Name: Wang Jue
Gender : Male
Title: Associate Professor
E-mail:csu871216@126.com; wangjue@ujs.edu.cn
Supervisor: Master Advisor
Awards: Jiangsu Province Innovation and Entrepreneurship Talents
Working Experience
Jan. 2021 - Present Jiangsu University, Associate Professor
Apr. 2019 - Dec. 2020 Tokyo University, Postdoctor
Jun. 2016 - Jun. 2017 Hokkaido University, Trainee
Education Background
● Doctor of Engineering from Harbin Institute of Technology (Sep.2015 – Dec. 2018)
-Major: Engineering Thermophysics
● Master of Engineering from Tianjin University (Sep.2012 - Jun.2015)
-Major: Engineering Thermophysics
● Bachelor of Engineering from Central South University (Sep.2006 - Jun.2010)
-Major: Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
● Gas-liquid phase changing (Fortran programming, Visual experiment)
● Charged multiphase flow(Electric field, Nanofluid)
● Solar thermal utilization (Photothermal effect, Nanofluid)
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: (a) Visual experiment; (b) High Speed Camera
● LBM simulation: (a) Fortran programming; (b) Phase changing model
● Study on multi-field coupling mechanism of viscoelastic magnetic nanofluid light-absorbing boiling under non-uniform CPPM electric field, Sponsor: National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), No. 52206200, 2022.01-2025.12, ¥300,000 CNY, Leader
● The synergistic regulation mechanism of viscoelastic magnetic nanofluid light-absorbing boiling under multiple coupled fields, Sponsor: “Double-Entrepreneurial Plan” in Jiangsu Province, 2023.01-2024.12, ¥150,000 CNY, Leader
● Study on spiral flow boiling heat transfer of surfactant solutions, Sponsor: Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety, Ministry of Education, No. ares-2021-03, 2021.10-2023.10, ¥15,000 CNY, Leader
● Study on the heat transfer characteristics of spiral flow boiling in surfactant solutions, Sponsor: Jiangsu University Science Foundation, No.21jdgd024, 2021.06-2024.06, ¥70,000 CNY, Leader
● Study on the mechanism of CPPM electric field enhancing pool boiling heat transfer of nanofluid, Sponsor: Key Laboratory of Advanced Reactor Engineering and Safety, Ministry of Education, No.ares-2022-05, 2022.11-2024.11, ¥50,000 CNY, key project participant(rank 2)
● Wang Jue, Wang Zhentao, He Sirong, Li Bin, Wang Junfeng. Marangoni effect on the size of dry spot and CHF in saturated pool boiling of pure water and RB solution, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 141 (2023) 106601.
● Wang Jue, Cheng Yi, Li Xiaobin, Li Fengchen. Experimental and LBM simulation study on the effect of bubbles merging on flow boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 132 (2019) 1053-1061.
● Wang Jue, Hiroto Sakashita, Li Fengchen, Michitsugu Mori. Heat transfer and CHF in subcooled flow boiling of aqueous surfactant solutions, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 93 (2018) 131-138.
● Wang Jue, Li Fengchen. Experimental study on the characteristics of CHF and pressure fluctuations of surfactant solution flow boiling, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 115 (2017) 1004-1010.
● Wang Jue, Li Fengchen, Li Xiaobin. On the mechanism of boiling heat transfer enhancement by surfactant addition, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 101 (2016) 800-806.
● Wang Jue, Li Fengchen, Li Xiaobin. Bubble explosion in pool boiling around a heated wire in surfactant solution, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 99 (2016) 569-575.
● Dai Chuanshan, Wang Jue. External natural convection from a Joule heated horizontal platinum wire in water at low Rayleigh number, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 93 (2016) 754-759.
● Dai Chuanshan, Wang Jue. Mechanism of natural convection around heated microwire at low Rayleigh number, Journal of Chemical Industry and Engineering 66(7) 2015 2420-2425.