1.《Energy Engineering》副主编、《燃烧科学与技术》编委、能源研究与利用》编委;
2 中国教育学会工程热物理专业委员会(高校工程热物理学会)理事;
5. 国外学术期刊Applied Energy、Energy、Fuel、Energy Conversion and Management、Energy & Fuels等刊物的审稿专家。
1. 动力机械燃烧过程与燃烧系统;
2. 零碳燃料燃烧、微尺度燃烧;
3. 转子发动机工作过程、缓燃向爆震转捩过程。
1. 氨气/氢气转子发动机缸内流动和燃烧的耦合机理(国家自然科学基金面上项目NO 52276117),2023-2026;
2. 零碳燃料燃烧特性研究(科技部项目),2022-2023;
3. 壁面附近火焰特性及火焰/壁面的相互作用机制(国家自然科学基金面上项目NO51976082),2020-2023;
4. 缓燃向爆震转捩过程中湍流与燃烧的相互作用(国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目NO91641113),2017-2019;
5. 转子发动机燃料适应性及其缸内流动和燃烧的耦合机理研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目NO51576093)、2016-2019。
1. Jiang Chao, Pan Jianfeng, Weng Junjie, Li Jianxing, and Quaye Evans K., Role of concentration gradient in the re-initiation of H2/O2 detonation in a 90° bifurcated channel. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2022. 120: p. 107281.
2. Fan Baowei, Zeng Yonghao, Pan Jianfeng, Fang Jia, Adeniyi Salami Hammed, and Wang Yuanguang, Evaluation and analysis of injection strategy in a peripheral ported rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends under the action of apex seal leakage. Fuel, 2022. 310: p. 122315.
3. Wang Y., Pan J. F., Wang J. F., Lu Q. B., Liu Y. X., and Quaye E. K., The characteristics of methane/oxygen premixed flame dynamics in a meso-scale reactor under fuel rich condition. Energy, 2021. 232.
4. Pan J. F., Cheng B. A., Tao J. Y., Fan B. W., Liu Y. X., and Otchere P., Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Blending Ethanol on Combustion Characteristic and Idle Performance in a Gasoline Rotary Engine. Journal of Thermal Science, 2021. 30(4): p. 1187-1198.
5. 倪靖, 潘剑锋, 姜超, 陈祥,张顺. 掺氢比对甲烷-氧气爆轰特性的影响. 爆炸与冲击, 2020. 40(04): p. 25-33.
6. J. Pan, C. Zhang, Z. Pan, D. Wu, Y. Zhu, Q. Lu and Y. Zhang, Investigation on the effect of bluff body ball on the combustion characteristics for methane/oxygen in micro combustor. Energy, 2020. 190: p. 116465.
7. P. Otchere, J. Pan, B. Fan, W. Chen, Y. Lu and L. Jianxing, Mixture formation and combustion process of a biodiesel fueled direct injection rotary engine (DIRE) considering injection timing, spark timing and equivalence ratio – CFD study. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. 217: p. 112948.
8. J. Ni, J. Pan, Y. Zhu, C. Jiang, J. Li and E.K. Quaye, Effect of arc obstacles blockage ratio on detonation characteristics of hydrogen-air. Acta Astronautica, 2020. 170: p. 188-197.
9. Y. Lu, J. Pan, B. Fan, P. Otchere, W. Chen and B. Cheng, Research on the application of aviation kerosene in a direct injection rotary engine – Part 2: Spray combustion characteristics and combustion process under optimized injection strategies. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. 203: p. 112217.
10. B. Fan, Y. Zhang, J. Pan, P. Otchere, Y. Wang and Y. Zeng, The formation mechanisms of flow field in a compound intake ported rotary engine considering apex seal leakage. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2020.
11. W. Chen, J. Pan, Q. Zuo, J. Zhang, Z. Wang, B. Zhang, G. Zhu and B. Fan, Combustion performance improvement of a diesel fueled Wankel stratified-charge combustion engine by optimizing assisted ignition strategy. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020. 205: p. 112324.
