WANG Qian, Professor
Email: qwang@ujs.edu.cn
Fields of research:
Spray and Combustion in Diesel Engines, Micro-Combustion, Natural Gas Combustion in Marine Engine
Granted Projects:
1.2019-2022, Research on Dual Fuel Coaxial injection Combustion Mode with Gasoline/Second Generation Biodiesel Based on RCCI Concept, National Natural Science Foundation of China(51876083)
2.2020-2023, The key technology and equipment of biogas production by co-fermentation of various organic matters and efficient power generation, Key Research and Development Program of Jiangsu Province, China (BE2019009-5).
3.2015-2018, Study on Working Process and Thermal Dynamics Model of Micro-free Piston Power Device, National Natural Science Foundation of China(51476071)
4.2015-2018, Biogas Industry Model Research and Utilization Demonstration, National Science and Technology Support Plan (2015BAD21B00)
5.2016-2019, Development and Industrialization of marine high-power micro-ignition dual fuel engine, Special Fund Project for Transformation of Scientific and Technological Achievements of Jiangsu Province (BA2016157)
1.Experimental study of ignition, lift-off length and emission characteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Applied Energy 2019; 235:641-52. SCI IF 7.900
2.Experimental study of spray haracteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blended fuels under inert and reacting conditions. Energy 2018; 153:349-358. SCI IF 4.980
3.Experimental and analytical study on capture spray liquid penetration and combustion characteristics simultaneously with Hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel/Diesel blended fuel, Applied Energy, 2018, 226: 947-956
4.A study of soot quantification in diesel flame with hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel in a constant volume combustion chamber, Energy, 2018, 145: 691-699
5.Experimental study of combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine with diesel/second-generation biodiesel blending fuels, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.121, 2016
6.Investigations of effect of phase change mass transfer rate on cavitation process with homogeneous relaxation model, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.89, 2017
7.Operation characteristic and performance comparison of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) for low-grade waste heat using R245fa, R123 and their mixtures, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.144, 2017
8.Effect of different pretreatments on the thermal degradation of seaweed biomass, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Vol.36, 2017
9.Effect of operating conditions on direct liquefaction of low-lipid microalgae in ethanol-water co-solvent for bio-oil production, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.141, 2017
10.Co-pyrolysis mechanism of seaweed polysaccharides and cellulose based on macroscopic experiments and molecular simulations, Bioresource Technology, Vol.28, 2017
11.Effects of injection rate on combustion and emissions of a pilot ignited direct injection natural gas engine, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, Vol.31, 2017
12.Behenic acid pyrolysis to produce diesel-like hydrocarbons, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.138, 2017
13.Bio-fuel oil characteristic from catalytic cracking of hydrogenated palm oil, Energy, Vol.133, 2017
14.Pyrolysis Characteristic and kinetics of Polyvinylidene fluoride with and without Pine Sawdust, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, Vol.123, 2017
15.Novel Bi2O2CO3/polypyrrole/g-C3N4 nanocomposites with efficient photocatalytic and nonlinear optical properties, Vol.7, 2017
16.Numerical simulation of catalysis combustion inside micro free-piston engine, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol.113, 2016
17.Study of the effect of nozzle hole shape on internal flow and spray characteristics, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.71, 2016
18.Study on the combustion process and work capacity of a micro free-piston engine,Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology,Vol.29, 2015