Name: Wenjun Zhong
Title: Associate Professor
Working Experience
May 2019 - Present Jiangsu University, Associate Professor
Jan 2021 – Oct 2023 CSSC Power Co., Ltd, Postdoctor
April 2017 - April 2019 Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Postdoctor
June 2015 - June 2016 University Polytechnic of Valencia, Research academic
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2013 – Dec. 2016)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Master of Engineering (Sep.2010 - Jun.2013)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2006 - Jun.2010)
-Major: Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
● Advanced dynamic spray and combustion mechanism
● Intelligent advanced power system
● Machine learning and its applications
● “Carbon neutral” fuel
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: (a) Constant Volume Combustion Chamber; (b) High Speed Camera; Engine
● CFD simulation: Application of Converge, Fluent and Chemkin methods in spray and engine
● National Natural Science Foundation of China. Research on the Control Mechanism of Low Load Ignition of Medium Chain Alcohol/Ultra-High Activity Biodiesel by Direct Injection Pressure Combustion;
● China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. The Key Technology of Producing High Quality Biodiesel by Continuous Thermochemical Transformation of Grease;
● National Natural Science Foundation of China. Research on Mechanism of Reactivity Stratification Controlling on Dual Fuel Coaxial Injection Combustion with Hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel/Gasoline Based on RCCI mode.
● National Natural Science Foundation of China. Study on Soot Formation Mechanism of Catalytic Hydrogenation Biodiesel in Combustion Processes;
● China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Study on Soot Formation and Model for Macromolecular Alkanes Fuel;
● China Postdoctoral Science Foundation. Study on Spray Combustion Control Mechanism of Ammonia Gas and Hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel in Dual Fuel Engine;
● Enterprise Projects. Control Mechanism of Marine Engine Ignition;
● Enterprise Projects. Development of Constant Volume Combustion Chamber System;
● Enterprise Projects. Performance Test and Combustion Performance Study of Heavy Oil Nozzle;
Foreign paper
● Wenjun Zhong, Feibin Yan, Jing Wang, Wenli Gao, Guisheng Xu, Zhixia He, Lun Hua, Qian Wang. Experimental study on combustion and emission characteristics of fatty acid methyl esters and hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel/diesel blends under world harmonized steady state cycle. Fuel 343 (2023) 127887.
● Wenjun Zhong, Qifei Yuan, Jingjing Liao, Nasreldin M Mahmoud, Zhixia He, Qian Wang. Experimental and modeling study of the autoignition characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends over low-to-intermediate temperature. Fuel 2022; 313: 122919.
● Wenjun Zhong, Nasreldin M Mahmoud, Qian Wang. Numerical study of spray combustion and soot emission of gasoline–biodiesel fuel under gasoline compression ignition-relevant conditions. Fuel 2022; 310: 122293.
● Wenjun Zhong, Qilong Xiang, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Nasreldin M Mahmoud, Bei Li, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Jianbing Sun. Experimental study on in-flame soot formation and soot emission characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Fuel 2021; 289: 119813.
● Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Qing Liu, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Yanzhi Zhang, Zhixia He*, Xingcai Lu. Experimental study the effect of injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics in gasoline compression ignition engines using gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Fuel 2020; 278 118156.
● Wenjun Zhong, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Qian Wang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Combustion and emission characteristics of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends in gasoline compression ignition engines under different loads of double injection strategies. Applied Energy 2019;251:113296.
● Wenjun Zhong, Bei Li, Zhixia He, Tiemin Xuan, Peng Lu, Qian Wang. Experimental study on spray and combustion of gasoline/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends in a constant volume combustion chamber aimed for GCI engines. Fuel 2019; 253:129-138.
● Zhong W, Pachiannan T, He Z, Xuan T, Wang Q. Experimental study of ignition, lift-off length and emission characteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends. Applied Energy 2019;235:641-52.
● Zhong W, Tamilselvan P, Wang Q, He Z, Feng H, Yu X. Experimental study of spray haracteristics of diesel/hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blended fuels under inert and reacting conditions. Energy 2018;153:349-358.
● W Zhong, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Zhuang Shao, Xicheng Tao. Experimental study of combustion and emission characteristics of diesel engine with diesel/second-generation biodiesel blending fuels. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, Vol.121, pp.241-250.
● W Zhong, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Zhuang Shao, Xicheng Tao. Experimental Study of Flow Regime Characteristics in Diesel Multi-hole Nozzles with Different Structures and Enlarged Scales. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014, Vol.59, pp.1-10.
● Feibing Yan, Wenjun Zhong*, Qilong Xiang, Wenjun Wang, Zhixia He, Qian Wang. Experimental investigation of the two-stage ignition delay and flame structure of pentanol/n-dodecane binary fuel. Energy 2023; 262: 125546.
● Xu Liu, Wenjun Zhong*, Peng Jiang, Liming Dai, Zhixia He, Qian Wang. Optimizing RCCI combustion for improved engine performance under low load conditions: Impact of low-reactivity fuel and direct injection timing. Fuel 2023; 351: 128871.
● Heng Guo, Yunlong Huang, Wenjun Zhong*, Qifei Yuan, Nasreldin. M. Mahmoud, Zhixia He & Qian Wang (2022): Development of a Reduced Gasoline/Hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel Blends Mechanism for Engine Applications, Combustion Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/00102202.2022.2158732.
