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时间:2018-11-08 访问次数:


姓名  李彬








联系方式:Emailbinli@ujs.edu.cnQQ: 1002731802


1.          荷电多相流理论及应用

2.          多相流流动、分离及传热传质

3.          电流体动力学(EHD

4.          环保设备工程


1. 纳米流体液滴电聚并机理及电-流场耦合强化机制研究(国家自然科学基金青年项目,在研,主持)

2. 多场耦合作用下EHD流动强化纳米流体液滴聚并机理研究(中国博士后科学基金特别资助(站中)项目,在研,主持)

3. 多场耦合作用下纳米流体液滴静电聚结动力学机理研究(江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,在研,主持)

4. 中国博士后科学基金第73批面上资助项目,在研,主持

5. 先进反应堆工程与安全教育部重点实验室开放课题,在研,主持

6. 电流体泰勒锥稳定机制及锥射流失稳破碎机理的探索(国家自然科学基金面上项目,在研,参与3/8

7. 中国博士后科学基金第67批面上资助项目,结题,主持

8. 江苏省高等学校自然科学研究面上项目(A类),结题,主持

9. 江苏省博士后科研资助计划,结题,主持


(1)     Bin Li, Mingdong Ju, Xiaohui Dou, et al. Microscopic coalescence mechanism of nanoparticle-laden droplet pairs in the coupling of electric field and flow field: A molecular dynamics study[J], Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35: 072012.

(2)     Mingdong Ju, Bin Li*, Wei Xiang, et al. Microscopic stabilization mechanism of nanoparticle-laden droplets under external electric fields: A molecular dynamics study[J], International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 209: 124113.

(3)     Yunchao Li, Zhentao Wang*, Bin Li*, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of the cone-jet electrospray: Role of surfactants[J], International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 214: 124388.

(4)     Mingdong Ju, Bin Li*, Yan Wu, et al. Oil droplet migration in the coupling of electric field and nano-confined shearing flow field: A molecular dynamics study[J], Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 388: 122813.

(5)     Yunchao Li, Zhentao Wang*, Bin Li*, et al. Molecular dynamics simulation of ethanol electrohydrodynamic atomization: Microscopic mechanism of the operating parameter effects[J], Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2023, 379: 121602.

(6)     Xiaohui Dou, Weixiang, Bin Li*, et al. CFD-DPM modelling of solid particle erosion on weld reinforcement height in liquid-solid high shear flows[J], Powder Technology, 2023, 427: 118773.

(7)     Kai Yu*, Liuhao Chen, Weifeng Zhang, Huagui Zhang, Jianguang Jia, Zhentao Wang, Bin Li*, et al. Behaviour of polymer-coated composite nanoparticles at bubble-stabilizing interfaces during bubble coarsening and accelerated coalescence: A Cryo-SEM study[J], Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2023, 633: 113-119.

(8)     Bin Li, Mingdong Ju, Xiaohui Dou, et al. Microscopic mechanism for nanoparticle-laden droplet-droplet electrocoalescence: A molecular dynamics study[J], Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 299: 121768.

(9)     Bin Li, X. Dou, K. Yu, W. Zhang, H. Xu, Z. Sun, Z. Wang, J. Wang, Electrocoalescence of water droplet trains in sunflower oil under the coupling of Non-uniform electric and Laminar flow fields[J], Chemical Engineering Science, 2022, 248: 117158.

(10)  Kai Yu, Huagui Zhang, Zhentao Wang, Wei Zhang, Haojie Xu, Bin Li*, Junfeng Wang*. Shell-to-core ratio dependence on modulating interactions between core-shell composite nanoparticles at an air-aqueous interface[J]. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2022, 352:118444.

(11)  Bin Li, X. Dou, K. Yu, N. Li, W. Zhang, H. Xu, Z. Sun, Z. Wang, J. Wang, Molecular dynamics simulations of nanoparticle-laden drop–interface electrocoalescence behaviors under direct and alternating current electric fields[J], Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2021, 345: 117875.

(12)  Bin Li(#), Xiaohui Dou, Kai Yu, Yujie Huang, Wei Zhang, Haojie Xu, Zhiqian Sun, Zhentao Wang(*), Junfeng Wang(*). Coalescence Dynamic Response of an Aqueous Droplet at an Oil-Water Interface Under a Steady Electric Field[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 139: 103628.

(13)  Bin Li(#), Kai Yu, Jiawei Xu, Zhentao Wang, Junfeng Wang(*), Wei Zhang, Dongbao Wang, Haojie Xu, Zhiqian Sun(*), Zhenbo Wang. The secondary drop formation of nanoparticle/ surfactant-stabilized water droplets under non-uniform electric fields[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2020, 125: 103211.

