Name: Yangxian Liu
Title: Full Professor
E-mail: liuyx1984@126.com
Working Experience
April 2018 - Present Jiangsu University, Full Professor
July 2014 - April 2018 Jiangsu University, Associate Professor
November 2011 - July 2014 Jiangsu University, Assistant Professor
June 2015 – June 2016 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology,Visiting Scholar
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2007 – Nov. 2011)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2003 - Jun.2007)
-Major: Building Environment and Equipment Engineering
Research Interests
● Removal of gas pollutants (SOx, NOx, heavy metals, CO, VOCs, H2S, etc.)
● Biomass and solid waste resource utilization
● Carbon dioxide capture
● Free radical advanced oxidation technology
● Adsorbent/catalyst/reactor development
● National Natural Science Foundation of China-general program (2021-2015)
● National Natural Science Foundation of China-general program (2017-2020)
● National Natural Science Foundation of China-joint program (2015-2019)
● National Natural Science Foundation of China-youth program (2013-2015)
● Other projects: six provincial and ministerial level research projects
● Other projects: eight enterprise horizontal projects and open funds of national/provincial key laboratories
Selected refereed papers (first author/corresponding author):
1.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan. Gaseous Elemental Mercury Removal Using Combined Metal Ions and Heat Activated Peroxymonosulfate/H2O2 Solutions. AIChE Journal, 2019, 1, 161–174.
2.Liu Yangxian∗, Wang Yan. Simultaneous Removal of NO and SO2 Using Aqueous Peroxymonosulfate with Coactivation of Cu2+/Fe3+ and High Temperature. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63, 1287–1302.
3.Liu Yangxian∗, Jun Zhang. Removal of NO from Flue Gas Using UV/S2O82- Process in A Novel Photochemical Impinging Stream Reactor. AIChE Journal, 2017, 63, 2968–2980.
4.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Yin Yanshan. Removal of Hg0 from Flue Gas Using Two Homogeneous Photo-Fenton-Like Reactions. AIChE Journal, 2015, 61, 1322–1333.
5.Liu Yangxian*, Pan Jianfeng, Wang Qian. Removal of Hg0 from Containing-SO2/NO Flue Gas by Ultraviolet/H2O2 Process in A Novel Photochemical Reactor. AIChE Journal, 2014, 6, 2275–2285.
6.Liu Yangxian*, Liu Lei, Wang Yan. A Critical Review on Removal of Gaseous Pollutants Using Sulfate Radical-based Advanced Oxidation Technologies. Environmental Science&Technology, 2021, 55, 9691–9710
7.Liu Yangxian*, Shan Ye, Wang Yan. Novel simultaneous removal technology of NO and SO2 using semi-dry microwave activation persulfate system. Environmental Science&Technology, 2020, 54, 2031-2042
8.Wang Yan, Han Xuan and Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Carbon Monoxide from Simulated Flue Gas Using Two New Fenton Systems: Mechanism and Kinetics. Environmental Science&Technology, 2019, 51, 11950–11959.
9.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Liu Ziyang and Wang Qian. Oxidation Removal of Nitric Oxide from Flue Gas Using UV Photolysis of Aqueous Hypochlorite. Environmental Science&Technology, 2017, 51, 11950– 11959.
10.Liu Yangxian*, Qian Wang, Jianfeng Pan. Novel Process on Simultaneous Removal of Nitric Oxide and Sulfur Dioxide Using Vacuum Ultraviolet (VUV)-Activated O2/H2O/H2O2 System in A Wet VUV-Spraying Reactor. Environmental Science&Technology, 2016, 50, 12966–12975.
11.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Qian. Removal of Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas by Thermally Activated Ammonium Persulfate in A Bubble Column Reactor. Environmental Science&Technology, 2014, 20, 12181–12189.
12.Wang Yan, Liu Yangxian*, Dou Zhifei, Ma Chi, Tang Xianggang. Simultaneous oxidation absorption of NO and Hg0 using biomass carbon-activated Oxone system under synergism of high temperature. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 310, 123212.
13.Wang Yan, Ma Chi, Liu Yangxian*. Oxidation absorption of nitric oxide from flue gas using biochar-activated peroxydisulfate technology. Fuel 2023, 337, 127189.
