姓名 李翔
职称: 副教授
学术任职: 江苏省能源协会会员,中国光伏行业协会会员,Ionics、Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 、 Ceramics International、Journal of Hazardous Materials 等期刊审稿人
1. 锂离子电池关键材料
2. 晶硅切损有效利用
3. 太阳能光伏材料
1. 硅片切割废料制备“yolk-shell”Si@void@C锂离子电池负极材料的方法研究(江苏省博士后科研资助项目2021K180B),2021-2022(主持);
2. 企业横向项目,2022-2023(主持);
3. 硅片切割废料制备锂离子电池负极材料及产业化(镇江市重点研发计划SH2020007),2020-2022(主持);
4. 晶硅切割废料制备锂离子电池负极材料的研发及市场化(江苏大学泰州新能源研究院项目2020-04),2019-2021(主持);
5. 阶梯型异质结阵列的SPR耦合效应强化载流子输运的机理研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目811113005),2020-2023(参与)。
1. Xiang Li, Kai Tang, Merete Tangstad. Reduction and Dissolution Behaviour of Manganese Slag in the Ferromanganese Process. Minerals, 2020, vol. 10, pp. 97.
2. Xiang Li, Merete Tangstad. The Influence of Sulfur Content on the Carbothermal Reduction of SiMn Slag. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, 2019, vol. 50, pp. 136–149.
3. Xiang Li, Guangqing Zhang, Ragnar Tronstad, and Oleg Ostrovski. Synthesis of SiC whiskers by VLS and VS process. Ceramics International, 2016, vol. 47, pp. 2197–2204.
4. Xiang Li, Guangqing Zhang, Oleg Ostrovski and Ragnar Tronstad. Effect of gas atmosphere on the formation of silicon by reaction of SiC and SiO2, Journal of Materials Science, 2016, vol. 51, pp. 876–884.
5. Xiang Li, Guangqing Zhang, Ragnar Tronstad, and Oleg Ostrovski, Reduction of Quartz to Silicon Monoxide by Methane-Hydrogen Mixtures, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol. 47, pp. 2197–2204, 2016.08;
6. Xiang Li, Guangqing Zhang, Kai Tang, Oleg Ostrovski and Ragnar Tronstad. Carbothermal Reduction of Quartz in Different Gas Atmospheres, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol. 46, pp. 1343–1352, 2015.06;
7. Xiang Li, Guangqing Zhang, Kai Tang, Oleg Ostrovski and Ragnar Tronstad. Carbothermal Reduction of Quartz in Methane-Hydrogen-Argon Gas Mixture, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B, vol 46, pp. 2384–2393, 2015.10;
8. Xiang Li, Xinmei Liu, Xinlong Yan, Zhanquan Zhang, Dezhi Han, Lei Han and Zifeng Yan. A facile one step synthesis of alumina monolith with bimodal pore structure from emulsion template, Materials Letters, vol. 68, pp. 234–236, 2012.02;
9. Xiang Li, Dezhi Han, Hongxia Xue, Xinmei Liu and Zifeng Yan. A simple hydrothermal route to bimodal mesoporous nanorod γ-alumina with high thermal stability, International Journal of Materials Research, 2011, vol. 102, pp. 1473–1476, 2011.12;
10. Xiang Li, Dezhi Han, Yongqiang Xu, Xinmei Liu and Zifeng Yan. Bimodal mesoporous γ-Al2O3: A promising support for CoMo-based catalyst in hydrodesulfurization of 4, 6-DMDBT, Materials Letters, vol. 65, pp. 1765–1767, 2011.06;
1. Production of Silicon Carbide and Silicon in Different Gas atmospheres.,LAB LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Deutschland, Germany, 2016.08.
1. 江苏省“333”人才工程第三层次,2022
1. 由金刚线切割硅片废料湿法氧化制备纳米级二氧化硅的方法, 发明专利申请:202111353130.X;
2. 一种采用硅片废料制备复合型锂离子电池负极材料的方法,发明专利申请:202010054800.7;
3. 一种利用高度氧化的硅废料制备SiC纤维的方法,发明专利申请:202010054799.8;
4. 一种气相法合成低氧低碳含量SiC纤维的方法,发明专利申请:202010055731.1;
5. 一种利用硅片切割废料制备SiC纤维的方法, 发明专利申请:202010054241.X.