职 称:副教授
导 师:硕士生导师
最高学位:江苏大学与新加坡南洋理工大学联合培养博士/ 加泰罗尼亚理工大学博士/ 清华大学博士后
学术任职:1. Fluid Dynamics & Materials Processing期刊编委
2.Energies, Processes, Water, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering等期刊客座编辑;
3. ISA Transactions, Physics of Fluids, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Nuclear Engineering and Design等期刊审稿人
联系方式:Email: luyg@ujs.edu.cn; yonggang.lu@upc.edu
1. 流体机械多相瞬变流动理论与流动控制
2. 流体机械结构强度优化设计与多场耦合
3. 核电泵、水轮机、水泵水轮机、多相混输泵等多学科设计优化
流体机械强度计算(本科),流体机械内流激励理论及控制(研究生),Applied Process Assessment with Machine Learning(助教)
1. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目(BK20210771),深海矿浆泵气液固三相混输流动特性及多相流冲蚀磨损机理研究,2021.7-2024.6,20万,主持
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2021M701847),深海扬矿泵气液固三相非稳态流动特性及四象限失效分析,8万,2021.12-2023.5,主持
3. 水沙科学水利水电国家重点实验室及宁夏水联网研究院联合开放基金(sklhse-2024-Iow07),梯级扬水泵站优化调度与智能运维技术研究,10万,2024.01-2025.05,主持
4. 先进反应堆工程与安全教育部重点实验室开放课题(ARES-2021-01),汽液两相工况下核主泵内非稳态流动机理及涡动力学特征,2万,2021.9-2022.8,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(52371322),核主泵汽液两相界面微观运动机理及全特性瞬变流动特性研究,50万,2024.1-2027.12,参与(第二)
6. 国家重点研发计划子任务,LNG装卸三维流动特性及振动响应分析评估,600万,2023.3-2025.3,主研(清华)
7. 国家重点研发计划,XX泵XX启停瞬态流动特性及诱导噪声机理,170万,2022.01-2024.12,参研
8. 江苏省重点研发计划(BE2018112),海上移动核电高温重金属核主泵关键技术研发,120万,2018.7-2021.6,主研
9. 江苏省重点研发计划(BE2015129),铅铋冷却反应堆高温液态金属主循环泵关键技术研发,120万,2015.7-2018.12,参研
10. 水沙科学与水利水电工程国家重点实验室科研课题(2022-KY-06),变速抽蓄机组双调方式流固耦合振动机理研究,150万,2022.01-2025.12,参研
1. 清华大学,高水头水泵水轮机宽负荷设计及转轮裂纹损伤预测与扩展研究,152万,2024.7-2027.9,主持
2. 上海阿波罗机械股份有限公司,巴基斯坦恰希玛核电厂五号机组循环水系统瞬态分析,18万,2024.9-2024.12,主持
3. 清华大学,水泵水轮机及输水系统过渡过程三维水激振动响应分析,30万,2023.8-2024.8,主持
4. 哈工大机器人(合肥)国际创新研究院,基于XXX工业母机故障监测系统,25万,2022.4-2023.4,主持
5. 江苏瑞阳环保有限公司,重金属轴流泵的多学科优化设计方法(成果转化),25万,2022.10-2027.10,主持
6. 利欧集团股份有限公司,基于流热固耦合的大型内循环闭式冷却系统潜污泵开发,22万,2024.10-2025.10,主持
7. 中国三峡建工(集团)有限公司,1000MW水轮发电机组动力特性多场耦合研究,672万,2022.4-2023.4,主研(清华)
8. 山东潍坊抽水蓄能有限公司,山东潍坊抽水蓄能电站水泵水轮机及输水系统全三维水激振动研究,292万,2023.01-2024.12,主研(清华)
9. 国家电投集团科学技术研究院有限公司,高温液态铅铋泵(A)研制(采购项目),52万,2022.1-2022.5,主研
10. 哈尔滨电气动力装备有限公司,混流式轴封型反应堆冷却剂泵水力部件全特性试验研究,160万,2020.09-2022.03,参研
1. Lu Y G, Liu Z W, Alexandre P*, et al. Study on evolution characteristics of energy dissipation and vortex in pump- turbine during load rejection transition process [J]. Physics of Fluids, 2025.
