QU Jian, Professor
Email: rjqu@ujs.edu.cn
Fields of Research:
•Micro-nano-scale flow and heat transfer
•High-efficiency cooling of microelectronics/photoelectric devices and thermal management of power batteries/data centers
•Nanofluid photothermal conversion and solar thermal utilization technology
Granted Projects:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.51576091), 2016-2019;
2. Jiangsu Province "Six Talent Peaks" Project (No. XNYQC-027), 2019-2021;
3. Special grant from China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (8th batch) (No.2015T80523), 2015-2017;
1. J. Qu, R. Zhang, L. Shang, Z. Wang. Graphene oxide/multi‐walled carbon nanotube—Therminol®66 hybrid nanofluids for low-to-medium temperature volumetric solar collectors. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44: 7216-7228.
2. H. Wang, J. Qu, Q. Sun, Z. Kang, X. Han. Thermal characteristic comparison of three-dimensional oscillating heat pipes with/without sintered copper particles inside flat-plate evaporator for concentrating photovoltaic cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 167: 114815.
3. X. Han, X. Chen, Y. Sun, J. Qu. Performance improvement of a PV/T system utilizing Ag/CoSO4-propylene glycol nanofluid optical filter. Energy, 2020, 192: 116611.
4. D. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. Chen, L. Wang, J. Qu, M. Wu, Z. Zhou. Boiling Heat Transfer Performance of Parallel Porous Microchannels. Energies, 2020, 13: 2970.
5. J. Qu, Y. Yang, S. Yang, D. Hu, H. Qiu. Droplet impingement on nano-textured superhydrophobic surface: Experimental and numerical study. Applied Surface Science 2019, 491: 160-170.
6. Z. Wang, J. Qu, R. Zhang, X. Han, J. Wu. Photo-thermal performance evaluation on MWCNTs-dispersed microencapsulated PCM slurries for direct absorption solar collectors. Journal of Energy Storage 2019, 26: 100793.
7. H. Wang, J. Qu, Y. Peng, Q. Sun. Heat transfer performance of a novel tubular oscillating heat pipe with sintered copper particles inside flat-plate evaporator and high-power LED heat sink application. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 189: 215-222.
8. X. Han, X. Chen, Q. Wang, S. M. Alelyani, J. Qu. Investigation of CoSO4-based Ag nanofluids as spectral beam splitters for hybrid PV/T applications. Solar Energy, 2019, 177: 387-394.
9. J. Qu, R. Zhang, Z. Wang, Q. Wang. Photo-thermal conversion properties of hybrid CuO-MWCNT/H2O nanofluids for direct solar thermal energy harvest. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 390-398. (ESI Highly Cited Paper)
10. J Qu, Q Sun, H Wang, D Zhang, J Yuan. Performance characteristics of flat-plate oscillating heat pipe with porous metal-foam wicks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 20-30.
11. A Wei, J Qu, H Qiu, C Wang, G Cao. Heat transfer characteristics of plug-in oscillating heat pipe with binary-fluid mixtures for electric vehicle battery thermal management. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135: 746-760.
12. R Zhang, J Qu, M Tian, X Han, Q Wang. Efficiency improvement of a solar direct volumetric receiver utilizing aqueous suspensions of CuO. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42: 2456-2464.
13. J Qu, C Wang, X Li, H Wang. Heat transfer performance of flexible oscillating heat pipes for electric/hybrid-electric vehicle battery thermal management. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135: 1-9.
14. Q Sun, J Qu, J Yuan, H Wang. Start-up characteristics of MEMS-based micro oscillating heat pipe with and without bubble nucleation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 515-528.
15. C. Wang , Y. Zhu, J. Qu. Automatic air temperature control in a container with an optic-variable wall. Applied Energy, 2018, 224: 671-681.
16. J Qu, M Tian, X Han, R Zhang, Q Wang. Photo-thermal conversion characteristics of MWCNT-H2O nanofluids for direct solar thermal energy absorption applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124: 486-493.
17. X Han, Y Guo, Q Wang, J Qu, P Phelan. Investigations of III–V concentrator solar cells with liquid immersion for high concentrating photovoltaic systems. Solar Energy, 2017, 158: 728-736.
18. Q Sun, J Qu, Q Wang, J Yuan. Operational characteristics of oscillating heat pipes under micro-gravity condition. International Communications in Heat &Mass Transfer, 2017, 88: 28-36.
19. Q Sun, J Qu, J Yuan, Q Wang. Operational characteristics of an MEMS-based micro oscillating heat pipe. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124: 1269-1278.
20. J Qu, X Li, Qxu, Qian Wang. Thermal performance comparison of oscillating heat pipes with and without helical micro-grooves. Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 53 (11): 3383-3390.
21. J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng, Q Wang, Q Sun. Recent advances in MEMS-based micro heat pipes.International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 110: 294-313.
22. J Qu, X Li, Q Wang, et al. Heat transfer characteristics of micro-grooved oscillating heat pipes. Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science, 2017, 85:75-84.
23. Q Sun, J Qu, X Li, et al. Experimental investigation of thermo-hydrodynamic behavior in a closed loop oscillating heat pipe. Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science, 2017, 82: 450-458.
24. J Qu, X Li, Y Cui, et al. Design and experimental study on a hybrid flexible oscillating heat pipe. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 107: 640-645.
Conference Proceedings:
1. J Qu. Preliminary Attempt to Introduce Wicking Structures into Oscillating Heat Pipes. International Symposium on Oscillating/Pulsating Heat Pipes (ISOPHP) 25-28 September 2019, Daejeon, Korea. (Keynote Speaker)
2. J Qu, R Zhang, Z Wang. Photo-thermal conversion characteristics of hybrid GO-MWCNT/Therminol® 66 nanofluids for direct absorption solar collectors. 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE2018), 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong.3.
J Qu, X Li, Q Wang, et al. Thermal performance comparison of closed-loop oscillating heat pipes with and without internal microgrooves. Joint 18th IHPC and 12th IHPS, 12-16 June 2016, Jeju, Korea.
4. J Qu, Q Wang. THERMAL ERFORMANCE OF A VERTICAL CLOSED-LOOP OSCILLATING HEAT PIPE AND A PROPOSED CORRELATION.4th International Conference on Applied Energy, 5-8 July 2012, Suzhou, China.
5. J Qu, H Wu. Silicon-Based Micro Pulsating Heat Pipe for Cooling Electronics. The 2010 6th International Conference on MEMS NANO, and Smart Systems, 14-15 Dec. 2010, Changsha, China.
6. J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng. Experimental study on the thermal performance of a silicon-based micro-pulsating heat pipe. ASME 2009 2nd Micro/Nanoscale Heat & Mass Transfer International Conference, 18-22 Dec. 2009, Shanghai, China.