12. Y. Zhang, J. Pan, A. Tang, Q. Lu, Z. Zha and S. Bani, Effects of inlet parameters on combustion characteristics of premixed CH4/Air in micro channels. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2019. 92(3): p. 824-834.
13. Z. Pan, K. Chen, J. Qi, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu, J. Pan and M. Gui, The propagation characteristics of curved detonation wave: Experiments in helical channels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019. 37(3): p. 3585-3592.
14. J. Pan, Y. Zhang, Q. Lu, X. Shao, E.K. Quaye and Y. Zhu, Numerical study on stability and influencing factors of heterogeneous reaction for hydrogen/oxygen mixture in planar catalytic micro combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019. 44(29): p. 15587-15597.
15. J. Pan, N. Miao, Z. Lu, Q. Lu, W. Yang, Z. Pan and Y. Zhang, Experimental and numerical study on the transition conditions and influencing factors of hetero-/homogeneous reaction for H2/Air mixture in micro catalytic combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019. 154: p. 120-130.
16. Y. Lu, J. Pan, B. Fan, P. Otchere, W. Chen and B. Cheng, Research on the application of aviation kerosene in a direct injection rotary engine-Part 1: Fundamental spray characteristics and optimized injection strategies. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019. 195: p. 519-532.
17. Q. Lu, J. Gou, J. Pan, Y. Zhang, J. Zhu and E.K. Quaye, Comparison of the effect of heat release and products from heterogeneous reaction on homogeneous combustion of H2/O2 mixture in the catalytic micro combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019. 44(59): p. 31557-31566.
18. J. Li, J. Pan, C. Jiang, J. Ni, Z. Pan and P. Otchere, Effect of hydrogen addition on the detonation performances of methane/oxygen at different equivalence ratios. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019. 44(51): p. 27974-27983.
19. W. Chen, J. Pan, Y. Liu, B. Fan, H. Liu and P. Otchere, Numerical investigation of direct injection stratified charge combustion in a natural gas-diesel rotary engine. Applied Energy, 2019. 233-234: p. 453-467.
20. Y. Zhang, J. Pan, Y. Zhu, S. Bani, Q. Lu, J. Zhu and H. Ren, The effect of embedded high thermal conductivity material on combustion performance of catalytic micro combustor. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 174: p. 730-738.
21. Y. Zhang, J. Pan, Z. Lu, A. Tang, Y. Zhu and S. Bani, The characteristics of pure heterogeneous reaction for H2/Air mixture in the micro-combustors with different thermophysical properties. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018. 141: p. 741-750.
22. Z. Pan, J. Qi, J. Pan, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu and M. Gui, Fabrication of a helical detonation channel: Effect of initial pressure on the detonation propagation modes of ethylene/oxygen mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2018. 192: p. 1-9.
23. J. Pan, W. Chen, W. Yang, M. Xiao, Y. Zhu and B. Fan, Effects of intake and exhaust valve timing on the performance of an air-powered rotary engine. Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy, 2018. 37(4): p. 1462-1474.
24. B. Fan, Y. Zhang, J. Pan, Y. Liu, W. Chen, P. Otchere, A. Wei and R. He, The influence of hydrogen injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a port injection (PI) rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 173: p. 527-538.
25. B. Fan, J. Pan, Y. Liu, Y. Zhu, Z. Pan, W. Chen and P. Otchere, Effect of hydrogen injection strategies on mixture formation and combustion process in a hydrogen direct injection plus natural gas port injection rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 160: p. 150-164.
26. B. Fan, J. Pan, Y. Liu, W. Chen, Y. Lu and P. Otchere, Numerical investigation of mixture formation and combustion in a hydrogen direct injection plus natural gas port injection (HDI + NGPI) rotary engine. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018. 43(9): p. 4632-4644.
27. W. Chen, J. Pan, B. Fan, P. Otchere, N. Miao and Y. Lu, Numerical investigation of dual-fuel injection timing on air-fuel mixing and combustion process in a novel natural gas-diesel rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018. 176: p. 334-348.
28. S. Bani, J. Pan, A. Tang, Q. Lu and Y. Zhang, Numerical investigation of key parameters of the porous media combustion based Micro-Thermophotovoltaic system. Energy, 2018. 157: p. 969-978.