2. Lu Y G, Zhang Z, Alexandre P*, et al. Dynamic structural characteristics of rotor components during the start-up transition of the LFR main coolant pump [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2024, 103366.
3. Chen H, Zhu R S, Lu Y G*, et al. Pressure distribution characteristics in pump chamber and axial force optimization of reactor coolant pump[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2024.
4. Lu Y G, Long Y, Zhu R S, et al. Transient structural load characteristics of reactor coolant pump rotor system in rotor seizure accident [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2022, 164: 108631.
5. Lu Y G, Zhao W, Alexandre P*, et al. Shutdown idling performance of the nuclear main coolant pump under station blackout accident: An optimization study[J]. Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2023, 237: 79-97.
6. Lu Y G, Liu Z W, Zhang Z Q, et al. Analysis of unsteady flow and interstage interference of pressure pulsation of two-stage pump as turbine under turbine model[J]. Water, 2024, 16(21): 3100.
7. Liu Z W, Lu Y G*, Alexandre P, et al. Research on the influence mechanism of operating characteristics of an 11-stage pump as turbine under turbine mode [J]. Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2024.
8. Lu Y G, Long Y, Zhu R S, et al. Study on flow characteristics in LBE-cooled main coolant pump under positive rotating condition [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2022.
9. Lu Y G, Wang X L, Fu Q*, et al. Comparative analysis of internal flow characteristics of LBE-cooled fast reactor main coolant pump with different structures under reverse rotation accident conditions[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2021, 53(7): 2207-2220.
10. Lu Y G, Zhu R S, Wang X L, et al. Study on the complete rotational characteristic of coolant pump in the gas-liquid two-phase operating condition[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 123: 180-189.
11. Lu Y G, Zhu R S, Fu Q, et al. Research on the structure design of the LBE reactor coolant pump in the lead base heap[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2019, 51(2): 546-555.
12. Lu Y G, Zhu R S, Wang X L, et al. Experimental study on transient performance in the coasting transition process of shutdown for reactor coolant pump[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2019, 346: 192-199.
13. Lu Y G, Zhu R S, Wang X L, et al. Study on gas-liquid two-phase all-characteristics of CAP1400 nuclear main pump[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2017, 319: 140-148.
14. Lu Y G, Zhang Z Q, Chen H, et al. Study on the design of short blade offset for the long and short blade runner of 1000 MW hydraulic turbine units[C]//Journal of Physics: Conference Series. IOP Publishing, 2024, 2752(1): 012024.
15. Li X L, Lu Y G*, Shi W D, et al. Study on energy conversion characteristics and pressure pulsation interference characteristics between two stage impellers of the pump as turbine [J]. Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 2022, 237(4): 718-728.
16. Zhu R S, Lu Y G*, Chen Y M, et al. Research on structure selection and design of LBE-cooled fast reactor main coolant pump [J]. Nuclear Engineering and Design, 2020, 110973.
17. Wang X L, Lu Y G*, Zhu R S, et al. Study of hydraulic performance and pressure pulsation characteristics of the grinder pump in case of clogging [J]. Bulgarian Chemical Communications, 2016, 48:87-95.
18. Wang X L, Lu Y G*, Zhu R S, et al. Study of non-liner cavitation on flow characteristics inside the centrifugal pump [J]. Journal of the Balkan Tribological Association, 2016,22(3), 2826-2842.
19. Chen H, Lu Y G*, Liu K, et al. Study on the Internal Flow Characteristics of Long and Short Blade Runners of a 1000 MW Francis Turbine under Different Opening Conditions, Processes,2023, 11(6):1796.
20. Wang X L, Lu Y G, Zhu R S*, et al. Study on pressure pulsation characteristics of reactor coolant pump during the idling transition process[J]. Journal of Vibration and Control, 2019, 25(18): 2509-2522.
21. Wang X L, Lu Y G, Zhu R S*, et al. Study on the transient evolution law of internal flow field and dynamic stress of reactor coolant pump under rotor seizure accident[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2019, 133: 35-45.
22. Wang X L, Lu Y G, Zhu R S*, et al. Experimental study on transient characteristics of reactor coolant pump under rotor seizure accident [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 136(3):107039.
23. Ma Z, Lu Y G, Liu G F, et al. Enhanced cyclic redox reactivity of hematite via Sr doping in chemical looping combustion[J]. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2022, 100: 206–212.
