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    职称: 教授

    党政职务: 副所长






    联系方式: liming_dai@ujs.edu.cn


    1.     零碳/低碳燃料基础燃烧理论与应用

    2.     清洁燃料工程应用与污染物控制

    3.     氨燃料固体氧化物燃料电池

    4.     动力电池系统优化与开发


    1.      氨气/二甲醚燃烧机理构建及预混层流火焰中NOx生成机制研究,(国家自然科学基金青年项),2023-2025,主持

    2.      江苏省双创博士,2022-2023,主持

    3.      氨气与碳氢燃料掺烧机制与调控研究,(江苏大学科研启动基金,No. 55011300142021-2024,主持

    4.      镇江市科协青年人才托举项目,2023, 主持

    5.      润滑油添加剂对内燃机排放特性影响研究,企业横向,2023,主持

    6.  智能化喷雾冷却系统关键技术研究,企业横向,2022,参与




    1.       Baopeng Li, Qian Wang, Liming Dai*, Zhixia He, Numerical study on combustion and emission characteristics of a dual-fuel direct injection marine engine using ammonia/DME mixtures, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025, 263:125383.

    2.       W. Zhong, Liming Dai*, Z. He and Q. Wang, Numerical study on the combustion characteristics of premixed ammonia flames with methanol/ethanol/n-butanol addition, Fuel, 2025381:133527.

    3.       Yupeng Leng, Liming Dai*, Qian Wang, …, Simms Nigel, Numerical Study on the Combustion and Emissions Characteristics of Liquid Ammonia Spray Ignited by Dimethyl Ether Spray, Fire, 2024,8:14

    4.       Liming Dai* and Howard Levinsky, Evaluation of the use of ammonia/hydrogen blends in turbocharged gas engines, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024,67: 694-703

    5.       T. Luo, Q. Wang, Liming Dai*, D. Xia, Z. He, H. Ji, Numerical studies on topological design of cold plate for a cell-to-pack battery system, Applied Thermal Engineering,2024, 244, 122715

    6.       X. Wu, Y. Feng*, G.Xu, Y. Zhu, P. Ming, Liming Dai*, ‘Numerical investigations on charge motion and combustion of natural gas-enhanced ammonia in marine pre-chamber lean-burn engine with dual-fuel combustion system’, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48:11476-11492.

    7.       W. Li, T. Xuan, Qian Wang, Liming Dai*, A novel object-oriented directed path screening method for reduction of detailed chemical kinetic mechanism, Combustion and Flame, 2023, 251,112727.

    8.         Hengsong Ji, Tianbei Luo, Liming Dai*, Zhixia He, Qian Wang*, Topology design of cold plates for pouch battery thermal management considering heat distribution characteristics, Applied Thermal Engineering, 224(2023),119940.

    9.         Yuanpu Zhang, Qian Wang, Liming Dai*, Ming Zhang, Chunkan Yu*Numerical Study on the Combustion Properties of Ammonia/DME and Ammonia/DMM Mixtures, Energies, 2023,6929.

    10.      Hao Xu, Jing Wang, Chengcheng Zhang, Liming Dai*, Zhixia He, Qian Wang*, Numerical study on laminar burning velocity of ammonia flame with methanol addition, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(2022) 28152-28164.

    11.      Liming Dai, H. Hashemi, P. Glarborg, S. Gersen, P. Marshall, A. Mokhov, H. Levinsky*, Ignition delay times of NH3/DME blends at high pressure and low DME fraction: RCM experiments and simulations, Combustion and Flame ,227 (2021) 120–134.

    12.      Liming Dai, S. Gersen, P. Glarborg, A. Mokhov, H. Levinsky*, Autoignition studies of NH3/CH4 mixtures at high pressure, Combustion and Flame, 218 (2020) 19–26.

    13.      Liming Dai, S. Gersen, P. Glarborg, H. Levinsky*, A. Mokhov, Experimental and numerical analysis of the autoignition behavior of NH3 and NH3/H2 mixtures at high pressure, Combustion and Flame, 215 (2020) 134–144.

    14.      Liming Dai, A. Mokhov*, H. Levinsky, Variation in Flame Temperature with Burner Stabilization in 1D Premixed Dimethyl Ether/Air Flames Measured by Spontaneous Raman Scattering, Energy & Fuels, 33 (2019) 11976–11984.


    1. 江苏省双创博士,2022

    2. 镇江市科协托举人才计划,2023

    3. 江苏大学第六届全英文教学竞赛三等奖,2023

    4. 江苏大学能源与动力工程学院全英文讲课比赛一等奖,2023

    5. 江苏大学能源与动力工程学院讲课比赛一等奖,2022



    1. 利用LNG冷能降低天然气发动机冷却水温度的系统及方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510077319.9,授权时间2017年。

    2. 一种带有自润滑功能的天然气/柴油双燃料喷射器,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201510077494.8,授权时间2018年。

    3 ⼀种通过正反旋流来强化喷雾燃烧并对⽓液针栓喷注器的针栓杆的头部进⾏冷却的汽液针栓喷注,国际PCT专利,2024年。


    招收工程热物理、动力机械及工程、燃烧学, 电化学等专业研究生。欢迎邮件联系liming_dai@ujs.edu.cn

