姓名 张宁
技术职务:流体机械及工程研究所 所长
学术任职: 《Journal of Hydrodynamics》杂志编委,担任多个国际期刊审稿人,International journal of heat and fluid flow,ASME journal of fluids engineering,International communication in heat and mass transfer等。
近5年,主持国家自然科学基金1项,江苏省自然科学基金1项,中国博士后基金1项,作为第二负责人参研了KGJ重点项目1项(300万),承担企业委托项目14项,累计合同经费超700万。发表SCI检索论文30余篇,其中第一作者及通讯作者SCI论文20余篇,累计被引1300余次,H因子22,出版《离心泵非定常内流激励特性及其控制》专著1部,担任Journal of Hydrodynamics期刊编委。入选2020年度江苏大学“优秀青年骨干教师”培育计划,获评2022年度江苏大学优秀教师、2022第九届“江苏大学新长征突击手”称号。
1. 离心泵内三维尾迹涡的瞬态演化及激励特性研究,国家自然科学基金项目,2018-2020.
2. 动静干涉作用下离心泵叶片尾迹流非稳态演化特性研究,江苏省自然科学基金,2017-2020.
3. 基于光学精确量测的低噪声泵面积比设计理论试验验证,企业委托项目,2017-2018.
4. XXX开发,企业委托项目,2024
5. 高压循环泵水力模型开发,企业委托项目,2023-2024
6. 高速燃油离心泵压力脉动和振动特性测试研究,企业委托项目,2023-2024
7. 高速燃油离心泵水力模型开发及内流特性研究,企业委托项目,2021-2023
8. 广东陆丰核电56 号机组循环水泵进水流道水力模型试验,企业委托项目,2022-2023
9. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动项目, 企业委托项目,2016-2019.
10. 可视化模型泵样机设计开发,企业委托项目,2018-2019.
1. Ning Zhang, Fankun Zheng, Xiaokai Liu, Bo Gao, and Guoping Li. Unsteady flow fluctuations in a centrifugal pump measured by laser Doppler anemometry and pressure pulsation. Phys. Fluids 32, 125108 (2020); doi: 10.1063/5.0029124
2. Delin Li, Ning Zhang, Junxian Jiang, Bo Gao, Anthony Akurugo Alubokin, Wenjie Zhou, Junlin Shi,Numerical investigation on the unsteady vortical structure and pressure pulsations of a centrifugal pump with the vaned diffuser,International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 98 (2022) 109050
3. N. Zhang, B. Gao, D. Ni, X. K. Liu, Coherence analysis to detect unsteady rotating stall phenomenon based on pressure pulsation signals of a centrifugal pump, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 148 (2021) 107161.
4. N. Zhang, M. G. Yang, B. Gao, Z. Li, D. Ni, Experimental investigation on unsteady pressure pulsation in a centrifugal pump with special slope volute. ASME J. Fluids Eng, 2015, 137(6):061103.
5. N. Zhang, J.X. Jiang, B. Gao, X.K. Liu, DDES analysis of unsteady flow evolution and pressure pulsation at off-design condition of a centrifugal pump. Renewable Energy 153 (2020) 193-204.
6. N. Zhang, J.X. Jiang, B. Gao, X.K. Liu, D. Ni,Numerical analysis of the vortical structure and its unsteady evolution of a centrifugal pump. Renewable Energy 155 (2020) 748-760.
7. N. Zhang, B. Gao, Z. Li, D. Ni, Q.F. Jiang. Unsteady flow structure and its evolution in a low specific speed centrifugal pump measured by PIV. Experimental thermal and fluid science, 2018, 97:133-144.
8. N. Zhang, X. Liu, B. Gao, B. Xia. DDES analysis of the unsteady wake flow and its evolution of a centrifugal pump. Renewable energy. 2019, 141:570-582.
9. N. Zhang, X.K. Liu, B. Gao, X.J. Wang, B. Xia. Effects of modifying the blade trailing edge profile on unsteady pressure pulsations and flow structures in a centrifugal pump. International journal of heat fluid flow, 2019, 75:227-238.
10. B. Gao, N. Zhang, Z. Li, D. Ni, M. G. Yang. Influence of the blade trailing edge profile on the performance and unsteady pressure pulsations in a low specific speed centrifugal pump. ASME J. Fluids Eng, 2016, 138(5): 051106.
11. B. Gao, P.M. Guo, N. Zhang, Z. Li, D. Ni. Unsteady pressure pulsation measurements and analysis of a low specific speed centrifugal pump, ASME J Fluids Eng, 2017, 139:071101.
12. D. Ni, N. Zhang, B. Gao, Z. Li, M.G. Yang, Dynamic measurements on unsteady pressure pulsations and flow distributions in a nuclear reactor coolant pump, Energy. 198 (2020) 117305
13. N. Zhang, B. Gao, X. Wang, X. Liu, D. Ni. Effects of cutting the blade on the performance and pressure pulsation of a centrifugal pump. Energy Sci Eng, 2020;00:1-14.
14. N. Zhang, B. Gao, B. Xia, Q.F. Jiang. Effect of the volute tongue cut on pressure pulsations of a low specific speed centrifugal pump. Journal of Hydrodynamics, 2020, 32(4): 758-770
《离心泵非定常内流激励特性及其控制》. 江苏大学出版社, 2020.
1. 2022江苏大学优秀教师
2. 2022第九届“江苏大学新长征突击手”称号
3. 2021年能源与动力工程学院全英文教学比赛,三等奖
4. 2020年度江苏大学“优秀青年骨干教师”培育计划
5. 2022江苏大学抗击疫情志愿者
6. 2017年江苏大学双语及全英文教学比赛,三等奖
7. 2017年能源与动力工程学院双语及全英文教学比赛,一等奖
1. 一种带吸力面副叶片的混流叶轮. 201410636407.3
2. 一种具有低噪声特性的离心泵. 201510749379.0
3. 一种匹配环形压水室的高效非对称导叶体. 201310001965.8
4. 一种带无叶分流片的离心叶轮. 201410538121.1