14.Dou Zhifei, Wang Yan, Liu Yangxian*, Zhao Yongchun*, Huang Renkun. Enhanced adsorption of gaseous mercury on activated carbon by a novel clean modification method. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 308, 122885.
15.Li Ying, Wang Yan, Dou Zhifei, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of gaseous Hg0 using biomass porous carbons modified by an environmental-friendly photochemical technique. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 457, 141152.
16.Tang Xianggang, Wu Pengju, Wang Yang*, Liu Yangxian*. Recent advances in heavy metal poisoning mechanism and regeneration methods of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) denitration catalyst. Fuel, 2024, 355, 129429.
17.Liu Yangxian*, Shi Shuo, Wang Zhihua. A novel double metal ions-double oxidants coactivation system for NO and SO2 simultaneous removal. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 432, 134398.
18.Wang Yan, Liu Yangxian*, Wang Zhihua, Wang Zhuliang. A thermally activated double oxidants advanced oxidation system for gaseous H2S removal: mechanism and kinetics. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 434, 134430.
19.Li Ying, Yu Jianglong, Liu Yangxian*, Huang Renkun, Wang Zhihua, Zhao Yongchun*. A review on removal of mercury from flue gas utilizing existing air pollutant control devices (APCDs). Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 427, 128132.
20.Zhao Yue, Liu Yangxian*. Preparation of hydrogen sulfide adsorbent derived from spent Fenton-like reagent modified biochar and its removal characteristics for hydrogen sulfide. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 238, 107495.
21.Cui Shuaibo, Zhao Yue, Liu Yangxian*, Pan Jianfeng. Preparation of copper-based biochar adsorbent with outstanding H2S adsorption capacity and study on H2S removal. Journal of the Energy Institute 2022, 105, 481-490.
22.Dou Zhifei, Chen Hui, Liu Yangxian*, Huang Renkun, Pan Jianfeng. Removal of gaseous H2S using microalgae porous carbons synthesized by thermal/microwave KOH activation. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2022, 101, 45-55.
23.Ma Chi, Zhao Yue, Chen Hui, Liu Yangxian*, Huang Renkun, Pan Jianfeng. Biochars derived from by-products of microalgae pyrolysis for sorption of gaseous H2S. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2022, 10, 107370.
24.Wang Yan, Ma Chi, Kong Dexin, Lian Liqun, Liu Yangxian*. Review on application of algae-based biochars in environmental remediation: progress, challenge and perspectives. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 2023, 11, 111263.
25.Wang Yan, Wang Ying, Liu Yangxian*. Fe2+/heat-coactivated PMS oxidation-absorption system for H2S removal from gas phase. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 286, 120458.
26.Wang Yan, Liu Lei, Liu Yangxian*. Oxidation Absorption of Hg0 in the Gas Phase Using a Double Catalyzers-Double Oxidants Coactivation Technology. Energy&Fuels, 2022, 36, 5, 2656-2665.
27.Wu Pengju, Tang Xianggang, He Zhaohui, Liu Yangxian,* and Wang Zhihua. Alkali Metal Poisoning and Regeneration of Selective Catalytic Reduction Denitration Catalysts: Recent Advances and Future Perspectives. Energy&Fuels 2022, 36, 5622-5646.
28.Shi Shuo, Liu Yangxian*. Nitrogen-doped activated carbons derived from microalgae pyrolysis by-products by microwave/KOH activation for CO2 adsorption. Fuel 2021, 306, 121762.
29.Cui Shuaibo, Zhao Yue, Liu Yangxian*, Huang Renkun, Pan Jianfeng. Preparation of Straw Porous Biochars by Microwave-Assisted KOH Activation for Removal of Gaseous H2S. Energy&Fuels 2021, 35, 18592–18603.
30.Liu Yangxian* and Yan Wang. Gaseous Elemental Mercury Removal Using VUV and Heat Coactivation of Oxone/H2O/O2 in A VUV-Spraying Reactor. Fuel, 2019, 243, 352–361.
31.Wang Yan, Liu Yangxian*, Shi Shuo. Removal of Nitric Oxide from Flue Gas Using Novel Microwave-activated Double Oxidants System. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 393, 124754.
