Name: Luo Ming
Title: Associate Professor
E-mail: mingluo@ujs.edu.cn
Working Experience
April 2018 – Present Jiangsu University, Associate Professor
April 2015 - March 2018, Jiangsu University, Lecturer
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering (Sep. 2009-Jan. 2015)
-Major: Power engineering and engineering Thermophysics
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep. 2005-Jul. 2009)
-Major: Thermal Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
● Chemical Looping Combustion/Hydrogen Production Technology of Coal and Biomass
● Pollutant Control Technology
● Waste Heat Recovery and Energy Conservation Technology
● Flow and Heat Transfer of Power Machinery
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: High Speed Camera
● CFD simulation: Application of FLUENT/CFX in Multiphase Flow
● Numerical calculation research and aerodynamic test verification of internal meshing cycloidal rotor expander (Enterprise project), 2023-2024;
● Assessment and repair of defects in expired toxic medium containers of Meilan Chemical Group Project (Enterprise project), 2023-2026;
● Research on the influence of nuclear power bypass diffuser on low pressure turbine (Open Project of State Key Laboratory), 2022-2024;
● Testing and analysis of sludge and experimental samples after treatment (Project of Jiangsu Academy of Environmental Sciences), 2020-2021;
● Research on the migration and transformation mechanism of sulfur during coal chemical chain gasification (open subject of State Key Laboratory), 2020-2021;
● Jiangsu University's "Youth Talent Cultivation Program" (Jiangsu University Outstanding Young Backbone Teacher Program), 2018-2021;
● Study on sulfur transformation and removal mechanism in coal direct chemical looping combustion (National Natural Science Foundation of China), 2017-2019;
● Experimental Research and System Construction of Chemical Chain Hydrogen Production from Coal and Biomass Gasification to Syngas (Jiangsu University Senior Talent Research Launch Fund), 2016-2018;
● Methods and testing to improve dust removal efficiency of dust collector (Enterprise Project), 2017-2019;
● Low Nitrogen combustion and Structural Design of gas boiler (Enterprise Project), 2017-2019;
● Ming Luo*, Ruicong Shen, Yanjun Qin, Honglin Liu, Yiran He, Qingrui Wang, Junfeng Wang, Conversion and syngas production of toluene as a biomass tar model compound in chemical looping reforming[J]. Fuel, 2023, 345: 128203. (SCI)
● Xuesheng Yan, Honglin Liu, Ming Luo*, Jianjun Cai*, Ruicong Shen. Performance of hydrogen and power co-generation system based on chemical looping hydrogen generation of coal[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48: 11180-11190. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Haiyan Zhang, Shuxiang Wang, Jianjun Cai, Yanjun Qin, Lunzheng Zhou, Syngas production by chemical looping co-gasification of rice husk and coal using an iron-based oxygen carrier[J]. Fuel, 2022, 309: 122100. (SCI)
● Zhongzheng Xiao, Shuzhong Wang*, Ming Luo, Jianjun Cai, Combustion characteristics and synergistic effects during co-combustion of lignite and lignocellulosic components under oxy-fuel condition[J]. Fuel, 2022, 310: 122399. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Yanjun Qin, Jianjun Cai, Lili Qian, Shuxiang Wang, Haiyan Zhang, Lunzheng Zhou, Peng Liu, Sulfur release and migration characteristics in chemical looping combustion of high-sulfur coal[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 151: 1-9. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Lunzheng Zhou, Cao Kuang, Chao Wang, Haiyan Zhang, Release and fate of pyritic sulfur in chemical looping combustion[J], Fuel, 2021, 285: 119213. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Lunzheng Zhou, Chao Wang, Cao Kuang. The evolution and desulfurization of sulfur in chemical looping combustion of coal[J]. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2021, DOI:10.1080/15567036.2021.1874079. (Online published) (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Lunzheng Zhou, Jianjun Cai, Haiyan Zhang, Chao Wang. Migration of sulfur in in-situ gasification chemical looping combustion of Beisu coal with iron- and copper-based oxygen carriers[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 35: 247-255. (SCI)
● Jianjun Cai*, Wenheng Zheng, Ming Luo, Cao Kuang. Evaluation of the CO2 gasification of residual char under a regeneration atmosphere via calcium-based chemical looping gasification[J]. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification, 2021, 168: 108564. (SCI)
● Cao Kuang, Shuzhong Wang*, Ming Luo, Jun Zhao*. Reactivity study and kinetic evaluation of CuO-based oxygen carriers modified by three different ores in chemical looping with oxygen uncoupling (CLOU) process[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2021, 37: 54-63. (SCI)
● Cao Kuang, Shuzhong Wang*, Ming Luo, Jun Zhao*. Mechanism analysis of coal with CuO in the in situ gasification chemical-looping combustion and in situ gasification chemical-looping with oxygen uncoupling process[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(1): 618-625. (SCI)
