姓名 屈健
职称: 教授
1. 国家自然科学基金评审专家,教育部学位论文评审专家,江苏省高新技术企业评审专家
2. Int. J. Heat & Mass Transfer、Int. J. Thermal Sciences、Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer、Appl. Energy、Energy、Appl. Therm. Eng.、Solar Materials & Solar Cells、Solar Energy、Energy Conversion & Management、Int. J. Energy Research、Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews、Applied Surface Science、J. Colloid & Interface Science、Physics of Fluids、Langmuir、Chemical Engineering J.、Sustainable Cities & Society、化工学报、化工进展、工程热物理学报等五十多个国内外学术期刊的论文审稿人
1. 微纳尺度流动与相变传热
2. 微电子/光电器件高效冷却、动力电池/数据中心和飞行器热管理
3. 节能技术与碳中和
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(5227060821),2023-2026
2. 江苏坤洋翰光能源技术集团有限公司委托项目,2023-2024
3. 无锡卡兰尼普热管理技术有限公司委托项目,2023-2025
Z. Li, G. Zhou, P. Cheng, J. Qu, Heat transfer performance of novel 3D flat-plate oscillating heat spreader under gravity-assisted and anti-gravity conditions for high-density power electronics cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering 252 (2024), 123726.
J. Qu, Y. Lv, G. Zhou, Z. Li, Q. Sun, D. Zhang, Performance characteristics of ultra-thin flat plate oscillating heat pipes with alternate channels and auxiliary micro-grooved structures. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 157 (2024) 107738.
Y. Hua, J. Qu, W. Yang, T. Zhang, Y. Zhao, Thermal characteristics of a two-phase loop thermosyphon with micro-grooved structures inside the evaporator. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 224 (2024) 125357.
C. Wang, K. Yuan, Q. Song, J. Yu, J. Yang, J. Qu, Y. Zhu, Performance of Pulsating Heat Pipe with a stimulus of auxiliary heat load. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 223 (2024) 125190.
叶波, 屈健, 关凤渤, 王志远, 李昌烽, 硅基微型腔槽内局部超高热流下气泡生长特性研究. 工程热物理学报, 45 (11), 2024: 3531-3537.
高山, 杨俊杰, 刘志春, 刘伟, 屈健, 异质表面的薄膜沸腾过程. 工程热物理学报, 45 (4), 2024: 1139-1143.
B. Ye, J. Qu, H. Wang, S. Gao, H. Qiu, Rapid bubble growth within 200 μs in flat microchannels under “hot spot” heating conditions at ultra-high heat fluxes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 213 (2023) 124312.
S. Gao, J. Qu, Z. Liu, W. Ma, Sequential self-propelled morphology transitions of nanoscale condensates enable a cascade jumping-droplet condensation. Nano Energy 113 (2023) 108558.
G. Zhou, F. Guan, W. Yang, Q. Sun, J. Qu, Start-up and heat transfer characteristics of oscillating heat pipe charged with binary partially miscible organic fluid mixtures. Applied Thermal Engineering 231 (2023) 120952.
T. Zhang, J. Qu, Y. Hua, Heat transfer characteristics and operational visualization of two-phase loop thermosyphon. Applied Thermal Engineering 228 (2023) 120520.
D. Zhang, J. Mao, J. Qu, Q. Lei, C. Li. Characterizing effect of particle size on flow boiling in sintered porous-microchannels. Applied Thermal Engineering 229 (2023) 120571.
J. Qu, G. Zhou, M. Zhang, L. Shang, W. Yu. Effect of reverse irradiation angle on the photo-thermal conversion performance of MXene nanofluid-based direct absorption solar collector. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 251 (2023) 112164.
Z. Zhou, J. Qu, T. Zhang, Q. Sun. Effect of heat leakage on the operational characteristics of two-phase loop thermosyphon with a thermal insulation pipe. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 196 (2022) 123224.
J. Qu, L. Shang, Q. Sun, X. Han, G. Zhou. Photo-thermal characteristics of water-based graphene oxide (GO) nanofluids at reverse-irradiation conditions with different irradiation angles for high-efficiency solar thermal energy harvesting. Renewable Energy 195 (2022) 516-527.
S. Gao, J. Qu, Z. Liu, W. Liu. Nanoscale Thin-Film Boiling Processes on Heterogeneous Surfaces. Langmuir 38 (2022) 6352-6362.