29. S. Bani, J. Pan, A. Tang, Q. Lu and Y. Zhang, Micro combustion in a porous media for thermophotovoltaic power generation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018. 129(Supplement C): p. 596-605.
30. Y. Zhang, J. Pan, A. Tang, Y. Liu, Z. Pan, Q. Lu and P. Otchere, Effect of gas-phase reaction on catalytic reaction for H2/O2 mixture in micro combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017. 42(26): p. 16855-16865.
31. Z. Pan, K. Chen, J. Pan, P. Zhang, Y. Zhu and J. Qi, An experimental study of the propagation characteristics for a detonation wave of ethylene/oxygen in narrow gaps. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2017. 88: p. 354-360.
32. J. Pan, J. Zhu, Q. Liu, Y. Zhu, A. Tang and Q. Lu, Effect of micro-pin-fin arrays on the heat transfer and combustion characteristics in the micro-combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017. 42(36): p. 23207-23217.
33. J. Pan, R. Zhang, Q. Lu, Z. Zha and S. Bani, Experimental study on premixed methane-air catalytic combustion in rectangular micro channel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017. 117: p. 1-7.
34. J. Pan, Q. Lu, S. Bani, A. Tang, W. Yang and X. Shao, Hetero-/homogeneous combustion characteristics of premixed hydrogen-air mixture in a planar micro-reactor with catalyst segmentation. Chemical Engineering Science, 2017. 167: p. 327-333.
35. Q. Lu, J. Pan, W. Yang, A. Tang, S. Bani and X. Shao, Interaction between heterogeneous and homogeneous reaction of premixed hydrogen–air mixture in a planar catalytic micro-combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017. 42(8): p. 5390-5399.
36. B. Fan, J. Pan, W. Yang, Z. Pan, S. Bani, W. Chen and R. He, Combined effect of injection timing and injection angle on mixture formation and combustion process in a direct injection (DI) natural gas rotary engine. Energy, 2017. 128: p. 519-530.
37. B. Fan, J. Pan, W. Yang, Y. Liu, S. Bani and W. Chen, Numerical investigation of the effect of injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a port injection natural gas rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017. 133: p. 511-523.
38. B. Fan, J. Pan, W. Yang, W. Chen and S. Bani, The influence of injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a direct injection natural gas rotary engine. Applied Energy, 2017. 187: p. 663-674.
39. W. Chen, J. Pan, B. Fan, Y. Liu and O. Peter, Effect of injection strategy on fuel-air mixing and combustion process in a direct injection diesel rotary engine (DI-DRE). Energy Conversion and Management, 2017. 154: p. 68-80.
40. 潘剑锋, 刘启胜, 卢青波,潘振华.催化微燃烧室内氢气和氧气预混合燃烧特性. 农业机械学报, 2016. 47(02): p. 357-363.
41. Q. Lu, J. Pan, W. Yang, Z. Pan, A. Tang and Y. Zhang, Effects of products from heterogeneous reactions on homogeneous combustion for H2/O2 mixture in the micro combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016. 102: p. 897-903.
42. Q. Lu, J. Pan, S. Hu, A. Tang and X. Shao, Hetero-/homogeneous combustion of premixed hydrogen–oxygen mixture in a micro-reactor with catalyst segmentation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016. 41(28): p. 12387-12396.
43. B. Fan, J. Pan, W. Yang, Y. Zhu and W. Chen, Effects of hydrogen blending mode on combustion process of a rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016. 41(6): p. 4039-4053.
44. 潘剑锋, 陈瑞, 范宝伟, 姚嘉琪,肖曼. LPG转子发动机缸内燃烧影响因素研究. 农业机械学报, 2015. 46(01): p. 329-337.
45. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 唐爱坤, 潘振华, 薛宏.进气相位对天然气转子发动机流场和燃烧过程的影响. 农业机械学报, 2015(07): p. 286-293.
46. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 刘杨先, 卢青波, 肖曼, 薛宏. 转子发动机流场的测试和数值模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2015. 36(08): p. 1835-1840.
47. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 黄俊, 肖曼,姚嘉琪.燃烧室结构对天然气转子发动机燃烧过程的影响. 机械工程学报, 2015. 51(22): p. 141-151.
48. J.F. Pan, D. Wu, Y.X. Liu, H.F. Zhang, A.K. Tang and H. Xue, Hydrogen/oxygen premixed combustion characteristics in micro porous media combustor. Applied Energy, 2015. 160: p. 802-807.
49. B.W. Fan, J.F. Pan, Z.H. Pan, A.K. Tang, Y.J. Zhu and H. Xue, Effects of pocket shape and ignition slot locations on the combustion processes of a rotary engine fueled with natural gas. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015. 89(0): p. 11-27.
50. B. Fan, J. Pan, A. Tang, Z. Pan, Y. Zhu and H. Xue, Experimental and numerical investigation of the fluid flow in a side-ported rotary engine. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015. 95(0): p. 385-397.
51. B. Fan, J. Pan, Y. Liu and Y. Zhu, Effects of ignition parameters on combustion process of a rotary engine fueled with natural gas. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015. 103(0): p. 218-234.
52. Baowei Fan, Jianfeng Pan, Wenming Yang, Hui An, Aikun Tang, Xia Shao, Hong Xue, Effects of different parameters on the flow field of peripheral ported rotary engines. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2015. 9(1): p. 445-457.
53. 邵霞, 潘剑锋, 薛宏, 王谦,唐爱坤, 微通道内气体库埃特流动的DSMC模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2013(09): p. 1752-1754.
54. 潘剑锋, 范宝伟, 陈瑞, 卢青波, 唐爱坤, 邵霞,王谦, 点火位置对天然气转子发动机燃烧的影响. 内燃机工程, 2013. v.34;No.156(01): p. 1-7.
55. 潘剑锋, 周俊, 唐爱坤, 邵霞,薛宏, 微尺度燃烧过程中传热准则数分析. 农业机械学报, 2011(12): p. 197-201+219.
56. 潘剑锋, 吴庆瑞, 薛宏, 万彦辉,周俊, 微平板式燃烧室内催化燃烧的试验研究. 工程热物理学报, 2011(08): p. 1430-1432.
57. 潘剑锋, 范宝伟, 吴庆瑞, 李晓春, 唐爱坤,薛宏, 微尺度下氢氧预混合气催化燃烧的研究. 机械工程学报, 2011(24): p. 111-116.
58. 潘剑锋, 赵金刚, 李德桃, 薛宏, 唐爱坤,张梦云, 改装直喷式柴油机中生物柴油喷雾燃烧过程试验研究. 内燃机工程, 2010. v.31;No.140(03): p. 11-16.
59. 潘剑锋, 李晓春, 唐爱坤,薛宏, 亚毫米平板式微燃烧室性能的影响因素研究. 中国机械工程, 2010. v.21;No.305(17): p. 2119-2122.
60. J.F. Pan, W.M. Yang, A.K. Tang, S.K. Chou, L. Duan, X.C. Li and H. Xue, Micro combustion in sub-millimeter channels for novel modular thermophotovoltaic power generators. Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2010. 20(12).
61. J.F. Pan, J. Huang, D.T. Li, W.M. Yang, W.X. Tang and H. Xue, Effects of major parameters on micro-combustion for thermophotovoltaic energy conversion. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007. 27(5-6): p. 1089-1095.
62. 潘剑锋, 杨文明,李德桃,黄俊.微热光电系统原型的设计制造和测试. 工程热物理学报, 2005(05):p. 887-890.
63. 潘剑锋,李德桃,杨文明, 薛宏.微热光电系统燃烧器的研究. 中国机械工程, 2005(6): p. 527-529.
64. 潘剑锋,李德桃,邓军,张孝友,卫尧, 唐维新.微热光电系统燃烧的若干影响因素的试验研究. 机械工程学报, 2004(12): p. 120-123.
65. 潘剑锋,梁凤标,李德桃,胡林峰, 吴建.柴油机中压共轨式喷油系统的模拟计算与分析. 汽车工程, 2003. 25(4): p. 338-342.