● Qing Liu, Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Wenjun Zhong*, N Nallusamy, Yanzhi Zhang, Zilong Li, Yong Qian, Qian Wang, Zhixia He, Xingcai Lu. Effects of injection strategies coupled with gasoline-hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel blends on combustion and emission characteristics in GCI engine under low loads. Fuel 2022; 317: 123490.
● Tamilselvan Pachiannan, Wenjun Zhong*, Tiemin Xuan, Bei Li, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Xiong Yu. Simultaneous study on spray liquid length, ignition and combustion characteristics of diesel and hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel in a constant volume combustion chamber. Renewable Energy 2019;140: 761-771.
● Zhixia He, Wenjun Zhong, Qian Wang, Zhaochen Jiang, Zhuang Shao. Effect of Nozzle Geometrical and Dynamic Factors on Cavitating and Turbulent Flow in a Multihole Injector Nozzle. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, Vol.70, (132-143).
● Zhixia He, Wenjun Zhong, Qian Wang, Zhaochen Jiang, Yanan Fu. An investigation of transient nature of the cavitating flow in injector nozzles, Applied Thermal Engineering, Volume 54, Issue 1, 2013, Pages 56-64.
● Zhixia He, XichengTao, Wenjun Zhong, XianyinLeng, QianWang, Peng Zhao. Experimental and numerical study of cavitation inception phenomenonin diesel injector nozzles, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015(65):117-124.
● Li D, He Z, Xuan T, Zhong W. Simultaneous capture of liquid length of spray and flame lift-off length for second-generation biodiesel/diesel blended fuel in a constant volume combustion chamber, Fuel, 2017(189), pp.260-269.
● Tiemin Xuan, Jiawei Cao, Zhixia He, Qian Wang, Wenjun Zhong. A study of soot quantification in diesel flame with hydrogenated catalytic biodiesel in a constant volume combustion chamber. Energy 145 (2018) 691-699.
Chinese paper
● Zhong Wenjun, Yan Feibin, He Zhixia, Wang Qian. Ignition and Combustion Characteristics of n-Pentanol/n-Dodecane Binary Fuel. Transactions of Csice, 2023, 41(2):123-130.
● Zhong Wenjun, Yuan Qifei, Xiang Qilong, He Zhixia, Wang Qian. Experimental Study on Soot Formation Characteristics of Pentanol/N-Dodecane Blends. Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering, 2022, 43(2) :1-10.
● Li Bei, Zhong Wenjun *, He Zhixia, Shang Weiwei, Cao Jiawei, Wang Qian. Experiment on Spray, Combustion and Soot Formation with Hydrogenated Catalytic Biodiesel. Transactions of Csice, 2018, 36(5):415-421.
● Zhong Wenjun, He Zhixia, Wang Qian, Tao Xicheng, Shao Zhuang. Visualization of Cavitating Flow in Diesel Nozzles at Different Fuel Temperatures, Transactions of Csice, 2015, 33(3):238-242.
● Zhong Wenjun, He Zhixia, Wang Qian. Visualization Experiment of Cavitating flow in Nozzle with Different Amplification. Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering, 2014, 35(6) :65-69.
● Zhong Wenjun, He Zhixia, Wang Qian, Yan Yi, Shao Zhuang. Visualization Experiment of Cavitation Flow in Diesel Nozzles, Transactions of Csice, 2013, 31(5):431-435.
● He Zhixia, Zhong Wenjun, Huang Yunlong, Wang Qian. Investigation of Transient Behavior of Cavitation Flow in Injector Nozzles Affected by the Needle Movement. Transactions of Csice, 2012,30(4):336-342.
Edit and participation in the compilation of major textbook monographs
● Luo leiming,Zhong Wenjun. New energy vehicle power battery technology, higher education "15" national planning materials,associate editor,2021.
Academic and scientific achievements
● The Key Technologies for Preparation Second Generation Biodiesel and Its adaptability in Engines,Second prize for Advancement in Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province,2018.01.
● Theory, key technology and application of high pressure fuel injection cavitation spray,Second prize for Advancement in Science and Technology of Jiangsu Province,2020.12.
● Preparation of alkyl biodiesel and key technologies for engine application,First prize for China General Chamber of Commerce,2021.03
● Key technologies and engineering applications of high pressure fuel injection and spray combustion for high efficiency and low emission engines,China Industry-University-Research Cooperation Innovation Achievement Award,2021.01
● High level talent training target in“333 Project”of Jiangsu province,2021
● Training target in lifting young scientific talent project in Jiangsu association for science and technology,2021
● Excellent-young-backbone teacher of Jiangsu University,2018
● Study abroad sponsored by China (Technical University of Valencia 2015-2016)
● A device and method to joint measurement of soot precursors and soot based on optical engines. PCT/CN2020/087573;
● An optical engine to enlarging the field of view and reducing light reflection. PCT/CN2020/109159;
● A device and method to simultaneous measurement of transient fuel spray and combustion processes. Patent for invention,NO: ZL201811451299.7;
● A device and controlled method to hydraulically linked double-cylinder optical engine. Patent for invention,NO:ZL202010638507.5;
● A device and method to a rapid cavitation erosion for multi-hole nozzle of diesel engine. Patent for invention,NO: ZL201410100773.7;
● A device and method to a nanosecond flash imaging for nozzle cavitation flow. Patent for invention,NO: ZL201410101460.3;
● A self-circulation device for visualization cavitation flow in a transparent nozzle,Patent for invention,NO: ZL201310267605.2;