32.Wang Yan, Wang Yong, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of gaseous hydrogen sulfide using ultraviolet/Oxone- induced oxidation scrubbing system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 393, 124740.
33.Li Ying, Liu Yangxian*, Yang Wei, Liu Lei, Pan Jianfeng. Adsorption of elemental mercury in flue gas using biomass porous carbons modified by microwave/hydrogen peroxide. Fuel 2021, 291, 120152.
34.Shi Shuo, Ochedi Friday O., Cui Shuaibo, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of CO2 from Flue Gas Using Seaweed Porous Carbons Prepared by Urea Doping and KOH Activation. Energy&Fuels, 2020, 34, 16411-16422.
35.Shi Shuo, Ochedi Friday O., Yu Jianglong, Liu Yangxian*. Porous Biochars Derived from Microalgae Pyrolysis for CO2 Adsorption. Energy&Fuels, 2021, 35, 9, 7646–7656.
36.Wang Yan, Wang Zhihua, Liu Yangxian*. Review on Removal of SO2, NOx, Mercury, and Arsenic from Flue Gas Using Green Oxidation Absorption Technology. Energy&Fuels, 2021, 35, 12, 9775–9794
37.Liu Dongjing, Li Bin, Liu Yangxian*, Wu Jiang*. Copper Sulfide-Loaded Boron Nitride Nanosheet for Elemental Mercury Removal from Simulated Flue Gas. Energy&Fuels, 2021, 35, 2234-2242.
38.Wang Yan, Yu Jianglong, Wang Zhihua, Liu Yangxian*, Zhao Yongchun*. A Review on Arsenic Removal from Coal Combustion: Advances, Challenges and Opportunities. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 3, 128785.
39.Liu Yangxian*, Shi Shuo, Wang Yan. Removal of pollutants from gas streams using Fenton (-like)-based oxidation systems: A review. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 416, 125927.
40.Liu Yangxian* and Wang Yan. Removal of Hg0 from Simulated Flue Gas by Ultraviolet Light/Heat/ Persulfate Process in an UV-Impinging Stream Reactor. Energy&Fuels, 2018, 32, 12416–12425.
41.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan. Removal of Gaseous Hydrogen Sulfide by a Photo-Fenton Wet Oxidation Scrubbing System. Energy&Fuels, 2019, 33, 10812–10819.
42.Dongjing Liu, Chaoen Li, Jiang Wu, Yangxian Liu*. Novel Carbon-based Sorbents for Elemental Mercury Removal from Gas Streams: A Review. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 27, 123514.
43.Ding Shuai, Liu Yangxian*. Adsorption of CO2 from flue gas by novel seaweed-based KOH-activated porous biochars. Fuel, 2020, 342, 326–334.
44.Yang Wei, Chen Hui, Han Xuan, Ding Shuai, Shan Ye, Liu Yangxian*. Preparation of magnetic Co-Fe modified porous carbon from agricultural wastes by microwave and steam activation for mercury removal. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 342, 326–334.
45.Wang Yan, Wang Yong, Liu Yangxian*. Absorption of H2S from Gas Streams by the Wet Ultraviolet/Persulfate Oxidation Process: Mechanism and Kinetics. Energy&Fuels 2020, 34, 8037−8045.
46.Yang Wei, Wang Zhihua, Liu Yangxian*. Review on Magnetic Adsorbents for Removing Hg0 from Flue gas. Energy&Fuels 2020, 34, 13473−13490.
47.Yang Wei, Li Ying, Shi Shuo, Chen Hui, Shan Ye and Liu Yangxian*. Mercury removal from flue gas by magnetic iron-copper oxide modified porous char derived from biomass materials. Fuel, 2019, 256, 115977.
48.Yang Wei, Xu Wen, Liu Ziyang, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas using sargassum chars modified by NH4Br reagent. Fuel, 2018, 214, 196–206.
49.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan. Elemental mercury removal from flue gas using heat and Co2+/Fe2+ coactivated oxone oxidation system. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 348, 464–475.
50.Yang Wei, Liu Yangxian∗, Wang Qian, Pan Jianfeng. Removal of elemental mercury from flue gas using wheat straw chars modified by Mn-Ce mixed oxides with ultrasonic-assisted impregnation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326, 169–181.
