Name: Yongqiang Feng
Title: Associate Professor
E-mail:hitfengyq@gmail.com; yqfeng@ujs.edu.cn
Working Experience
June 2019-present: Associate Professor, Jiangsu University
December 2022-December 2023: Senior Visit Assistant, Imperial College London
October 2018-January 2019: Senior Visit Assistant, City University of HongKong
October 2016- May 2019: Lecture, Jiangsu University
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2011 – July. 2016), Harbin Institute of Technology
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Master of Engineering (Sep.2008 – July. 2011), Lanzhou University of Technology
-Major: Fluid Mechanics
● Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2004 – July. 2008), Zhongyuan University of Technology.
-Major: Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
● Thermodynamic system
● Heat and Mass Transfer
● Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: (a) ORC test; (b) Heat transfer test
● CFD simulation: Application of FLUENT in Expander
● Matlab simulation: Application of machine learning in thermodynamic system
● National Natural Science Foundation of China (51806081), 01/2019-12/2021, Principal Investigator
● Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province (BK20180882), 07/2018-06/2021, Principal Investigator
● Open Foundation Program of Key Laboratory of Efficient Utilization of Low and Medium Grade Energy (Tianjin University), the Ministry of Education of China (201806-402), 01/2018-12/2019, Project Participant
Books and Chapter:
[1]Tzu-Chen Hung, Yong-Qiang Feng. Innovative Research in the Organic Rankine Cycle. Impact 2020 (6), 76-78.
[2]Yong-Qiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung. Waste-to-Energy: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives towards Circular Economy. 2021, (Accepted)
[3]Tzu-Chen Hung, Yong-qiang Feng. The Development and Application of a Small-Scale Organic Rankine Cycle for Waste Heat Recovery. ORC for Waste Heat Recovery Applications. IntechOpen, 2019. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88208.
[4]Shuang Wang, Yongqiang Feng, Abd El-Fatah Abomohra. Renewable Energy. Jiangsu University Press, 2018.
Papers in International Journals:
[5]Yong-qiang Feng, Qiang Zhang, Yu-zhuang Liu, Hui-jie Liang, Yuan-yuan Lu, Zhi-xia He, Qian Wang. Experimental investigation on stability and evaluation of nanorefrigerant applied on organic Rankine cycle system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023: 121683.
[6]Yong-qiang Feng, Hui-jie Liang, Kang-jing Xu, Yu Wang, Yuanyuan Lu, Chih-Hung Lin, Tzu-Chen Hung*. Experimental study on the performance of a great progress 10 kW organic Rankine cycle for low-grade heat source based on scroll-type expander. Energy, 2023: 128627.
[7]Yong-qiang Feng, Fei-yang Zhang, Jing-wei Xu, Zhi-xia He*, Qiang Zhang, Kang-jing Xu. Parametric analysis and multi-objective optimization of biomass-fired organic Rankine cycle system combined heat and power under three operation strategies. Renewable Energy, 2023, 208: 431-449.
[8]Yong-qiang Feng, Kang-jing Xu, Qiang Zhang, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Zhi-xia He, Huan Xi, Nabeel Rasheed. Experimental investigation and machine learning optimization of a small-scale organic Rankine cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023: 120120.
[9]Yong-qiang Feng, Qiang Zhang, Kang-Jing Xu, Chun-Ming Wang, Zhi-Xia He, Tzu-Chen Hung*. Operation characteristics and performance prediction of a 3 kW organic Rankine cycle (ORC) with automatic control system based on machine learning methodology. Energy, 2023: 125857.
[10]Yong-qiang Feng, Rui-Jing Shi, Yu-Zhuang Liu, Xin Wang, Xiu-Zhi Wu, Xiang-Ling Huang, Zhi-Xia He, Tzu-Chen Hung*. Flow and heat transfer characteristics of nano-organic working fluid during evaporation for organic Rankine cycle. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 218: 119310.
[11]Yong-qiang Feng, Jing-wei Xu, Zhi-xia He*, Tzu-Chen Hung, Meng Shao, Fei-yang Zhang. Numerical simulation and optimal design of scroll expander applied in a small-scale organic Rankine cycle. Energy, 2022: 124981.
[12]Yong-qiang Feng, Yu Wang, Lin Yao, Jing-wei Xu, Fei-yang Zhang, Zhi-xia He*, Qian Wang, Jian-long Ma. Parametric analysis and thermal-economical optimization of a parallel dual pressure evaporation and two stage regenerative organic Rankine cycle using mixture working fluids. Energy, 2023: 125670.