1. 《微尺度燃烧及其应用》.科学出版社, 2017.
2. 《燃烧学理论基础及其应用》第二版. 江苏大学出版社, 2021.
1. 微尺度条件下预混合燃烧的基础理论研究,教育部自然科学二等奖,2019.12;
2. 柴油机燃油喷射与燃烧系统关键技术研究及应用,江苏省科技进步二等奖,2013.01;
3. 动力机械工作过程与关键技术的研究及推广应用,高等学校科学研究优秀成果科技进步二等奖,2012.02;
4. 气液燃料燃烧理论及在动力机械中的应用,中国机械工业科学技术三等奖,2014.10;
5. 动力机械燃烧理论与燃烧系统的研究及应用,江苏省科技进步二等奖,2009.01;
6. 动力机械工作过程理论研究及工程应用,中国机械工业科学技术二等奖,2009.02;
7. 涡流式柴油机的燃烧过程和共轨式电控喷射系统的基础研究,中国机械工业科学技术二等奖,2003.02;
8. 光电系统的实验研究和数值模拟,江苏省优秀博士论文,2006.06。
1. 江苏大学优秀研究生导师,2018;
2. 江苏大学“十佳青年教职工”,2008;
3. 镇江市“十大杰出青年”,2014;
4. 江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀青年骨干教师,2006;
5. 江苏省“六大人才高峰”培养对象,2011;
6. 江苏省“333工程”培养对象,2016,2021;
7. 江苏大学“青年拔尖人才”造就对象,2015。
8. 国家公派留学(普林斯顿大学,2017;新加坡国立大学,2009)
1. A composite intake system and method of the rotary engine with variable intake manifold. PCT专利号:PCT/CN2016/076437,美国申请号:US155/16,873,授权时间:2019.07;
2. 一种用于脉冲爆轰发动机的气动阀. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201811363848.5,授权时间:2020.05;
3. 一种可控制火焰位置的微燃烧器. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201810746006.1,授权时间:2020.03;
4. 一种直喷式转子发动机的气/液燃料供给系统及控制方法. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201710629403.6,授权时间:2019.10;
5. 一种带有相变储能系统的微燃烧发电装置. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201710857271.2,授权时间:2019.05;
6. 一种壁面嵌入热管的微型燃烧器. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201610906680.2,授权时间:2019.04;
7. 一种转子发动机旋涡燃烧室. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201611254834.0,授权时间:2019.05;
8. 一种用于转子发动机的双凹坑型燃烧室. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201610847551.0,授权时间:2019.04;
9. 一种用于脉冲爆震发动机的点火系统. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201710749845.4,授权时间:2019.02;
10. 一种应用于微热光电系统的燃烧器. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201610993513.6,授权时间:2018.11;
11. 一种用于微热光电系统的微燃烧室. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201611130011.7,授权时间:2018.10;
12. 一种三角转子发电系统. 国家发明专利. 专利号:201610928878.0,授权时间:2018.08;
13. 一种进气管可变的转子发动机复合进气系统及方法. 发明专利. 专利号:201610109792.5,授权时间:2018.06;
14. 一种通道高度可调的微燃烧装置.发明专利.专利号: ZL201310695538.4,授权时间:2016.08;
15. 一种新型转子顶端处密封件.发明专利.专利号: ZL201410512058.4,授权时间:2016.05;
16. 一种低热损失预混合的微催化燃烧室.发明专利.专利号: ZL201310696430.7,授权时间:2016.04;
17. 一种基于微燃烧产生电能和推力的新型动力装置.发明专利.专利号: ZL200910184209.7,授权时间:2011.12;
18. 一种火焰法连续合成碳纳米管的装置和方法.发明专利.专利号: ZL201310744312.9,授权时间:2015.08;
19. 一种天然气转子发动机的引火槽.发明专利.专利号: ZL201310033671.3,授权时间:2015.03。
1招收博士研究生1-2名,招收硕士生3名,联系方式:mike@ujs.edu.cn, 0511-88780036.