24. Ma Z, Lu Y G, Liu G F, et al. Enhanced cyclic redox reactivity of Fe2O3/Al2O3 by Sr doping for Chemical-Looping combustion of solid fuels [J]. Fuel, 2022, 324(11):124625.
25. Ma Z, Lu Y G, Zhu L, et al. Synergistic effect of Ce-Mn on cyclic redox reactivity of pyrite cinder for chemical looping process [J]. Fuel, 2022, 100: 124584.
26. Wang X L, Lu Y G, Zhu R S, et al. Study on bidirectional fluid-solid coupling characteristics of reactor coolant pump under steady-state condition[J]. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2019, 51(7): 1842-1852.
27. Wang X L, Lu Y G, Zhu R S*, et al. Experimental study on transient characteristics of reactor coolant pump under rotor seizure accident [J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 136: 1-10.
28. Zhao Y Y, Lu Y G, Zhu R S*, et al. MDO strategy for meridian plane design to improve energy conversion capability of LFR main coolant pump[J]. Annals of Nuclear Energy, 2020, 148:107763.
29. Jin K, Lu Y, Lin P, et al. Research on the Hydraulic Excitation Characteristics of the Top Cover Caused by the Radial Installation Deviation of the Seal of a 1GW Francis Turbine[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(11): 3172.
30. Chen H, Lu Y, Liu K, et al. Study on the Internal Flow Characteristics of Long and Short Blade Runners of a 1000 MW Francis Turbine under Different Opening Conditions[J]. Processes, 2023, 11(6): 1796.
31. Chen H, Liu X, Lu Y G, et al. Evolution mechanism of internal flow in the hump region and hump optimization of axial-flow reactor coolant pump[J]. Energy, 2024, 311: 133460.
32. Qiang F, Zhao Y, Lu Y G*, et al. An Impeller Optimization Method for the High Specific Speed Mixed-Flow Reactor Coolant Pump Applied to Marine Nuclear Power, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 2023, 11(7):1301.
33. Wang X L, Xie Y J, Lu Y G, et al. Mathematical modelling forecast on the idling transient characteristic of reactor coolant pump[J]. Processes, 2019, 7(7):452.
34. Ma Z, Zhang S, Lu Y G. Activation mechanism of Fe2O3‑Al2O3 oxygen carrier in chemical looping combustion[J]. Energy and Fuels, 2020. doi.org/10.1021/acs.energyfuels.0c02967.
35. Ma Z, Liu G F, Lu Y G, et al. Improved redox performance of Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier via element doping in chemical looping combustion[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 224: 107030.
36. Ma Z, Zhang S, Lu Y G. Phase segregation mechanism of NiFe2O4 oxygen carrier in chemical looping process[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2021. DOI: 10.1002/er.6026.
37. Ma Z, Liu G F, Lu Y G, et al. Redox performance of Fe2O3/Al2O3 oxygen carrier calcined at different temperature in chemical looping process[J]. Fuel,2021, 122381. doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2021.122381.
38. Ma Z, Yuan C, Lu Y G, et al. Effect of supports on the redox performance of pyrite cinder in chemical looping combustion[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, 37: 168-174.
39. Chen Y, Zhu R S, Lu Y G, et al. Study on Flow Field and Rotor Safety Characteristics of MSPs Based on Flow Thermo-Coupling[J]. Processes, 2019, 7(10):711.
40. 张泽泉,卢永刚*,朱荣生,等. 1000 MW水轮机多工况运行水力损失及熵产特性分析 [J]. 排灌机械工程学报, 2024, 42 (11): 1142-1149.
41. 朱荣生,王学吉,卢永刚*,等.气液两相流工况下核主泵的正转全特性研究[J].核动力工程,2017,38(03):65-71.
42. 卢永刚,王洋,王秀礼,等.管道输油泵流体噪声模拟及泵噪声测试方法[J].排灌机械工程学报, 2017,35(08):645-651.
43. 付强,卢永刚,朱荣生,等.无阻塞潜水磨碎泵的空化及压力脉动特性研究[J].振动与冲击,2016,35(17):95-101+112.
