职 称:副教授
学术任职:德意志学术交流中心DAAD Fellow,国际燃烧学会会员,江苏省工程热物理学会会员,江苏省科技咨询专家,全国大学生节能减排大赛网评专家
1. 环境功能纳米材料
2. 生物质转化与利用
3. 二氧化碳吸附捕集
4. 量子化学计算模拟
1. 企业委托项目,生物质衍生多孔碳的储能及吸波性能测试(8411133028),2022-2024(主持)
2. 企业委托项目,生物焦吸附剂研发及窑炉烟气脱汞性能测试(8411133001),2021-2023(主持)
3. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,改性碳基材料烟气脱硝脱碳研究(18JDG017),2018-2021(主持)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,生物质有氧快速热解过程机理与选择性调控机制研究(52276196),2023-2026(排名第二)
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,新型射流控制点火转子发动机的着火燃烧机理(51976083),2020-2023(排名第二)
1. Dongjing Liu, Lingtao Yang, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li*. Tuning sulfur vacancies in CoS2 via a molten salt approach for promoted mercury vapor adsorption. Chemical Engineering Journal 2022, 450, 137956.
2. Dongjing Liu, Lingtao Yang, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li*. Elemental mercury capture by graphene-analogous carbon nitride anchored with copper sulfide. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 417, 127931.
3. Dongjing Liu, Chaoen Li, Jiang Wu, Yangxian Liu*. Novel carbon-based sorbents for elemental mercury removal from gas streams: A review. Chemical Engineering Journal 2020, 391, 123514.
4. Zhen Zhang, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li, Huibin Xu, Dongjing Liu*. Removal of elemental mercury from simulated flue gas by ZSM-5 modified with Mn-Fe mixed oxides. Chemical Engineering Journal 2019, 375, 121946.
5. Dongjing Liu, Weiguo Zhou, Jiang Wu*. CeO2-MnOx/ZSM-5 sorbents for H2S removal at high temperature. Chemical Engineering Journal 2016, 284, 862-871.
6. Bin Li, Jiazhen Tang, Xing Xie, Juntao Wei*, Deliang Xu, Lei Shi, Kuan Ding, Shu Zhang, Xun Hu, Shihong Zhang, Dongjing Liu*. Char structure evolution during molten salt pyrolysis of biomass: Effect of temperature. Fuel 2023, 331, 125747.
7. Bin Li*, Xing Xie, Lei Zhang, Dan Lin, Shuaijun Wang, Shuang Wang, Huibin Xu, Junfeng Wang, Yong Huang, Shu Zhang, Dongjing Liu*. Coke formation during rapid quenching of volatile vapors from fast pyrolysis of cellulose. Fuel 2021, 306, 121658.
8. Dongjing Liu, Lingtao Yang, Bin Li, Jiang Wu*. Gaseous mercury removal by graphene-like carbon nitride impregnated with ammonium bromide. Fuel 2020, 280, 118635.
9. Dongjing Liu, Weiguo Zhou*, Jiang Wu*. Effect of Ce and La on the activity of CuO/ZSM-5 and MnOx/ZSM-5 composites for elemental mercury removal at low temperature. Fuel 2017, 194, 115-122.
10. Dongjing Liu, Weiguo Zhou*, Jiang Wu*. La2CuO4/ZSM-5 sorbents for high-temperature desulphurization. Fuel 2016, 177, 251-259.
11. Dongjing Liu*, Lingtao Yang, Yang Ling, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li*, Chaoen Li. Graphitic carbon nitride for gaseous mercury emission control: A review. Energy & Fuels 2022, 36, 4297–4313. (Invited Review)
12. Jiang Wu*, Lingtao Yang, Tao, Jia, Dongjing Liu*. Salt-assisted synthesis of rod-like Bi2S3 single crystals for gas-phase elemental mercury removal. Energy & Fuels 2022, 36, 2591–2599.
13. Yang Ling, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li, Dongjing Liu*. Insights into the mechanism of elemental mercury adsorption on graphitic carbon nitride: A density functional theory study. Energy & Fuels 2021, 35, 9322-9331.
14. Dongjing Liu, Bin Li, Yangxian Liu*, Jiang Wu*. Copper sulfide-loaded boron nitride nanosheet for elemental mercury removal from simulated flue gas. Energy & Fuels 2021, 35, 2234-2242.
15. Dongjing Liu, Zhen Zhang, Fei Luo, Jiang Wu*. Elemental mercury capture from simulated flue gas by graphite-phase carbon nitride. Energy & Fuels 2020, 34, 6851-6861.
16. Dongjing Liu*, Lingtao Yang, Jiang Wu*, Chaoen Li. Immobilization of gaseous elemental mercury using SnS2-wrapped magnetic Fe3O4 microspheres. Journal of the Energy Institute 2023, 106, 101148.
17. Lingtao Yang, Jiang Wu*, Dongjing Liu*. Novel pyrite-type RuS2 adsorbent for elemental mercury capture in a wide temperature range. Journal of the Energy Institute 2022,105, 242-250.
18. Dongjing Liu, Lingtao Yang, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li*. Molten salt shielded preparation of rice straw biochars doped by copper sulfide for elemental mercury capture. Journal of the Energy Institute 2022, 102, 176-183.
19. Dongjing Liu, Lingtao Yang, Bin Li*, Jiang Wu*. Gaseous mercury removal using biogenic porous silica modified with potassium bromide. Journal of the Energy Institute 2021, 99, 161-169.
20. Lingtao Yang, Jiang Wu*, Bin Li, Dongjing Liu*. Defective molybdenum disulfide nanosheet for elemental mercury capture in simulated flue gas. Journal of the Energy Institute 2021, 94, 120-128.
1. Jiang Wu, Dongjing Liu, Weiguo Zhou, Qizhen Liu, Yaji Huang. High-temperature H2S removal from IGCC coarse gas. Springer Press and Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press 2018.
1. 李斌,赵立军,刘东京. 一种钙基生物质化学链热解系统. 专利号: ZL202010053014.5, 授权公告号: CN111234850B, 授权公告日: 2021.05.25.
1. Energy & Fuels期刊高被引论文奖(Top 25 Most Cited Articles in 2019 Award),2019
2. 中德CSC-DAAD博士后奖学金(Sino-German CSC-DAAD Postdoc Scholarship),2016
1. 2016年9月至2017年9月,在德国莱布尼茨催化研究所多相催化过程研究部做博士后,研究课题为《贵金属催化剂甲烷低温催化燃烧性能研究》
2. 2015年5月至11月,在德国斯图加特大学燃烧与电厂发电技术研究所做访问学生,研究课题为《稀土氧化物脱汞实验与机理研究》
3. 2012年9月至2016年6月,在同济大学热能工程专业攻读博士学位,博士课题为《铈、镧基氧化物粗煤气脱硫脱汞研究》
4. 2009年9月至2012年6月,在南昌大学化学工程专业攻读硕士学位,硕士课题为《废水制备聚硅硫酸盐絮凝剂及絮凝体分形仿真模拟》
5. 2005年9月至2009年6月,在南昌大学化学工程与工艺专业攻读学士学位,本科课题为《阻燃硅橡胶材料的制备与性能研究》