● Jianjun Cai*, Wenheng Zheng, Ming Luo, Xingying Tang*. Gasification of biomass waste in the moving-grate gasifier with the addition of all air into the oxidizing stage: Experimental and numerical investigation[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 147: 985-992. (SCI)
● Jianjun Cai*, Wenheng Zheng, Ming Luo, Cao Kuang, Xingying Tang*. Characterization of copper (II) chemical forms and heavy metal distribution in chemical looping gasification of municipal solid waste[J]. Journal of the energy institute, 2021, 96: 140-147. (SCI)
● Cao Kuang, Shuzhong Wang*, Song Lv, Jianjun Cai, Ming Luo, Jun Zhao*. Comparison of metallic oxide, natural ore and synthetic oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion process[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(34): 18032-18041. (SCI)
● Jianjun Cai*, Wenheng Zheng, Zheng, Shubin Wang, Jie Han, Li, Kaiqiang Li, Ming Luo, Xingying Tang*. Synergistic effects of co-gasification of municipal solid waste and biomass in fixed-bed gasifier[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 148: 1-12. (SCI)
● Jianjun Cai, Feng Yan*, Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang*. Highly stable CO2 capture performance of binary doped carbide slag synthesized through liquid precipitation method[J]. Fuel, 2020, 280: 118575. (SCI)
● Jianjun Cai, Shuzhong Wang*, Ming Luo, Donghai Xu. CO2 capture performance of Portland cement-based carbide slag and the enhancement of its CO2 capture capacity[J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 41(8): 1577-1586. (SCI)
● Cao Kuang, Shuzhong Wang*, Ming Luo, Jianjun Cai, Jun Zhao. Investigation of CuO-based oxygen carriers modified by three different ores in chemical looping combustion with solid fuels[J]. Renewable Energy, 2020, 154: 937-948. (SCI)
● Chao Wang, Ming Luo*, Lunzheng Zhou, Haiyan Zhang, Sulfur transformation behavior of inorganic sulfur-containing compounds in chemical-looping combustion[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(3): 3969-3975. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Yang Yi, Shuzhong Wang, Zhuliang Wang, Min Du, Jianfeng Pan, Qian Wang, Review of hydrogen production using chemical-looping technology[J]. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2018: 3186-3214. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Chao Wang, Yang Yi, Ke Liu, Jianjun Cai, Qian Wang. Power generation from coke oven gas using chemical looping combustion: Thermodynamic simulation[J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 41(3): 524-531. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Yang Yi, Ke Liu, Jianfeng Pan, Qian Wang*. Energy and exergy analysis of power generation systems with chemical-looping combustion of coal[J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2018, 41(4): 776-787. (SCI)
● Ming Luo*, Yang Yi, Jianjun Cai, Ke Liu, Chao Wang, Qian Wang, Comparison of the performance of iron ore and synthetic iron-based oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion of coal[J]. International Journal of Energy for a Clean Environment, 2018, 19(3-4):157-174. (EI)
● Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang⁎, Jiabin Zhu, Longfei Wang, and Mingming Lv, Capture of CO2 from coal using chemical-looping combustion: Process simulation[J]. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 32(3): 373-382. (SCI)
● Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang*, Longfei Wang, Mingming Lv, Reduction kinetics of iron-based oxygen carriers using methane for chemical-looping combustion[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2014, 270: 434-440. (SCI)
● Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang*, Jianping Yang. The scaling preventable measures of multi-effect distillation plants, 3rd International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection, Xi’an, China, 2014: 605-609. (EI)
● Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang*, Longfei Wang, Advances in chemical-looping combustion for solid fuels, 2013 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Hangzhou, China, 2013: 99-104. (EI)
● Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang*, Longfei Wang, Investigation of chemical-looping combustion of solid fuels, 2013 International Conference on Energy Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Hangzhou, China, 2013: 95-98. (EI)
● Ming Luo, Shuzhong Wang⁎, Longfei Wang, Mingming Lv, Lili Qian, Han Fu, Experimental investigation of co-combustion of coal and biomass using chemical looping technology[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2013, 110: 258-267. (SCI)
● Shuzhong Wang*, Ming Luo, Guoxian Wang, Longfei Wang, Mingming Lv, Analysis of reactivity of a CuO-based oxygen carrier for chemical looping combustion of coal[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(6): 3275-3283. (SCI)
● Shuzhong Wang*, Guoxian Wang, Feng Jiang, Ming Luo,Huiyan Li,Chemical looping combustion of coke oven gas by using Fe2O3/CuO with MgAl2O4 as oxygen carrier[J]. Energy & Environmental Science, 2010, 3(9): 1353-1360. (SCI)