职称: 资格教授
学术任职: 中国化学会会员;江苏省能源研究会会员;Advanced Power Materials青年编委
联系方式:Email: szhong@ujs.edu.cn
1. 生物质能源转化技术
2. 纳米颗粒的可控合成及在能源、催化方面的应用
3. 储能器件中电极材料的设计合成与结构调控
4. 环境化学
1. 中国博士后科学基金第71批面上资助(2022M711421),8万,主持,结题
2. 江苏省高等学校基础科学(自然科学)面上项目(21KJB480001),3万,主持
3. 江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,40万,主持
4. 江苏香河农业开发有限公司-江苏大学产学研合作协议(横向课题),91.8万,项目骨干
1. S. Zhong, L. Dai, H. Xu, C. Yuan, S. Wang*. Biomorphic porous carbon derived from reed with enriched oxygen-functional groups for high-performance supercapacitors. Diamond & Related Materials, 2024, 141, 110714.
2. C. Yuan, H. Xu, S. A. El-khodary, G. Ni, S. Esakkimuthu, S. Zhong*, S. Wang*. Recent advances and challenges in biomass-derived carbon materials for supercapacitors: A review. Fuel, 2024, 362, 130795.
3. O. Alam, X. Zheng, Z. Cheng, S. Zhong*, X. Qiao, L. Dai, J. Li, J. Ye, D. Du. A critical review on advances in remediation of toxic heavy metals contaminated solids by chemical processes. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, Just accepted.
4. C. Yuan, M. Chen, K. Zhu, J. Ni, S. Wang*, B. Cao, S. Zhong*, J. Zhou, S. Wang. Facile synthesis of nitrogen-doped interconnected porous carbons derived from reed and chlorella for high-performance supercapacitors. Fuel Processing Technology, 2022, 238, 107466.
5. S. Zhong, X. Yang, L. Chen, N. Tsumori, N. Taguchi, Qiang Xu*. Interfacing with Fe-N-C sites boosts the formic acid dehydrogenation of palladium nanoparticles, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13, 46749-46755.
6. S. Zhong, N. Tsumori, M. Kitta, Q. Xu*. Immobilizing palladium nanoparticles on boron-oxygen-functionalized carbon nanospheres towards efficient hydrogen generation from formic acid, Nano Research, 2019, 12, 2966-2970.
7. S. Zhong, M. Kitta, Q. Xu*. Hierarchically porous carbons derived from metal-organic framework/chitosan composites for high-performance supercapacitors, Chemistry-An Asian Journal, 2019, 14, 3583.
8. S. Zhong, Q. Xu*. Metal nanoparticle-catalyzed hydrogen generation from liquid chemical hydrides, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2018, 91, 1606. (Back cover)
9. S. Zhong, C. Zhan, D. Cao*. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbons as high performance supercapacitor electrode materials, Carbon, 2015, 85, 51-59. (ESI高被引)
10. S. Zhong, Q. Wang, D. Cao*. ZIF-derived nitrogen-doped porous carbons for Xe adsorption and separation, Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 21295.
11. X. Zheng, Z. Javed, B. Liu, S. Zhong*, Z. Cheng, A. Rehman, D. Du, Jian Li*. Impact of Spartina alterniflora Invasion in Coastal Wetlands of China: Boon or Bane? Biology, 2023, 12, 1057.
12. X, Zheng, Y. Natuhara, J. Li*, G. Li, Y. Du, H. Jia, Z. Dai, D. Du*, S. Zhong*, D. Qin. Effects of multiple stressors on amphibian oviposition: Landscape and local determinants in central Japan. Ecological Indicators, 2021, 128, 107824.
13. X. Zheng, Y. Natuhara, S. Zhong*. Influence of midsummer drainage and agricultural modernization on the survival of Zhangixalus arboreus tadpoles in Japanese paddy fields. Environmental Science & Pollution Research, 2021, 28, 18294.
1.参编英文教材《Renewable Energy》一部,江苏大学出版社。
1. 第五届全国大学生可再生能源优秀科技作品竞赛三等奖,指导教师,2023
2. 江苏省研究生节能低碳科研创新实践大赛三等奖,指导教师,2023
3. 江苏大学能源与动力工程学院“青年教师讲课比赛”三等奖,2022
4. 中国化学会第32届学术年会能源化学分会优秀墙报奖,2021
5. 国家留学基金委中外合作项目_日本文部科学省博士生奖学金(全奖),2016
6. 北京化工大学优秀毕业研究生,2015
7. 北京化工大学优秀生(入学考试校TOP6%),2008 ~ 2010
1. 钟珊等人,一种氮掺杂多孔生物炭的制备方法及制成电极材料的方法。申请号:CN202111629581.1。
2. 钟珊等人,N-S 共掺杂多孔生物炭制备方法及将其用作电容电极的方法。申请号:CN202310482325.7。
3. 钟珊等人,一种草本类生物质衍生多孔碳及制备方法和超级电容器电极材料及制备方法。申请号:CN202310560553.1。