44. 朱荣生,卢永刚,王秀礼,等.基于非线性空化的离心泵内部流动特性分析[J].原子能科学技术,2016, 50(07):1216-1223.
45. 王秀礼,卢永刚,朱荣生,等.潜水磨碎泵磨碎装置的优化设计与试验[J].农业工程学报,2015,31(14):77-82.
46. 王秀礼,卢永刚,袁寿其,等.基于流固耦合的核主泵汽蚀动力特性研究[J].哈尔滨工程大学学报,2015, 36(02):213-217.
1. 中国商业联合会科学技术二等奖,2016.
2. 江苏省科学技术三等奖,2017.
3. 博士研究生国家奖学金,2017.
4. 国家建设高水平大学公派留学生项目,2018.
5. 国家公派访问学者项目,2023.
1. 一种深海采矿垂向提升泵管系统, 发明专利,专利号:ZL202111264471.X. 授权时间:2024.03.
2. 混流式核主泵三维造型软件V1.0,软件著作,登记号 2024SR0361864,授权时间:2024.05.
3. 一种氢燃料电池氢气供给系统, 发明专利,专利号:ZL202111264017.4. 授权时间:2023.06.
4. 一种新型对转泵结构及其工作模式,发明专利,专利号:ZL202110078434.3. 授权时间:2022.04.
5. 一种风冷型筒式联轴器,发明专利,专利号:ZL202010982885.5. 授权时间:2021.08.
6. 重金属轴流泵的多学科优化设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611049061.2. 授权时间:2020.11.
7. 一种核主泵反螺旋线导叶及设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201610009409 .9. 授权时间:2018.02.
8. 一种鱼友好轴空轴流泵,发明专利,专利号:ZL201610586021.5. 授权时间:2018.04.
9. 一种用于高温泵的双隔热热屏蔽系统,发明专利,专利号:ZL201810181212.2. 授权时间:2020.06.
10. 基于遗传算法的高温高压离心式叶轮多学科优化方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611050738.4. 授权时间:2020.05.
11. 一种带整流叶片的离心泵叶轮,发明专利,专利号:ZL201710082658.5. 授权时间:2020.03.
12. 基于多学科优化的高温高压离心泵叶轮综合设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611049233.6. 授权时间:2020.03.
13. 一种可智能减振的泵站安装方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201710084158.5. 授权时间:2019.11.
14. 一种高温泵试验系统以及试验方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201810275310.2. 授权时间:2019.08.
15. 一种用于潜水泵水下管路的自动耦合机构,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611114159.1. 授权时间:2019.02.
16. 一种带双离合机构的轴流式水泵水轮机,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611149428.8. 授权时间:2019.03.
17. 一种泵用静水式水润滑轴承结构,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611136041.9. 授权时间:2019.04.
18. 一种泵用全工况试验台,发明专利,专利号:ZL201810560650.X. 授权时间:2019.11.
19. 一种泵站防涡旋智能导流装置,发明专利,专利号:ZL201710038039.6. 授权时间:2018.11.
20. 一种磁流体介质润滑立式磁悬浮推力轴承,发明专利,专利号:ZL201611112586.6. 授权时间:2018.11.
21. 一种用于低扬程高温泵的密封系统,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201721380809.7. 授权时间:2018.06.
22. 一种双吸多流道叶轮及其设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL 201610008414.8 授权时间:2018.06.
23. 一种单吸双流道叶轮及其设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201610010183.4. 授权时间:2018.02.
24. 一种高粘度离心泵叶轮的水力设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510344484.6. 授权时间:2017.07.
25. 一种全扬程泵叶轮的水力设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510673901.1 授权时间:2017.07.
26. 一种轴封装置,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510355070.3. 授权时间:2017.09.
27. 一种无阻塞泵的水力设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201510346507.7. 授权时间:2017.05.
28. 一种新型密封机构的水力设计方法,发明专利,专利号:ZL201410677310.7. 授权时间:2017.03.
29. 一种气液流量调节阀,发明专利,专利号:ZL201410675608.4. 授权时间:2017.05.
30. 一种密封机构,发明专利,专利号:ZL201410677488.1. 授权时间:2016.09.
1. 招收动力工程及工程热物理、流体机械及工程、机械工程等相关专业硕士研究生1~2名,欢迎咨询报考!
2. 欢迎各类企业开展产学研合作!