51.Liu Yangxian*, Xu Wen, Zhao Liang, Wang Yan, Zhang Jun. Absorption of NO and Simultaneous Absorption of SO2/NO Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Light/Ultrasound/KHSO5 System. Energy&Fuels, 2017, 31, 12364–12375.
52.Yang Wei, Arshad Hussain, Zhang Jun, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas Using Red Mud Impregnated by KBr and KI Reagent. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 341, 483–494.
53.Xu Wen, Hussain Arshad, Liu Yangxian*. A Review on Modification Methods of Adsorbents for Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 346, 692–711.
54.Xu Wen, Adewuyi Yusuf G., Liu Yangxian*, Wang Qian. Removal of Elemental Mercury from Flue Gas Using CuOx and CeO2 Modified Rice Straw Chars Enhanced by Ultrasound. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 170, 21–31.
55.Liu Ziyang, Yang Wei, Xu Wen, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Elemental Mercury by Bio-chars Derived from Sargassum and Enteromorpha Impregnated with Potassium Iodine. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 339, 468–478.
56.Liu Ziyang, Adewuyi Yusuf G., Shi Shuo, Chen Hui, Li Ying, Liu Dongjing, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Gaseous Hg0 Using Novel Seaweed Biomass-based Activated Carbon. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 366, 41–49.
57.Shan Ye, Liu Yangxian*, Li Ying, Yang Wei. A review on application of cerium-based oxides in gaseous pollutant purification. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 250, 117181.
58.Ochedi Friday O., Liu Yangxian*, Hussain Arshad. A review on coal fly ash-based adsorbents for mercury and arsenic removal. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 267, 122143.
59.Liu Yangxian*,Wang Yan, Zhao Liang, Pan Jianfeng*, Wang Qian and Jun Zhang. Removal of NO in Flue Gas Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Light/Ultrasound/Chlorine in A VUV-US Coupled Reactor. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 169, 226–235.
60.Xu Wen, Pan Jianfeng, Fan Baowei, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of Gaseous Elemental Mercury Using Seaweed Chars Impregnated by NH4Cl and NH4Br. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 216, 277–287.
61.Wang Yan, Wang Zhuliang, Liu Yangxian*. Oxidation Absorption of Gaseous H2S Using Fenton-Like Advanced Oxidation Systems. Energy&Fuels, 2018, 11, 11289–11295.
62.Liu Yangxian∗, Wen Xu, Jianfeng Pan, Qian Wang. Oxidative Removal of NO from Flue Gas Using Ultrasound, Mn2+/Fe2+ and Heat Coactivation of Oxone in An Ultrasonic Bubble Reactor. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 326, 1166−1176.
63.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Wang Qian, Pan Jianfeng, Jun Zhang. Simultaneous Removal of NO and SO2 Using Vacuum Ultraviolet Light (VUV)/Heat/Peroxymonosulfate (PMS). Chemosphere, 2018, 190, 431– 441.
64.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Yin Yanshan, Pan Jianfeng and Zhang Jun. Oxidation Removal of Nitric Oxide from Flue Gas Using Ultraviolet Light (UV) and Heat Coactivated Oxone System. Energy&Fuels, 2018, 32, 1999–2008.
65.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Wang Qian, Pan Jianfeng∗, Zhang Yongchun, Zhang Jun. A Study on Removal of Elemental Mercury in Flue Gas using Fenton Solution. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2015, 292, 164– 172.
66.Liu Yangxian*, Zhang Jun, Yin Yanshan. Study on absorption of elemental mercury from flue gas by UV/H2O2: Process parameters and reaction mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 249, 72–78.
67.Liu Yangxian*, Pan Jianfeng*, Tang Aikun, Wang Qian. A Study on Mass Transfer–Reaction Kinetics of NO Absorption by Using UV/H2O2/NaOH Process. Fuel, 2013, 108, 254–260.
68.Liu Yangxian∗, Adewuyi Yusuf G.*. A review on removal of elemental mercury from flue gas using advanced oxidation process: Chemistry and process. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2016, 112, 199–250.
69.Liu Yangxian*, Wang Yan, Yang Wei, Pan Zhenhua, Wang Qian. Simultaneous Oxidation-Absorption of Nitric oxide and Sulfur dioxide Using Aqueous Ammonium Persulfate Synergistically Activated by UV-Light and Heat. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2018, 130, 321–333.