X. Han, X. Zhao, J. Huang, J. Qu. Optical properties optimization of plasmonic nanofluid to enhance the performance of spectral splitting photovoltaic/thermal systems. Renewable Energy 188 (2022) 573-587.
Z. Zhou, Y. Lv, J. Qu, Q. Sun, D. Grachev. Performance evaluation of hybrid oscillating heat pipe with carbon nanotube nanofluids for electric vehicle battery cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering 196 (2021) 117300.
J. Qu, F. Guan, Y. Lv, Y. Wang. Experimental study on the heat transport capability of micro-grooved oscillating heat pipe. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101210.
M. Zhou, J. Qu, Y. Ji. Dynamic characteristics of droplet impingement on carbon nanotube array surfaces with varying wettabilities. Applied Surface Science 554 (2021) 149359.
L. Shang, J. Qu, Z. Wang, M. Zhang, C. Li. Optical absorption property and photo-thermal conversion performance of Ag@Al2O3 plasmonic nanofluids with Al2O3 nano-shell fabricated by atomic layer deposition. Journal of Molecular Liquids 326 (2021) 115388.
A. R. Shaikh, J. Qu, M. Zhou, C. K. Y. Mulbah. Recent progress on the surface finishing of metals and alloys to achieve superhydrophobic surfaces: a critical review. TRANSACTIONS OF THE IMF 99 (2021) 61-72.
J. Qu, R. Zhang, L. Shang, Z. Wang. Graphene oxide/multi‐walled carbon nanotube—Therminol®66 hybrid nanofluids for low-to-medium temperature volumetric solar collectors. International Journal of Energy Research, 44 (2020) 7216-7228.
J. Qu, X. Yang, Z. Wang. Numerical simulations on the self-motion of droplets in hydrophobic microchannels driven by wettability gradient surfaces. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 119 (2020) 104961.
H. Wang, J. Qu, Q. Sun, Z. Kang, X. Han. Thermal characteristic comparison of three-dimensional oscillating heat pipes with/without sintered copper particles inside flat-plate evaporator for concentrating photovoltaic cooling. Applied Thermal Engineering 167 (2020) 114815.
Y. Yang, D. Liao, H. Wang, J. Qu, J. Li, H. Qiu. Development of ultrathin thermal ground plane with multiscale micro/nanostructured wicks. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 22 (2020) 100738.
X. Han, X. Chen, Y. Sun, J. Qu. Performance improvement of a PV/T system utilizing Ag/CoSO4-propylene glycol nanofluid optical filter. Energy 192 (2020) 116611.
D. Zhang, H. Xu, Y. Chen, L. Wang, J. Qu, M. Wu, Z. Zhou. Boiling Heat Transfer Performance of Parallel Porous Microchannels. Energies 13 (2020) 2970.
周智程, 魏爱博, 屈健, 关凤渤, D. Grachev, 郭泽霖. 管板结构脉动热管冷却动力电池的传热特性. 化工进展, 2020.
J. Qu, Y. Yang, S. Yang, D. Hu, H. Qiu. Droplet impingement on nano-textured superhydrophobic surface: Experimental and numerical study. Applied Surface Science 2019, 491: 160-170.
Z. Wang, J. Qu, R. Zhang, X. Han, J. Wu. Photo-thermal performance evaluation on MWCNTs-dispersed microencapsulated PCM slurries for direct absorption solar collectors. Journal of Energy Storage 2019, 26: 100793.
H. Wang, J. Qu, Y. Peng, Q. Sun. Heat transfer performance of a novel tubular oscillating heat pipe with sintered copper particles inside flat-plate evaporator and high-power LED heat sink application. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 189: 215-222.
X. Han, X. Chen, Q. Wang, S. M. Alelyani, J. Qu. Investigation of CoSO4-based Ag nanofluids as spectral beam splitters for hybrid PV/T applications. Solar Energy, 2019, 177: 387-394.
J. Qu, R. Zhang, Z. Wang, Q. Wang. Photo-thermal conversion properties of hybrid CuO-MWCNT/H2O nanofluids for direct solar thermal energy harvest. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147: 390-398.
J Qu, Q Sun, H Wang, D Zhang, J Yuan. Performance characteristics of flat-plate oscillating heat pipe with porous metal-foam wicks. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 137: 20-30.
