Name: Tao Cai
Title: Assistant Professor
E-mail: caitus@163.com
Working Experience
May 2023 - Present Jiangsu University, Assistant Professor
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2019 – Feb. 2023)
-Major: Mechanical Engineering
● Master of Engineering (Sep.2016 – Jun.2019)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2011 – Jun.2015)
-Major: Vehicle Engineering
Research Interests
● Low/zero-carbon alternative fuel combustion
● Micro combustion
● Thermoacoustic instability
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: (a) Thermal Infrared Imager; (b) High Speed Camera; (c) Flue Gas Analyzer
● CFD simulation: Application of FLUENT method in combustion
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao. Overview of Autoignition and Flame Propagation Properties for Ammonia Combustion. AIAA Journal (2023): 1-25.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, Lin Ji, and Agarwal, A. K. Removal and mechanism analysis of NOx emissions in carbon-free ammonia combustion systems with a secondary fuel injection. Fuel 344 (2023): 128088.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, and Gutmark Ephraim. Overview of Fundamental Kinetic Mechanisms and Emission Mitigation in Ammonia Combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal (2023): 141391.
● Tao Cai, and Dan Zhao. Enhancing and assessing ammonia-air combustion performance by blending with dimethyl ether. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 156 (2022): 112003.
● Tao Cai, and Dan Zhao. Temperature dependence of laminar burning velocity in ammonia/dimethyl ether-air premixed flames. Journal of Thermal Science 31.1 (2022): 189-197.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, Siew Hwa Chan, Mohammad Shahsavari. Tailoring reduced mechanisms for predicting flame propagation and ignition characteristics in ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen mixtures. 260 Energy (2022): 125090.
● Tao Cai, Sid M. Becker, Feng Cao, Bing Wang, Aikun Tang, Jianqin Fu, Lei Han, Yuze Sun, and Dan Zhao. NOx emission performance assessment on a perforated plate-implemented premixed ammonia-oxygen micro-combustion system. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021): 128033.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, Yuze Sun, Siliang Ni, Weixuan Li, Di Guan, and Bing Wang. Evaluation of NOx emissions characteristics in a CO2-Free micro-power system by implementing a perforated plate. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 145 (2021): 111150.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, and Nader Karimi. Optimizing thermal performance and exergy efficiency in hydrogen-fueled meso-combustors by applying a bluff-body. Journal of Cleaner Production 311 (2021): 127573.
● Tao Cai, Yuze Sun, and Dan Zhao. Enhancing heat transfer performance analyses of a hydrogen-fueled meso-combustor with staggered bluff-bodies. Fuel Processing Technology 218 (2021): 106867.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, Xinyan Li, Baolu Shi, and Junwei Li. Mitigating NOx emissions from an ammonia-fueled micro-power system with a perforated plate implemented. Journal of Hazardous Materials 401 (2021): 123848.
● Tao Cai, and Dan Zhao. Effects of fuel composition and wall thermal conductivity on thermal and NOx emission performances of an ammonia/hydrogen-oxygen micro-power system. Fuel Processing Technology 209 (2020): 106527.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, Bing Wang, Junwei Li, and Yiheng Guan. NOx emission and thermal performances studies on premixed ammonia-oxygen combustion in a CO2-free micro-planar combustor. Fuel 280 (2020): 118554.
● Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, and Jiaqiang E. Bluff-body effect on thermal and NOx emission characteristics in a micro-planar combustor fueled with premixed ammonia-oxygen. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 153 (2020): 107979.
● Tao Cai, Aikun Tang, Dan Zhao, Chen Zhou, and Qiuhan Huang. Flame dynamics and stability of premixed methane/air in micro-planar quartz combustors. Energy 193 (2020): 116767.
● Tao Cai, Aikun Tang, Dan Zhao, Chen Zhou, and Qiuhan Huang. Experimental observation and numerical study on flame structures, blowout limit and radiant efficiency of premixed methane/air in micro-scale planar combustors. Applied Thermal Engineering 158 (2019): 113810.
● Aikun Tang, Tao Cai, Jiang Deng, Dan Zhao, Qiuhan Huang, and Chen Zhou. Experimental study on flame structure transitions of premixed propane/air in micro-scale planar combustors. Energy 179 (2019): 558-570.
● Aikun Tang, Tao Cai, Qiuhan Huang, Jiang Deng, and Jianfeng Pan. Numerical study on energy conversion performance of micro-thermophotovoltaic system adopting a heat recirculation micro-combustor. Fuel processing technology 180 (2018): 23-31.
● Aikun Tang, Tao Cai, Jiang Deng, Yiming Xu, and Jianfeng Pan. Experimental investigation on combustion characteristics of premixed propane/air in a micro-planar heat recirculation combustor. Energy Conversion and Management 152 (2017): 65-71.