(14)  Bin Li(#), Zhentao Wang, Vincenzino Vivacqua, Mojtaba Ghadiri, Junfeng Wang(*), Wei Zhang, Dongbao Wang, Hailong Liu, Zhiqian Sun, Zhenbo Wang. Drop-interface electrocoalescence mode transition under a direct current electric field[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 213: 115360.

(15)  Bin Li(#), Vincenzino Vivacqua, Junfeng Wang, Zhentao Wang, Zhiqian Sun, Zhenbo Wang, Mojtaba Ghadiri(*). Electrocoalescence of water droplets in sunflower oil using a novel electrode geometry[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 152: 226-241.

(16)  Bin Li(#), Zhiqian Sun, Zhenbo Wang(*), Junfeng Wang(*), Zhentao Wang, Xiaohui Dou, Yuxin Fan, Hailong Liu. Effects of the particle concentration on the electro-dehydration of simulated SAGD produced ultra-heavy oil[J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 151: 157-167.

(17)  Bin Li(#), Yuxin Fan, Zhiqian Sun(*), Zhenbo Wang(*), Liyun Zhu. Effects of high-frequency pulsed electrical field and operating parameters on dehydration of SAGD produced ultra-heavy oil[J]. Powder Technology, 2017, 316: 338-344.

(18)  Bin Li(#), Vincenzino Vivacqua, Mojtaba Ghadiri(*), Zhiqian Sun, Zhenbo Wang, Xiaoyu Li. Droplet deformation under pulsatile electric fields[J], Chemical Engineering Research and Design. 2017, 127: 180-188.

(19)  Bin Li(#)Zhiqian Sun(*)Zhenbo WangYouhai JinYuxin Fan. Effects of high-frequency and high-voltage pulsed electric field parameters on water chain formation[J]. Journal of Electrostatics, 2016, 80: 22-29.

(20)  李彬(#),任瑞娟,孙治谦,王振波(*),金有海. 直流脉冲电场下液滴-界面聚并行为研究[J]. 化工学报, 2018, 69(2): 815-822.

(21)  李彬(#),孙治谦(*),王振波,金有海. 高频高压脉冲电场作用下水链形成与消散行为的实验研究[J]. 高校化学工程学报,201529(6): 1333-1339.


(1)     青年学者优秀论文陈学俊奖,中国工程热物理学会多相流专业委员会,2020.12.

(2)     宁镇扬地区高校能源动力类专业青年教师线上授课竞赛二等奖,南京工程热物理学会,2020.12

(3)     驻镇高校力学青年教师讲课竞赛三等奖,镇江市力学学会,2021.12


(1)     “建行杯”第十六届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖

(2)     “双良杯”第三届江苏省大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖

(3)       第十届中国研究生能源装备创新设计大赛江苏大学校赛二等奖


(1)     李彬;项俊锋;杨陆杨;陆甲浩;周政;一种集电场-旋流场耦合的纳米驱采出液脱水设备,2023-03,中国,202310245655.4(发明专利)

(2)     李彬;李家琪;宋英南;彭海蒙;集电场-超声波场-离心场耦合的防结垢温控电聚结脱水器,2022-02,中国,202010380357.2.(发明专利)

(3)     李彬;王贞涛;王军锋;一种防滴漏超微量荷电喷雾装置,2021-10-11,中国,ZL202011090800.9. (发明专利)

(4)     李彬;黄雨捷; 豆肖辉; 王贞涛; 王军锋; 脉冲电场下液滴变形过程仿真软件[简称:Droplet_deformation]V1.0, 2020SR1855694, 原始取得, 全部权利, 2020-9-3.(软件著作权)

(5)     李彬; 王军锋; 张伟; 王贞涛; 孙治谦; 王振波; 一种基于多孔道静电强化相分散的新型气浮装置, 2020-6-9, 中国, ZL201920768358.7. (实用新型专利)

(6)     李彬; 王军锋; 孙治谦; 王贞涛; 王振波; 一种V型电聚结脱水动态实验装置, 2019-12-24, 中国, ZL201920285073.8. (实用新型专利)

(7)     孙治谦; 王振波; 杜联盟; 李彬; 朱丽云; 李强; 巩志强; 刘兆增; 一种电场与剪切场耦合作用下双液滴聚结的微观实验装置, 2019-8-20, 中国, ZL201710415117.X.(发明专利)

(8)     孙治谦; 杜联盟; 王振波; 李彬; 刘兆增; 李强; 朱丽云; 巩志强; 一种电聚结脱水动态实验装置, 2018-11-2, 中国, ZL201710413962.3. (发明专利)



