姓名 王楚翘
学术任职:1. 中国内燃机学会会员,中国汽车工程学会会员;
2. 能源动力类国际期刊审稿人。
联系方式:Email: cqwang@ujs.edu.cn
1. 动力系统的多相流动及喷射特性研究;
2. 燃料热物理模型研究;
3. “双碳”燃料喷射系统开发。
1. 超高压下喷嘴内多组分燃油跨声速空化流动预测模型及特性研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金),2022~2024,主持;
2. 一种多用途燃料喷射系统的产品化开发(科协“金桥工程”优秀项目),2021~2022,主持;
3. 高技术船舶项目,xxxxxx系统研制,2022-2025,参与;
4. PODE/甲醇二元燃料低温燃烧过程及污染物生成演化机制研究(国家自然科学基金青年基金),2019~2022,参与;
5. 大型柴油机喷油器各孔喷射特性测试分析(企业委托项目),2018~2020,参与;
6. 柴油机喷油器各孔介观高压喷油及喷雾特性研究(国家自然科学基金面上基金),2015~2018,参与;
7. 欧盟Marie Skłodowska-Curie Industrial network子项目,2019~2020,参与。
1. Zhixia He, Yuanyuan Shen, Chuqiao Wang*, Yanzhi Zhang, Qian Wang, Manolis Gavaises. Thermophysical properties of n-dodecane over a wide temperature and pressure range via molecular dynamics simulations with modification methods. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 371(2023), 121102.
2. Zhixia He, Wei Guan, Chuqiao Wang, Genmiao Guo, Liang Zhang, Manolis Gavaises. Assessment of turbulence and cavitation models in prediction of vortex induced cavitating flow in fuel injector nozzles. International journal of Multiphase flow, 157(2022), 104251.
3. Chuqiao Wang, Adams Moro, Tianyu Jin, Yu Sun, Andreas Röll, Fuqiang Luo, Manolis Gavaises. An analytical model of diesel injector’s needle valve eccentric motion. International Journal of Engine Research, 2022, 23(3): 469-481.
4. Chuqiao Wang, Adams Moro, Tong Luo, Tianyu Jin, Fuqiang Luo, Manolis Gavaises. Hole-to-hole variations in coupled low and spray simulation of a double-layer multi-holes diesel nozzle. International Journal of Engine Research, 2021, 22(10): 3233-3246.
5. Chuqiao Wang, Adams Moro, Fuying Xue, Xiwen Wu, Fuqiang Luo. The influence of eccentric needle movement on internal flow and injection characteristics of a multi-hole diesel nozzle. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 117(2018) 818-834.
6. Tianyu Jin, Yu sun, Chuqiao Wang, Adams Moro, Xiwen Wu, Fuqiang Luo. The influence of needle eccentric motion on hole-to-hole injection characteristics of a two-layered 8-hole diesel injector. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2021, 143(10): 101005.
1. Chuqiao Wang, Andreas Röll, Konstantinos Kolovos, Alvaro Vidal Roncero, Yu Sun, Phoevos Koukouvinis, Manolis Gavaises, Markus Brautsch, Raphael Lechner, Nicholas O'Connell, Zhixia He and Fuqiang Luo. Transient cavitation flow of the neat PODE (polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether) within a solenoid injector, 15th Triennial International Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems (ICLASS), Edinburgh, UK, 2021. (presentation)
2. Chuqiao Wang, Andreas Röll, Konstantinos Kolovos, Alvaro Vidal Roncero, Phoevos Koukouvinis, Manolis Gavaises, Markus Brautsch, Raphael Lechner, Zhixia He and Fuqiang Luo. Transient flow characteristics within a diesel injector using a compressible density-based solver, ILASS-Asia, Zhenjiang, China, 2020. (presentation)
3. Chuqiao Wang, Coupled flow and spray simulation of the double-layer multi-holes diesel nozzle, 6th Cavitation and Multi-Phase Flows Workshop, Chania, Greece, 2019. (presentation)
4. Fuqiang Luo, Chuqiao Wang, Fuying Xue, Bingjian Ye, Xiwen Wu. A study on the influence of fuel pipe on fuel injection characteristics of each nozzle hole in diesel injector. MATEC Web of Conferences 40, 2016. (EI)
1. 2022机械工业科技进步二等奖;
2. 2022“镇江国际菁英创业大赛”京口区二等奖;
3. 2022“智创泰州”科技创新创业大赛三等奖;
4. 2022第十届“创业江苏”科技创业大赛优秀团队;
5. 2022能动学院教师教学竞赛一等奖;
6. 2022江苏大学第十一届教学竞赛三等奖;
7. 江苏省双创博士科技“副总”;
8. ILASS-Asia 2020国际会议最佳会议论文。
1. 一种控制商用车用柴油机小油量时喷射稳定性用孔式喷油嘴. 发明专利,授权号:ZL201611156658.7.
2. 一种可模拟涡流及滚流运动的定容燃烧弹.发明专利,授权号:ZL201710342520.4.
3. 一种单组分碳氢燃料热物性计算修正方法.发明专利,公开号:CN114707340A。
4. 基于修正零势能面的单组分碳氢燃料能量性质预测方法.发明专利,公开号:CN114822710A。