70.Friday O. Ochedi, Liu Yangxian*, Adewuyi Yusuf G*. State-of-the-art review on capture of CO2 using adsorbents prepared from waste materials. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2020, 139, 1–25.
71.Liu Dongjing, Li Bin, Wu Jiang, Liu Yangxian*. Photocatalytic oxidation removal of elemental mercury from flue gas: A review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 18, 417–431.
72.Liu Dongjing, Li Bin, Wu Jiang, Liu Yangxian*. Removal of elemental mercury from industrial gas emissions using sulides and selenides: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters 2021, 19, 1395-1411.
73.Ochedi Friday O., Liu Dongjing, Yu Jianglong, Hussain Arshad, Liu Yangxian*. Photocatalytic, electrocatalytic and photoelectrocatalytic conversion of carbon dioxide: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2021, 19, 941-967.
74.Ochedi Friday O., Yu Jianglong, Yu Hai, Liu Yangxian*, Hussain Arshad. Carbon dioxide capture using liquid absorption methods: a review. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2021, 19, 77–109.
75.Yang Wei, Adewuyi Yusuf G.*, Hussain Arshad, Liu Yangxian*. Recent developments on gas-solid heterogeneous oxidation removal of elemental mercury from flue gas. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2019, 1, 319–347.
76.Liu Dongjing, Wang Qian, Wu Jiang* and Liu Yangxian*. A Review of Sorbents for High-temperature Hydrogen Sulfide Removal from Hot Coal Gas. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2019, 1, 259–276.
77.Liu Dongjing, Li Bin, Wu Jiang and Liu Yangxian*. A review on sorbents for hydrogen sulfide capture from biogas at low temperature. Environmental Chemistry Letters, 2020, 1, 211–225.
78.Liu Yangxian*, Pan Jianfeng*, Zhang Jun, Tang Aikun and Liu Yong. Study on Mass Transfer-Reaction Kinetics of NO Removal from Flue Gas by Using UV/Fenton-Like Reaction. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2012, 51, 12065−12072.
79.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Sheng Changdong. Study on Kinetics of NO Removal from Simulated Flue Gas by Wet UV/H2O2 dvanced Oxidation Process. Energy&Fuels, 2011, 25, 1547–1552.
80.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Sheng Changdong, ZhangYongchun and Zhao Liang. Simultaneous removal of NO and SO2 from coal-fired flue gas by UV/H2O2 advanced oxidation process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2010, 162, 1006–1011.
Selected Invention Patents (authorized by State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China /first inventor)
1.Liu Yangxian, Pan jianfeng, Wang Qian, Liu Yong, Ruan Xiaojiao, Zhang Yongchun. Method and device for optical radiation electrolysis coupling demercuration. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610605948.9
2.Liu Yangxian, Pan jianfeng, Shao Xia, Wang Qian, Zhang Yongchun, Ding Haifeng, Hao Jiangang. Method and apparatus for removing hydrogen sulfide by photoelectrolysis and induction of free radicals. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610609496.1
3.Liu Yangxian, Zhan Jun, Wang Yan, Zhang Yongchun, Tang Aikun, Ding Haifeng, Hao Jiangang. Method and device for simultaneously desulfurizing, denitrifying and removing mercury by light excitation electrolysis. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610605185.8
4.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Wang Qian, Liu Yong, Xie Fang, Hao Jiangang. Method and apparatus for removing hydrogen sulfide through chlorine gas aqueous solution photolysis induction free radical. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610609500.4
5.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Pan Jianfeng, Wang Qian, Zhang Yongchun, Ding Haifeng. Method and device for photolysis of hypochlorous acid and simultaneous desulfurization, denitrification and demercuration. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610606789.4
6.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Zhu Yuejin, Ding Haifeng, Zhang Yongchun. Method and device for removing VOCs from photoelectrolysis induced free radicals. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610240434.8
7.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Pan Zhenhua, Liu Yong, Xie Fang. Method and device for removing VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) in waste gas by light radiation on chlorine atoms and hydroxyl. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610239751.8
8.Liu Yangxian. Method and device for integrally removing multiple pollutants in tail gas through plant ash seriflux. China Invention Patent, 2018: ZL201610225317.4
