Name: Ning Mao
Title: Qualified Associate Professor
E-mail: maoning@ujs.edu.cn
Working Experience
May. 2022 - Present Jiangsu University, Qualified Associate Professor
Education Background
● Gyeongsang National University, Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2018 – Feb. 2022)
-Major: Mechanical Engineering
● Jiangsu University, Doctor of Engineering (Sep.2018 – Jun. 2022)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics
● Jiangsu University, Master of Engineering (Sep.2016 - Jun.2018)
-Major: Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysicss
● Jiangsu University, Bachelor of Engineering (Sep.2012 - Jun.2016)
-Major: Energy and Power Engineering
Research Interests
● Hydrodynamic Cavitation
● Gas/Liquid Multiphase Flow
● Hydraulic Model Development and Optimization of Pumps
Research Techniques and Skills
● Experimental techniques: (a) PIV; (b) High Speed Camera
● CFD simulation: Application of FLUENT, CFX in Multiphase Flow
● National Natural Science Foundation of China
● National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, China
● Talent innovation and entrepreneurship of Jiangsu Province, China
● China Postdoctoral Science Foundation
● Ning Mao, Amirah Nabilah Azman, Guangxin Ding, Yubo Jin, Can Kang, Hyoung-Bum Kim, Black-box real-time identification of sub-regime of gas-liquid flow using Ultrasound Doppler Velocimetry with deep learning. Energy. 2022, 239PD: 122319.
● Ning Mao, Can Kang, Kejin Ding, Qian Cao, Gas-liquid two-phase flow patterns in the wake of a submerged nozzle under co-flow condition. International Journal of Multiphase Flow. 2021, 138: 103604.
● Ning Mao, Can Kang, Shuang Teng, Christian Mulbah, Formation and detachment of the enclosing water film as a bubble passes through the water-oil interface. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2020, 586: 124236.
● Ning Mao, Can Kang, Shuang Teng, Christian Mulbah, Quantitative characterization of bubble evolution in mineral oil for different air-injection nozzles. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2020, e2446.
● Ning Mao, Can Kang, Wisdom Opare, Yang Zhu. Hydrodynamics features of dispersed bubbles in the ventilated wake flow of a cylinder. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 26(9):1803-1813.
● Ning Mao,Can Kang,Mingming Zhou. POD Analysis of Submerged Jet Structure and Cavitation Cloud Evolution. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2019, 40(9): 2036-2042.
● Can Kang, Ning Mao, Kejin Ding, Changjiang Li. Characteristic gas cavity patterns formed with gas injection into horizontally co-flowing water. Journal of Applied Physics. 2021, 130(20):204701.
● Can Kang, Ning Mao, Wenbing Zhang, Yiping Gu. The influence of blade configuration on cavitation performance of a condensate pump. Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2017, 110: 789-797.
● Can Kang, Ning Mao, Chen Pan, Yang Zhu, Bin Li. Effects of short blades on performance and inner flow characteristics of a low-specific-speed centrifugal pump. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part A-Journal of Power and Energy. 2017, 231(4): 290-302.
● Can Kang,Ning Mao,Gui-Feng Zhang. Highly Confined Flows and Cavitation Phenomenon in a Hydraulic Retarder. Journal of Engineering Thermophysics. 2017, 38(10): 2151-2158.
● Christian Mulbah, Can Kang, Ning Mao, Wei Zhang, Ali Raza Shaikh, Shuang Teng. A review of VOF methods for simulating bubble dynamics. Progress in Nuclear Energy. 2022, 154: 104478.
● Can Kang, Wei Zhang, Ning Mao, Yongchao Zhang. Effects of the wake flow on bubble patterns downstream of a cylindrical nozzle. Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2019, 145: 128–140.
● Lili Zhang L, Ning Mao, Can Kang. Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic cavitation in acetic acid solutions with different concentrations[C]//IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019, 227(4): 042026.