主要论文 |
1.Effect of Nozzle Geometrical and Dynamic Factors on Cavitating and Turbulent Flow in a Multihole Injector Nozzle. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2013, 70: 132-143(SCI)
2.An investigation of transient nature of the cavitating flow in injector nozzles, Applied Thermal Engineering, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013,54(1): 56-64 ( SCI )
3.Study on Effect of Fuel Injection Strategy on Combustion noise and Exhuast emission of Diesel Engine. Thermal Science, 2013,17(1): 81-90 ( SCI )
4.Investigation of the Cavitating and Turbulent Flow in a Nozzle with Wire Net. Information: Agriculture and Engineering. 2013,16(5): 3229-3238 ( SCI )
5.A Numerical Study into the Effect of Cavitation Number on the Flow Characteristics in Diesel Nozzle Holes. APPEEC2010, Chengdu, China, 2010.3 (EI)
6.Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Cavitating Flow in a Vertical Multi-hole Injector Nozzle, FEDSM-ICNMM2010-30504 (EI)
7.Large Eddy Simulation of the Internal Flow in Diesel Nozzles. APPEEC2012, hanghai, China, 2012.3 (EI)
8.Numerical investigation on primary atomization of the fuel spray in diesel engines. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 516-517(2012) pp 634-637 (EI)
9.An investigation of transient nature of the cavitating flow in injector nozzles affected by the needle movement. Proceedings of the Eighth International Symposium on Cavitation (CAV 2012), Singapore ,2012,Aug.13-16
10.A Numerical Investigation of Transient Cavitating Flow in Injector Nozzles Considering of Thermodynamic Properties of the Fuel. THIESEL 2012 , Valencia, Spain, Sept.11-14, 2012
11.Investigation of Effect of Nozzle Geometry on Spray Characteristics with a 3D Eulerian Spray Model Coupled with the Nozzle Cavitating Flow, ICLASS 2012, Heidelberg, Germany, September 2-6, 2012
12.针阀运动对柴油机喷嘴瞬态流动特性的影响.内燃机学报,2012,30(4):336-342 (EI)
13.空气滤清器的空气动力学仿真和优化,中南大学学报(自科版) ,2012,43(3):1179-1184 (EI)
14.基于空穴初生的柴油机喷孔内部流动. 江苏大学学报(自然科学版),2011,32(6):672-677 (EI)
15.柴油机喷嘴内空穴流动可视化试验与数值模拟. 农业机械学报,2011, 42(11):6-9 (EI) 25
16.甲醇喷雾湍流反应流的JPDF数值模拟.工程热物理学报,2011,32(3):533-536 (EI)
17.喷油压力波动对喷嘴内空穴发展影响的CFD分析,内燃机工程,2009,30(1):64~68 (EI)
18.高压共轨喷油器内非稳态流动数值模拟.江苏大学学报,2007,28(2):142~146 (EI)
19.柴油机喷嘴结构优化的数值模拟分析.内燃机学报,2006,24(1):35~41 (EI)
20.垂直多孔喷嘴内部空穴两相流动的三维数值模拟分析.机械工程学报,2005,41(3):92~97 (EI)
21.柴油机喷雾燃烧过程的动态可视化试验研究.江苏大学学报(自然科学版),2005,26(5):397~400 (EI)
22.柴油机高压共轨喷油系统内的瞬变流动研究.农业机械学报,2004,35(1):48~51 (EI)
23.喷油嘴喷孔内部空穴两相流动数值模拟分析.内燃机学报,2004,22(5):433~438 (EI)