9.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Tang Aikun, Zhao Liang. Ozone combined photo-excited peroxide VOCs (volatile organic chemicals) purification system and method. China Invention Patent, 2017: ZL201510190236.0
10.Liu Yangxian, Pan Jianfeng, Pan Zhenhua. VOCs removing method based on free radical advanced oxidation. China Invention Patent, 2017: ZL201510191214.6
11.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Shao Xia, Zhao Liang. Hydrogen sulfide removing system based on photochemistry atomizing bed. China Invention Patent, 2017: ZL 201510216430.1
12.Liu Yangxian. Simultaneous desulfurization, denitrification and demercuration optical radiation method for ozone and hydrogen peroxide. China Invention Patent, 2017: ZL201510191175.X
13.Liu Yangxian, Zhan Jun, Pan Jianfeng. System and method for desulfurizing, denitrifying and removing mercury based on photoactivation ammonium persulfate. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201310683135.8
14.Liu Yangxian, Pan Jianfeng, Tang Aikun. System and method for desulfurization and denitrification by high temperature activating of sodium persulfate through flue gas afterheat. China Invention Patent, 2015: ZL201310683163.X
15.Liu Yangxian, Zhan Jun, Pan Jianfeng. Method and system for removing mercury from optical flue with air cooling device. China Invention Patent, 2015: ZL201310684668.8
16.Liu Yangxian, Pan Jianfeng, Tang Aikun. Method and system for removing flue gas mercury based on ultrasonic excitation of sodium persulfate. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201310687780.7
17.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Zhan Jun. Method for purifying flue gas through activating persulfate by ozone, and apparatus thereof. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201410240142.5
18.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Zhan Jun. Method and system for purifying flue gas by inducing free radicals by virtue of ozone and hydrogen peroxide. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201410214503.9
19.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Zhang Jun, Ruan Xiaojiao. Method for simultaneous desulfurization denitrification and mercury removal based on hydroxyl and sulphate radical oxidation. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201510190593.7
20.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Pan Jianfeng. Seaweed gel based desulfurization,denitrification and demercuration method and preparation method of seaweed gel. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL20141065550 9. X
21.Liu Yangxian, Tang Aikun, Wang Yan. Hydrogen sulfide removal method based on photocatalytic spraying. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201510191673.4
22.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Wang Yan. Method for removing carbon dioxide by semidry method based on straw ash. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201410653837.6
23.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Sheng Changdong, Zhang Yongchun. Photochemical advanced oxygenation-based simultaneous desulfuration and denitration system. China Invention Patent, 2012: ZL201010296492.5
24.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Sheng Changdong, Zhang Yongchun. Flue gas mercury removal system based on photochemical advanced oxidation. China Invention Patent, 2012: ZL201010296592.8
25.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Wang Yan. Algae-char-impact-tower-based mercury removal method and preparation method of algae char. China Invention Patent, 2016: ZL201410652245.2
26.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Pan Jianfeng. Method and device for simultaneous desulfurization, denitration, mercury removal and decarbonization using UV radiation sodium hypochlorite. China Invention Patent, 2017: ZL201610239826.2
27.Liu Yangxian, Zhang Jun, Ruan Xiaojiao, Liu Yong. Method for simultaneous desulfurization- denitrification -demercuration based on combination of free radical pre-oxidation and wet absorption. China Invention Patent, 2019: ZL201510192027X
28.Liu Yangxian, Xu Wen, Wang Yan, Zhang Yongchun, Wang Zhihua, Zhang Jun. Demercuration method and system for flue gas in virtue of free radicals induced by microwave ammonium persulfate excited fly ash. China Invention Patent, 2019: ZL201710919050.3
29.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Xu Wen, Zhang Jun. Method and system for removing VOCs (volatile organic compounds) by using microwave-activated peroxide spray to induce free radicals. China Invention Patent, 2019: ZL201710919043.3
30.Liu Yangxian, Wang Yan, Yang Wei, Wang Zhihua, Zhang Jun. Multi-pollutant combined removal method and system based on microwave spraying activated radicals. China Invention Patent, 2019: ZL 201710913946.0