1. 第3届国际氨能会议大会分会共同主席 (2023-2024)
2. 《Frontiers in Energy Research》和《Frontiers in Chemistry》客座编辑
3. Energy、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy、Combustion Science and Technology、International Journal of Aerospace Engineering、Thermal Science and Engineering Progress、Fuel Processing Technology等学术期刊论文审稿人。
1. 零碳/低碳燃料燃烧基础特性
2. 微尺度燃烧及微型动力系统
3. 燃烧热声不稳定控制
4. 动力电池先进热管理
1. 非平衡等离子体激励下氨燃料燃烧热声不稳定特性及调控机制研究,江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2024-2027,主持
2. Rijke管氨燃烧热声振荡特性及调控机理研究,江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,2023-2026,主持
3. 非贵金属燃料电池催化剂开发及运行控制,企业委托项目,2024-2026,主持
1. Tao Cai, Aikun Tang, et al., Experimental and kinetic analyses on the flame dynamics and stabilization of ammonia/hydrogen-air mixtures in a micro-planar combustor. Chemical Engineering Journal 477 (2023):147038.
2. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao. Enhancing and assessing ammonia-air combustion performance by blending with dimethyl ether. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 156 (2022):112003. (高被引&热点论文)
3. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Overview of fundamental kinetic mechanisms and emission mitigation in ammonia combustion. Chemical Engineering Journal 458 (2023):141391. (高被引&热点论文)
4. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Removal and mechanism analysis of NOx emissions in carbon-free ammonia combustion systems with a secondary fuel injection. Fuel 344 (2023):128088. (高被引&热点论文)
5. Tao Cai, Aikun Tang, et al., Experimental evaluation and mechanism analysis of combustion performance enhancement in composite wall-assisted methane/air mixtures. Energy (2024): 133944.
6. Aikun Tang, Jiaze Yang, Peng Yang, Han Zhang, Tao Cai*. Optimization and working performance analysis of liquid cooling plates in refrigerant direct cooling power battery systems. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 231 (2024): 125899.
7. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao. Overview of autoignition and flame propagation properties for ammonia combustion. AIAA Journal 61 (2023):1-25.
8. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Tailoring reduced mechanisms for predicting flame propagation and ignition characteristics in ammonia and ammonia/hydrogen mixtures. Energy 260 (2022):125090.
9. Tao Cai and Dan Zhao. Temperature dependence of laminar burning velocity in ammonia/ dimethyl ether-air premixed flames. Journal of Thermal Science 31.1 (2022):189-197.
10. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., NOx emission performance assessment on a perforated plate-implemented premixed ammonia-oxygen micro-combustion system. Chemical Engineering Journal 417 (2021):128033.
11. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Evaluation of NOx emissions characteristics in a CO2-Free micro-power system by implementing a perforated plate. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 145 (2021):111150.
12. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Optimizing thermal performance and exergy efficiency in hydrogen-fueled meso-combustors by applying a bluff-body. Journal of Cleaner Production 311 (2021): 127573.
13. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Enhancing heat transfer performance analyses of a hydrogen-fueled meso-combustor with staggered bluff-bodies. Fuel Processing Technology 218 (2021):106867.
14. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Mitigating NOx emissions from an ammonia-fueled micro-power system with a perforated plate implemented. Journal of Hazardous Materials 401 (2021):123848.
15. Tao Cai and Dan Zhao. Effects of fuel composition and wall thermal conductivity on thermal and NOx emission performances of an ammonia/hydrogen-oxygen micro-power system. Fuel Processing Technology 209 (2020):106527.
16. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., NOx emission and thermal performances studies on premixed ammonia-oxygen combustion in a CO2-free micro-planar combustor. Fuel 280 (2020):118554.
17. Tao Cai, Dan Zhao, et al., Bluff-body effect on thermal and NOx emission characteristics in a micro-planar combustor fueled with premixed ammonia-oxygen. Chemical Engineering and Processing-Process Intensification 153 (2020): 107979.
18. Tao Cai, Aikun Tang, et al., Flame dynamics and stability of premixed methane/air in micro-planar quartz combustors. Energy 193 (2020):116767.
19. Tao Cai, Aikun Tang, et al., Experimental observation and numerical study on flame structures, blowout limit and radiant efficiency of premixed methane/air in micro-scale planar combustors. Applied Thermal Engineering 158 (2019):113810.
20. Aikun Tang, Tao Cai, et al., Experimental study on flame structure transitions of premixed propane/air in micro-scale planar combustors. Energy 179 (2019): 558-570.
21. Aikun Tang, Tao Cai, et al., Numerical study on energy conversion performance of micro-thermophotovoltaic system adopting a heat recirculation micro-combustor. Fuel processing technology 180 (2018): 23-31.
22. Aikun Tang, Tao Cai, et al., Experimental investigation on combustion characteristics of premixed propane/air in a micro-planar heat recirculation combustor. Energy Conversion and Management 152 (2017): 65-71.
1. 第17届大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖(指导教师)2024年
2. 第11届中国研究生能源装备创新设计大赛(第二指导教师)2024年
3. 国家优秀自费留学生奖学金,2020