A Wei, J Qu, H Qiu, C Wang, G Cao. Heat transfer characteristics of plug-in oscillating heat pipe with binary-fluid mixtures for electric vehicle battery thermal management. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 135: 746-760.
R Zhang, J Qu, M Tian, X Han, Q Wang. Efficiency improvement of a solar direct volumetric receiver utilizing aqueous suspensions of CuO. International Journal of Energy Research, 2018, 42: 2456-2464.
J Qu, C Wang, X Li, H Wang. Heat transfer performance of flexible oscillating heat pipes for electric/hybrid-electric vehicle battery thermal management. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 135: 1-9.
Q Sun, J Qu, J Yuan, H Wang. Start-up characteristics of MEMS-based micro oscillating heat pipe with and without bubble nucleation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2018, 122: 515-528.
C. Wang , Y. Zhu, J. Qu. Automatic air temperature control in a container with an optic-variable wall. Applied Energy, 2018, 224: 671-681.
杨舒生, 屈 健, 杨学贵. 液滴撞击超疏水碳纳米管阵列表面的行为研究. 工程热物理学报, 2018, 39 (7): 1549-1556.
屈 健, 彭友权, 孙芹. 带平板蒸发器的紧凑型三维脉动热管传热特性. 化工学报, 2018, 69 (7): 2899-2907.
屈健, 张若梅, 田敏. 氧化铜-碳纳米管/水混合纳米流体的光热性能. 化工进展, 2018, 37 (6): 2125-2131.
J Qu, M Tian, X Han, R Zhang, Q Wang. Photo-thermal conversion characteristics of MWCNT-H2O nanofluids for direct solar thermal energy absorption applications. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124: 486-493.
X Han, Y Guo, Q Wang, J Qu, P Phelan. Investigations of III–V concentrator solar cells with liquid immersion for high concentrating photovoltaic systems. Solar Energy, 2017, 158: 728-736.
Q Sun, J Qu, Q Wang, J Yuan. Operational characteristics of oscillating heat pipes under micro-gravity condition. International Communications in Heat &Mass Transfer, 2017, 88: 28-36.
Q Sun, J Qu, J Yuan, Q Wang. Operational characteristics of an MEMS-based micro oscillating heat pipe. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 124: 1269-1278.
J Qu, X Li, Qxu, Qian Wang. Thermal performance comparison of oscillating heat pipes with and without helical micro-grooves. Heat Mass Transfer, 2017, 53 (11): 3383-3390.
J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng, Q Wang, Q Sun. Recent advances in MEMS-based micro heat pipes.International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 110: 294-313.
J Qu, X Li, Q Wang, et al. Heat transfer characteristics of micro-grooved oscillating heat pipes. Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science, 2017, 85:75-84.
Q Sun, J Qu, X Li, et al. Experimental investigation of thermo-hydrodynamic behavior in a closed loop oscillating heat pipe. Experimental Thermal & Fluid Science, 2017, 82: 450-458.
J Qu, X Li, Y Cui, et al. Design and experimental study on a hybrid flexible oscillating heat pipe. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2017, 107: 640-645.
孙芹, 屈健, 袁建平. 等截面和变截面通道硅基微型脉动热管传热特性比较. 化工学报, 2017, 68 (5):1803-1810.
J Qu, Q Wang, Q Sun. Lower limit of internal diameter for oscillating heat pipes: a theoretical model.International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 110: 174-185.
X Han, Q Wang, J Zheng, J Qu. Thermal analysis of direct liquid-immersed solar receiver for high concentrating photovoltaic system. International Journal of Photoenergy, 2015, article ID 321350.
J Qu, Q Wang, C Li, et al. A simple model for Taylor flow induced contact angle hysteresis and capillary pressure inside mini/micro-scale capillary tubes. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2014, 78: 1004–1007.
J Qu, Q Wang. Experimental study on the thermal performance of vertical closed-loop oscillating heat pipes and correlation modeling. Applied Energy, 2013, 112:1154-1160.
J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng. Start-up, Heat Transfer and Flow Characteristics of Silicon-based Micro Pulsating Heat Pipes. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2012, 55: 6109-6120.
J Qu, H Wu, Q Wang. Experimental Investigation of Silicon-Based Micro-Pulsating Heat Pipe for Cooling Electronics. Nanoscale & Microscale Thermophysics Engineering, 2012, 16 (1): 37-49.