[13]Yongqiang Feng, Yu-Zhuang Liu, Xin Wang, Zhi-Xia He*, Tzu-Chen Hung**, Qian Wang, Huan Xi. Performance prediction and optimization of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) for waste heat recovery using back propagation neural network. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 226, 113552.
[14]Yongqiang Feng, Xin Wang, Hassan Niaz, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Zhi-xia He**, Alvi Jahan Zeb, Huan Xi. Experimental comparison of the performance of basic and regenerative organic Rankine cycles. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 223, 113459.
[15]Yongqiang Feng, Wei Zhang, Hassan Niaz, Zhi-xia He*, Shuang Wang**, Xin Wang, Yu-zhuang Liu. Parametric analysis and thermo-economical optimization of a Supercritical-Subcritical organic Rankine cycle for waste heat utilization. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 212, 112773.
[16]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Ya-Ling He, Qian Wang**, Shih-Chi Chen, Shang-Lun Wu, Chih-Hung Lin. Experimental investigation of lubricant oil on a 3kW organic Rankine cycle (ORC) using R123. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 182: 340-350.
[17]Yongqiang Feng, Qian-hao Luo, Qian Wang*, Shuang Wang**, Zhi-xia He, Wei Zhang, Xin Wang, Qing-song An. Entropy and Entransy Dissipation Analysis of a Basic Organic Rankine Cycles (ORCs) to Recover Low-Grade Waste Heat Using Mixture Working Fluids. Entropy, 2018, 20(11): 818.
[18]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Shang-Lun Wu, Chih-Hung Lin, Bing-Xi Li*, Kuo-Chen Huang, Jiang Qin. Operation characteristic of a R123-based organic Rankine cycle depending on working fluid mass flow rates and heat source temperatures. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 131: 55-68.
[19]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Ya-Ling He, Qian Wang*, Shuang Wang, Bing-xi Li, Jaw-Ren Lin, Wenping Zhang. Operation characteristic and performance comparison of organic Rankine cycle (ORC) for low-grade waste heat using R245fa, R123 and their mixtures. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 144: 153-163.
[20]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Ting-Ying Su, Shuang Wang, Qian Wang**, Shih-Cheng Yang, Jaw-Ren Lin, Chih-Hung Lin. Experimental investigation of a R245fa-based organic Rankine cycle adapting two operation strategies: stand alone and grid connect. Energy, 2017, 141: 1239-1253.
[21]Yongqiang Feng, Ya-ning Zhang, Bing-xi Li*, Jin-fu Yang, Yang Shi. Sensitivity analysis and thermoeconomic comparison of ORCs (organic Rankine cycles) for low temperature waste heat recovery. Energy, 2015, 82: 664-677.
[22]Yongqiang Feng, Ya-ning Zhang, Bing-xi Li*, Jin-fu Yang, Yang Shi. Comparison between regenerative organic Rankine cycle (RORC) and basic organic Rankine cycle (BORC) based on thermoeconomic multi-objective optimization considering exergy efficiency and levelized energy cost (LEC). Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 96: 58-71.
[23]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung, Ya-ning Zhang, Bing-xi Li*, Jin-fu Yang, Yang Shi. Performance comparison of low-grade organic Rankine cycles (ORCs) using R245fa, pentane and their mixtures based on the thermoeconomic multi-objective optimization and decision makings. Energy, 2015, 99: 2018-2029.
[24]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung, Kowalski Greg, Ya-ning Zhang*, Bing-xi Li**, Jin-fu Yang. Thermoeconomic comparison between pure and mixture working fluids for low-grade organic Rankine cycles (ORCs). Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 106: 859-872.
[25]Jahan Zeb Alvi, Yongqiang Feng*, Qian Wang**, Muhammad Imran, Gang Pei. Effect of Phase Change Materials on the performance of direct vapor generation solar organic Rankine cycle system. Energy, 2021, 223: 120006.
[26]Jahan Zeb Alvi, Yongqiang Feng*, Qian Wang**, Muhammad Imran, Gang Pei. Effect of working fluids on the performance of phase change material storage based direct vapor generation solar organic Rankine cycle system. Energy Reports, 2021, 7: 348-361.
[27]Kuo-Cheng Pang, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Ya-Ling He, Yongqiang Feng**, Chih-Hung Lin, Kin-Wah Wong. Developing ORC engineering simulator (ORCES) to investigate the working fluid mass flow rate control strategy and simulate long-time operation. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 203: 112206.
[28]Jahan Zeb Alvi, Yongqiang Feng*, Qian Wang**, Muhammad Imran, Junaid Alvi. Modelling, simulation and comparison of phase change material storage based direct and indirect solar organic Rankine cycle systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 170, 114780.
