numerical investigation of direct injection stratified charge combustion in a natural gas-diesel rotary engine. Applied Energy, 2019. 233-234: p. 453-467.
2.Zhang, Y., J. Pan, Y. Zhu, S. Bani, Q. Lu, J. Zhu and H. Ren, The effect of embedded high thermal conductivity material on combustion performance of catalytic micro combustor. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 174: p. 730-738.
3.Zhang, Y., J. Pan, Z. Lu, A. Tang, Y. Zhu and S. Bani, The characteristics of pure heterogeneous reaction for H2/Air mixture in the micro-combustors with different thermophysical properties. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018. 141: p. 741-750.
4.Pan, Z., J. Qi, J. Pan, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu and M. Gui, Fabrication of a helical detonation channel: Effect of initial pressure on the detonation propagation modes of ethylene/oxygen mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2018. 192: p. 1-9.
5.Pan, Z., K. Chen, J. Qi, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu, J. Pan and M. Gui, The propagation characteristics of curved detonation wave: Experiments in helical channels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2018.
6.Chen, W., J. Pan, B. Fan, P. Otchere, N. Miao and Y. Lu, Numerical investigation of dual-fuel injection timing on air-fuel mixing and combustion process in a novel natural gas-diesel rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 176: p. 334-348.
7.Bani, S., J. Pan, A. Tang, Q. Lu and Y. Zhang, Numerical investigation of key parameters of the porous media combustion based Micro-Thermophotovoltaic system. Energy, 2018. 157: p. 969-978.
8.Bani, S., J. Pan, A. Tang, Q. Lu and Y. Zhang, Micro combustion in a porous media for thermophotovoltaic power generation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018. 129(Supplement C): p. 596-605.
9.Pan, J., Q. Lu, S. Bani, A. Tang, W. Yang and X. Shao, Hetero-/homogeneous combustion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air mixture in a planar micro-reactor with catalyst segmentation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017. 167: p. 327-333.
10.Lu, Q., J. Pan, W. Yang, A. Tang, S. Bani and X. Shao, Interaction between heterogeneous and homogeneous reaction of premixed hydrogen–air mixture in a planar catalytic micro-combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017. 42(8): p. 5390-5399.