J Qu, H Wu. Thermal performance comparison of oscillating heat pipes with SiO2/water and Al2O3/water nanofluids. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2011, 50:1954-1962.
J Qu, H Wu. Flow Visualization of Silicon-Based Micro Pulsating Heat Pipes. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53: 984-990.
J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng. Thermal performance of an oscillating heat pipe with Al2O3–water nanofluids. International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer, 2010, 37: 1111-1115.
J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng, et al. Non-linear analyses of temperature oscillations in a closed-loop pulsating heat pipe. International Journal of Heat & Mass Transfer, 2009, 52: 3481-3489.
J Qu, H Wu, P Cheng. Effects of functional surface on performance of a micro heat pipe. International Communications in Heat & Mass Transfer, 2008, 35: 523-528.
H Wu, X Wu, J Qu. Condensation heat transfer and flow friction in silicon microchannels. Journal of Micromechanics & Microengineering, 2008, 18: 115024.
屈健, 田敏, 王谦等. 碳纳米管-水纳米流体的光热转化特性. 化工学报, 2016, 67: 113-119.
李孝军, 屈健, 韩新月等. 微槽道脉动热管的启动及传热特性. 化工学报, 2016, 67(6): 2263-2270.
屈健, 孙芹, 王谦. 考虑接触角滞后的脉动热管工质运动特性研究. 工程热物理学报,2015, 36 (9): 1990-1994.
屈健, 王谦, 何志霞等. 矩形微通道内液滴产生和运动特性实验研究. 上海交通大学学报, 2015, 49 (01): 86-90.
韩新月, 屈健, 郭永杰. 温度和光强对聚光硅太阳电池特性的影响研究. 太阳能学报, 2015, 36 (7): 1585-1590.
屈健, 王谦, 韩新月等. 大深宽比双T型微通道内液-液两相流可视化研究. 化工进展, 2014, 33 (10): 2583-2587.
屈健. 脉动热管技术研究及应用进展. 化工进展, 2013, 32 (1): 33-41.
屈健, 吴慧英. 水/FC-72 纳米乳液振荡热管传热特性研究. 高校化学工程学报, 2012, 26 (2): 210-215.
屈健, 吴慧英. 微型硅基振荡热管传热特性. 化工学报, 2011,62 (11): 3046-3052.
屈健, 吴慧英, 郑平. 硅基微型振荡热管的流动可视化实验研究. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2010, 40 (5): 575-581.
屈健, 吴慧英, 唐慧敏. 微小型振荡热管的流动可视化实验. 航空动力学报, 2009, 24 (4): 766-771.
吴信宇, 吴慧英, 屈健等. 纳米流体在芯片微通道中的流动与换热特性. 化工学报, 2008, 59 (9): 2181-2187.
Jian Qu, Qian Wang. MEMS-Based Micro-heat Pipes, Chapter 5 in "Electronics Cooling" (Editor: S M Sohel Murshed).ISBN:978-953-51-4672-8, InTech press, 2016.
1. 介微观系统多相/多组分流动及传热传质机理研究,教育部自然科学一等奖(排名2/5), 2020
2. 柴油机燃油喷射与燃烧系统关键技术研究及应用,江苏省科技进步二等奖(排名5/11), 2012
3. 江苏省“333”高层次人才培养计划,2024
4. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”高层次人才,2019
1. 指导本科生/研究生获得全国大学生节能减排竞赛一等奖和海外赛道银奖等奖项
2. 指导本科生获得全国能源动力类专业百篇优秀毕业论文(设计),2024
3. 镇江市“金山英才”产业强市领军人才,2024
4. 指导研究生获得江苏省优秀硕士学位论文,2018
1. 一种纳米乳液脉动热管的制造方法. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201110285165.4.
2. 一种具有功能通道结构的硅基微型脉动热管. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201410025799.X.
3. 一种微热管抽真空及充注装置和方法. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201611026718.3
4. 一种无吸液芯超薄热管装置. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201611050154.7
5. 一种太阳能海水淡化装置. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL201910773825.X
6. 一种用于平板微型热管的无死体积抽真空和充注装置. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL202110025759.5
7. 一种仿生汗腺及仿生皮肤. 发明专利,专利号:ZL202111068605.0
8. 一种芯片液冷散热用硅基腔槽. 发明专利, 专利号: 202210329385.0