[29]Jahan Zeb Alvi, Yongqiang Feng*, Qian Wang**, Muhammad Imran, Lehar Asip Khan, Gang Pei. Effect of Phase Change Material Storage on the Dynamic Performance of a Direct Vapor Generation Solar Organic Rankine Cycle System. Energies, 2020, 13(22): 5904.
[30]Shuang Wang, Wei Zhang, Yongqiang Feng*, Xin Wang, Qian Wang, Yu-Zhuang Liu, Yu Wang, Lin Yao. Entropy, Entransy and Exergy Analysis of a Dual-Loop Organic Rankine Cycle (DORC) Using Mixture Working Fluids for Engine Waste Heat Recovery. Energies, 2020, 13(6): 1301.
[31]Xin Wang, Yongqiang Feng*, Tzu-Chen Hung**, Zhi-xia He, Chih-Hung Lin, Muhammad Sultan. Investigating the System Behaviors of a 10 kW Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) Prototype Using Plunger Pump and Centrifugal Pump. Energies, 2020, 13(5): 1141.
[32]Chih-Hung Lin, Pei-Pei Hsu, Ya-Ling He, Yong Shuai, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Yongqiang Feng**, Yu-Hsuan, Change. Investigations on experimental performance and system behavior of 10 kW organic Rankine cycle using scroll-type expander for low-grade heat source. Energy, 2019, 177: 94-105.
[33]Shih-Cheng Yang, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Yongqiang Feng**, Chia-Jung Wu, Kin-Wah Wong, Kuo-Chen Huang. Experimental investigation on a 3 kW organic Rankine cycle for low-grade waste heat under different operation parameters. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 113: 756-764.
[34]Kuo-Cheng Pang, Shih-Chi Chen, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Yongqiang Feng**, Shih-Cheng Yang, Kin-Wah Wong, Jaw-Ren Lin. Experimental study on organic Rankine cycle utilizing R245fa, R123 and their mixtures to investigate the maximum power generation from low-grade heat. Energy, 2017, 133: 636-651.
[35]Yu-Chun Tsai, Yong-Qiang Feng, Yong Shuai, Jhao-Hong Lai, Michael K.H. Leung, Yen Wei, Hua-Yi Hsu, Tzu-Chen Hung. Experimental validation of a 0.3 kW ORC for the future purposes in the study of low-grade thermal to power conversion. Energy, 2023, online
Selected Papers in peer-reviewed conferences:
[36]Yongqiang Feng. Experimental comparison of a 3 kW organic Rankine cycle (ORC) using pure and mixture working fluids. The 5th Jiangsu-Europe International Conference on New Energy. 2019, Nanjing, China.
[37]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*,Qian Wang, Chih-Hung Lin, Shuang Wang. Thermo-environmental optimization of a cascaded organic Rankine cycle (CORC) using mixture working fluids. The 2nd International Conference on Mechanics (ICM2018). Yilan, Taiwan, 2018, 10. 15-18.
[38]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Qian Wang, Chih-Hung Lin, Shuang Wang. Experimental investigation of lubricant oil on 3 kW organic Rankine cycle (ORC) using R123. 3rd International Symposium of Fluids & Thermal Engineering. Ningbo, China, 2017, 12, 17-19.
[39]Yongqiang Feng, Tzu-Chen Hung*, Qian Wang. Experimental study of 3kW organic Rankine cycle from ICE. Conference of energy conservation and emission reduction. Shanghai, China, 2017, 12.03-04.
Granted patents:
[1]Yongqiang Feng, Xin Wang, Shuang Wang, Qiang Wang, Zhixia He. A series two-stage evaporation organic Rankine cycle system with mixed preheating. Application Date: 17/01/2019, Authorization Date: 17/09/2019, Utility model, Patent No. 201920078350.8 (CN). PCT
Awards and honours:
● Second prize of Heilongjiang Province Science and Technology Award, as shown in Fig. 1, by Department of science and technology of Heilong Jiang Province, 2020
● The third-level training target of the sixth "High-level Talent Training Project" of Jiangsu Province, by Jiangsu Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security, 2022
● 2019 Research scholarship of KCORC, by Knowledge Center Organic Rankine Cycle, 2019
● Vice president of science and technology of Innovation and entrepreneurship plan of Jiangsu Province, by Department of science and technology of Jiangsu Provincial, 2020
● Keynote speaker in Engineering thermodynamics and energy utilization branch of China Annual Conference on Engineering Thermophysics, 2021
● Keynote speaker in IWTFSE2019, 2019
● Guest Editor of the Special Issue on Recent Advances in Performance of Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) in Energies