Name: Dongbao Wang
Title: Lecturer
E-mail: wangdongbao@ujs.edu.cn
Working Experience
Jun. 2023 - Present University College London, Post-doctor Aug. 2020 - Present Jiangsu University, Lecturer
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2014 – Jun. 2020)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2010 - Jun.2014)
-Major: Thermal Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
● Electrohydrodynamic (EHD)
● Interface Dynamics
● Experimental Multiphase Flow
● Reaction Kinetics
● Process Intensification Technology for Biomass Energy
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques
(a)High Speed Camera; (b) PIV; (c) LB Trough; (d) Rheology
● China Postdoctoral Science Foundation (No. 2021M691297, 2021-Present)
● Dongbao Wang, Junfeng Wang, Piyaphong Yongphet, et al. Experimental study on electric-field-induced droplet generation and breakup in an immiscible medium [J]. Experiments in Fluids, 2020, 61: 78.
● Dongbao Wang, Junfeng Wang, Xiaoying Wang, Yuanping Huo, Piyaphong Yongphet. Experimental investigation on the deformation and breakup of charged droplets in dielectric liquid medium [J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 114: 39-49.
● Dongbao Wang, Junfeng Wang, Hailong Liu, Yuanping Huo, Weihan Hu. Reaction kinetics of waste cooking oil transesterification under electric field [J]. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 2020, 11:3371-3380. (ESI Highly Cited)
● Dongbao Wang, Junfeng Wang, Piyaphong Yongphet. Experimental study on liquid spray and small droplet formation in ethanol-oil system in a DC electric field [J]. Maejo International Journal of Energy and Environmental Communication, 2020.
● Daorui Wang, Junfeng Wang, Dongbao Wang, et al. Conical breakup of droplets in dielectric liquid medium [J]. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 023309.
● Zhiheng Fan, Junfeng Wang, Dongbao Wang, et al. Experimental Study on the Generation, Coulomb split and Movement Characteristics of Charged Droplets [J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2021, 242(3):116724.
● Zhiheng Fan, Junfeng Wang, Dongbao Wang, et al. Coulomb split evolution behavior in different growth stages of droplets [J]. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 611:125847.
● Ziwen Zuo, Junfeng Wang, Yuanping Huo, Dongbao Wang, et al. Experimental simulation of capillary effect on rough flat surfaces [J]. Particuology, 2022, 60: 115-123.
● Jiang Yao, Junfeng Wang, Qingming Dong, Dongbao Wang, et al. Lattice Boltzmann study of droplet evaporation on a heated substrate under a uniform electric field [J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 211(5): 118517.
● Haojie Xu, Junfeng Wang, Bin Li, Kai Yu, Dongbao Wang, et al. CFD-DEM study of fluid flow and particle behaviors in a baffled deduster channel [J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2021, 176: 123-133.
● Piyaphong Yongphet, Junfeng Wang, Dongbao Wang, et al. Optimization of operation conditions for biodiesel preparation from soybean oil using an electric field [J]. Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery, 2021, 11: 2041–2051.
● Piyaphong Yongphet, Junfeng Wang, Tanongkiat Kiatsiriroat, Dongbao Wang, et al. Enhancement of biodiesel production from soybean oil by electric field and its chemical kinetics [J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 2020, 153: 107997.
● Piyaphong Yongphet, Dongbao Wang, Chanez Maouche, et al. Guidelines for the Sustainability of Community Energy Management under the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy [J]. Journal of Socially Engaged Scholarship, 2018, 2(1):33-48.
● Xiaoying Wang, Xiaohui Zuo, Junfeng Wang, Wei Zhang, Haojie Xu, Dongbao Wang, et al. Experimental investigation on electrostatic breakup characteristics of non-Newtonian zeolite molecular sieve suspension fluid [J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 253: 117506.
● Junfeng Wang, Yan Zhang, Jiameng Tian, Haojie Xu, Lei Zuo, Dongbao Wang, et al. Experimental investigation of electrospray cooling performance using the mixture of ethanol and R141b [J]. International Journal of Thermophysics, 2022, 43: 82.
● Hai Wang, Xin Zhao, Junfeng Wang, Zhentao Wang, Dongbao Wang, et al. Enhanced dropwise condensation on heterogeneously hybrid patterned surfaces [J]. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2021, 27: 101319.