1. 相变蓄能建筑围护结构热性能
2. 建筑围护结构节能技术
1. 国家自然科学基金,2016-2018;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金,2016-2018;
3. 中国博士后科学基金,2017-2019;
4. 江苏省博士后科学基金,2015-2017;
5. 江苏大学“青年英才培育计划”优秀青年骨干教师培育工程,2017-2019;
6. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,2015-2017。
1. Yuan Zhang, Qian Wang, Impact of phase change material’s thermal properties on the thermal performance of phase change material hollow block wall. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2019, 40(19): 1619-1632.
2. Yuan Zhang, Modified computational methods using effective heat capacity model for the thermal evaluation of PCM outfitted walls. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 108: 104278.
3. Xiaoqin Sun, Jovana Jovanovic, Yuan Zhang, Siyuan Fan, Youhong Chu, Yajing Mo, Shuguang Liao, Use of encapsulated phase change materials in lightweight building walls for annual thermal regulation. 2019, Energy, 180: 858-872.
4. Yuan Zhang, Impact of structural configuration on the thermal performance of PCM hollow block wall. Science and Technology for the Built Environment, 2018, 24(9): 945-961.
5. Yuan Zhang, Geng Wang, Kai Du, Jiapeng He, Comparative analysis of the mesh treating methods in the numerical heat transfer calculation of non-homogeneous building components. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2016, 37(16): 1357-1368.
6. Yuan Zhang, Sunqi Zhuang, Qian Wang, Jiapeng He, Experimental research on the thermal performance of composite PCM hollow block walls and validation of phase transition heat transfer models. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2016, 6359414.
7. Yuan Zhang, Kai Du, Jiapeng He, Liu Yang, Yanjun Li, Impact factors analysis of the enthalpy method and the effective heat capacity method on the transient non-linear heat transfer in phase change materials (PCMs). Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A-Applications, 2014, 65(1): 66~83.
8. Yuan Zhang, Kai Du, Mario A. Medina, Jiapeng He, An experimental method for validating transient heat transfer mathematical models used for phase change materials (PCMs) calculations, Phase Transitions, 2014, 87(6): 541~558.
9. Yuan Zhang, Kai Du, Jiapeng He, Liu Yang, Yanjun Li, Shuhong Li, Impact factors analysis on the thermal performance of hollow block wall. Energy and Buildings, 2014, 75: 330~341.
10. Sunqi Zhuang, Yuan Zhang, Qin Zhu, Renqiao Yan, Jiapeng He, Experimental study on the thermal response of PCM energy storage block with hole ventilation. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, 981854.
11. Yuan Zhang, Jiapeng He, Impact of the relationship between phase change temperature and boundary temperature on the thermal performance of PCM wall and the presentation of PCM thermal performance indexes. Heat Transfer - Asian Research, 2016, 45(4): 379~403.
12. Yuan Zhang, Qian Wang, Influence of hollow block’s structural configuration on the thermal characteristics of hollow block wall. Procedia Engineering, 2017, 205: 2341~2348.
13. Yuan Zhang, Kai Du, Jiapeng He, Optimized Analysis of Lightweight Wall Outfitted with PCM in Hot Summer Zone. In: Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (ISHVAC 2013) Vol 3: Building Simulation and Information Management, 2014, 263: 233~240, Xi’an, China.
2020年拟招收 ①供热、供燃气、通风及空调工程 ②动力工程及工程热物理 等相关专业硕士研究生1-2名,欢迎报考!