Name: Haojie Xu
Title: Lecturer
Tel: (+86)17368085419
E-mail: xuhaojie@ujs.edu.cn
Working Experience
June 2023 - Present Jiangsu University, Lecturer
Education Background
● Jiangsu University (Sep.2019 – Jun.2023)
-Doctor of Engineering
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Gyeongsang National University (Sep.2019 – Feb.2023)
-Doctor of Engineering
-Major: Mechanical Engineering
● Jiangsu University (Sep.2016 – Jun.2019)
-Master of Engineering
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Jiangsu Ocean University (Sep.2012 – Jun.2016)
-Bachelor of Engineering
-Major: Process Equipment and Control Engineering
Research Interests
● Charged Multiphase Flow
● Electrospray Cooling
● Droplet Heat Transfer Enhancement
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: (a) High Speed Camera; (b) PIV; (c) UDV
● Numerical skills: Application of FLUENT, COMSOL and LBM methods in Multiphase Flow
Projects (2020 - present)
● National Natural Science Foundation of China (Co-PI)
● Postgraduate Research & Practice Innovation Program of Jiangsu Province (PI)
Publications (2020 - present)
● Haojie Xu, Yubo Jin, Guangxin Ding, Van Han Nguyen, Junfeng Wang, Hyoung-Bum Kim*. Bent pipe flow reconstruction based on improved ultrasound Doppler velocimetry and radial basis function neural network. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation, 2023, 93: 102410.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Hai Wang, Jiameng Tian, and Bufa Li. Electrospray characteristics and cooling performance of dielectric fluid HFE-7100. Energy, 2022, 259: 125072.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Kai Yu, Bin Li, Wei Zhang, Lei Zuo, and Hyoung-Bum Kim. Droplet impact on hot substrates under a uniform electric field. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 092111.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Zhentao Wang, Kai Yu, Huibin Xu, Dongbao Wang, and Wei Zhang. Impact dynamics of a charged droplet onto different substrates. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 102111.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Jiameng Tian, Bin Li, Jiang Yao, Lei Zuo, Yan Zhang, and Tianyue Zhao. Electrohydrodynamic disintegration of dielectric fluid blended with ethanol. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 062107.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Jiameng Tian, DongbaoWang, and Wei Zhang. Effect of spray modes on electrospray cooling heat transfer of ethanol. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 189: 116757.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Jiameng Tian, Yuanping Huo, Bin Li, Dongbao Wang, Wei Zhang, and Jiang Yao. Evaporation characteristics and heat transfer enhancement of sessile droplets under non-uniform electric field. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 126: 110378.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang*, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Dongbao Wang, Wei Zhang, and Jiang Yao. CFD-DEM study of fluid flow and particle behaviors in a baffled deduster channel. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 176: 123-133.
● Junfeng Wang*, Haojie Xu, Yuanpinng Huo, Yuting Wang, and Mingdong Dong. Progress of electrospray and electrospinning in energy applications. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31: 132001.
● 许浩洁, 王军锋*, 田加猛, 张闫, 赵天岳. 不同雾化模式下乙醇静电喷雾冷却换热特性. 工程热物理学报. 2021, 42(10): 2559-2565.
● 许浩洁, 王军锋*, 王东保,张伟,姚江. 新型湿法除尘系统内气液两相流动的数值模拟. 化工进展, 2020, 39(9): 3590-3599.