Name: Tiemin Xuan
Title: Associate Professor/Doctor
E-mail: xuan723@ujs.edu.cn
Working Experience
February 2018 - Present Jiangsu University, Associate Professor
Education Background
● Ph.D (Sep.2014 – Dec. 2017), CMT – Motores Térmicos, Polytechnic University of Valencia
-Major: Transport propulsion system
● Master (Sep.2013 –Dec.2014), CMT – Motores Térmicos, Polytechnic University of Valencia
-Major: Internal Combustion Engine
● Master of Engineering (Sep.2010 – Dec. 2013), School of Energy and Power Engineering, Jiangsu University
-Major: Power Machinery and Engineering
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2006 - Jun.2010), Hebei University of Technology
-Major: Vehicle Engineering
Research Interests
● Optical study on spray and combustion of carbon-neutral fuels
● Machine-learning application in CFD tools
● Thermal runaway of Li-Batteries
Research Techniques and Skills
● Optical techniques: Schlieren, Mie, Chemiluminescence, PLIF, PIV, DBI…
● CFD simulation: Converge, OpenFOAM
● MATLAB application in image processing
● Development of the internal combustion engines with advanced combustion mode based on e-fuel to achieve net-zero CO2 emissions in mobility, National Key Research and Development Program of China, 01/06/2022-31/05/2025, 3000000 RMB, (2022YFE0199600, CO-PI)
● Fundamental investigation on the effects of thermal swing coatings on combustion and heat transfer characteristics during the flame/wall interaction process, National Natural Science Foundation of China, 01/01/2023-31/12/2026, 700000 RMB, (52276116, PI)
● Investigation on fuel injection and spray characteristics of Cummins injector, Cummins, 01/08/2022-31/07/2023, (PI)
● Liu Dan, Xuan Tiemin*, He Zhixia, Yao Mingfa, Payri Raul, A study on application of machine-learning on DBI soot diagnostics, Fuel, 346(2023)128292
● Xuan Tiemin, Maes Noud, García-Oliver José M., León-Ceriani Daiana De, Pachano Leonardo, He Zhixia, Combined experimental and numerical studies on soot characteristics of diesel sprays with split injection strategies, Combustion and Flame, 246(2022)112384
● Xuan Tiemin, Sun T., EL-Seesy A., et al, An optical study on spray and combustion characteristics of ternary hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel/methanol/n-octanol blends; part П: Liquid length and in-flame soot, Energy,227(2021)120543
● Xuan Tiemin, Sun T., EL-Seesy A., et al, An optical study on spray and combustion characteristics of ternary hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel/methanol/n-octanol blends; part І: spray morphology, ignition delay and flame lift-off length, Fuel, 289(2021) 119762
● Xuan Tiemin*, Desantes José M, Pastor José V, García-Oliver José M, Soot Temperature Characterization of Spray A Flames by Combined Extinction and Radiation Methodology, Combustion and flame, 204 (2019) 290-303
● Xuan Tiemin, Pastor J. V., García-Oliver J.M, García A., In-flame soot quantification of diesel sprays under sooting/non-sooting critical conditions in an optical engine, Applied Thermal Engineering,149(2019)1-10
● Xuan Tiemin, Cao J., et al., A study of soot quantification in diesel flame with hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel in a constant volume combustion chamber, Energy, 145 (2018) 691-699
● 2019 Innovative and Entrepreneurial Talents, Jiangsu Province
● 2019 Outstanding staff, Jiangsu University
● 2020 Science and technology progress award of Jiangsu Province