职称: 副教授
导师: 硕士生导师
联系方式:Email:victoryu66@ujs.edu.cn;QQ: 850319930
1. 多相流界面理论及应用
2. 智能纳米乳液的制备及应用
3. 新型泡沫流体设计及功能化
4. 可再生能源开发与利用
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2023.01-2025.12,在研,主持;
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2021.07-2024.06,在研,主持;
3. 江苏省双创博士,2020.09-2022.09,在研,主持;
4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,2020.11-2022.11,在研,主持;
5. 江苏省重点研发项目-现代农业,2022.07-2025.07,在研,项目骨干;
6. 省部共建现代农业装备与技术协同创新中心项目,2022.07-2024.07,在研,主持;
7. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,2019.07-2022.06,在研,主持;
8. 现代农业装备与技术教育部重点实验室开放课题,2021.11-2023.11,在研,主持;
9. 中国轻工业清洁生产和资源综合利用重点实验室开放课题项目,2021.07-2022.07,在研,主持;
10. 江苏省农业自主创新项目,2021.07-2023.06,在研,任务负责人。
1. Multi-functional microparticles constructed by steerable phase separation process for synchronous uranium selective extraction and heat storage. Separation and Purification Technology 2024, 337, 126434 (IF=9.1,中科院1区);
2. Full life circle of micro-nano bubbles: Generation, characterization and applications. Chemical Engineering Journal 2023, 471, 144621 (IF=16.7,中科院1区);
3. Anti-biological contamination strategies for enhanced uranium extraction from seawater. Desalination 2023, 566, 116893 (IF=9.9,中科院1区);
4. Poly(vinylphosphonic acid) grafted hollow microspheres with nanoparticles-stacked polymer shell for uranium selective extraction: Dynamic role translation of ethyl α-cyanoacrylate. Separation and Purification Technology 2023, 326, 124797 (IF=9.1,中科院1区);
5. Synergy between hydrophilic silica nanoparticles and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) for long-term foam stabilization with little energy input. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2023, 383, 122049 (IF=6.0,中科院1区);
6. Behaviour of polymer-coated composite nanoparticles at bubble-stabilizing interfaces during bubble coarsening and accelerated coalescence: A Cryo-SEM study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2023, 633,113–119 (IF=9.9,中科院1区);
7. Easily Recycled Porous Microparticles Prepared via Electrohydrodynamic Atomization for Selective Uranium Extraction with High Capacity. ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng. 2022, 10, 14600−14613 (IF=9.2,中科院1区);
8. Interfacial behavior of core-shell composite nanoparticles under compression and shear: influence of polymer shell thickness. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2022, 613, 827-835 (IF=9.9,中科院1区);
9. Microscopic mechanism for nanoparticle-laden droplet-droplet electrocoalescence: A molecular dynamics study. Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 299: 121768 (IF=9.1,中科院1区);
10. Assessing nanoparticle-surfactant-salt synergistic effects on droplet–droplet electrocoalescence by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Molecular Liquids 2022, 367, 120570 (IF=6.0,中科院1区);
11. Critical role of nanocomposites at air-water interface: From aqueous foams to foam-based lightweight functional materials. Chemical Engineering Journal 2021, 416 (IF=16.7,中科院1区);
12. The rheology of polyvinylpyrrolidone-coated silica nanoparticles positioned at an air-aqueous interface. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 2018, 527, 346-355 (IF=9.9,中科院1区);
1. Researcher Mobility Award under the Worldwide Universities Network,2016
2. 山东省优秀硕士毕业论文,2015
每年招收硕士研究生2名,表现优异者可推荐至英国利兹大学(University of Leeds)、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学(University of Alberta)、比利时鲁汶大学(KU Leuven)、韩国科学技术院(KAIST)、南方科技大学等世界百强名校交流/深造,欢迎咨询报考!