姓名 高山
职称: 讲师
学术任职: Applied Thermal Engineering、International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow、ACS Omega、Langmuir、Colloid and Surface Science等国际期刊审稿人
1. 微纳尺度流动与气液相变传热
2. 固液界面的流体自主定向操控
3. 仿生超浸润、能量高效转换与存储材料
4. 多尺度耦合模拟(分子动力学,耗散粒子动力学,计算流体力学)
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,(No. 52306088), 2024.1—2026.12,主持
2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,2023.7—2026.6,主持
3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,(No. 2023M731889),2022.10—2024.9, 主持
4. 江苏省高层次创新创业人才引进计划项目(双创博士), (No. JSSCBS20221182),2022.09—2024.09, 主持
5. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(No. 51736004),2018.01—2022.12,参研
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 51776079),2018.01—2020.12,参研
7. 国家自然科学基金青年项目(No. 51606073),2017.01—2019.12,参研
1. Yuhao Zhu, Shan Gao, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. 3D lattice Boltzmann simulation of self-propelled single-droplet jumping on microstructured surfaces during condensation. Surfaces and Interfaces, 2024, 104055.
2. Shan Gao, Jian Qu, Zhichun Liu, Weigang Ma, Sequential self-propelled morphology transitions of nanoscale condensates enable a cascade jumping-droplet condensation. Nano Energy, 2023, 113, 108558.
3. Zequn Wang, Meng An, Dongsheng Chen, Shan Gao*, et al. Molecular insights into enhanced water evaporation from a hybrid nanostructured surface with hydrophilic and hydrophobic domains. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 465, 142838.
4. Shan Gao*, Jian Qu, Zhichun Liu, Wei Liu. Nanoscale Thin-Film Boiling Processes on Heterogeneous Surfaces. Langmuir, 2022, 38, 20, 6352–6362.
5. Shan Gao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Tuning Nanostructured Surfaces with Hybrid Wettability Areas to Enhance Condensation. Nanoscale, 2019, 11, 459-466.
6. Shan Gao, Jing Long, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Evaporation-induced Wetting Transition of Nanodroplets on Nanopatterned Surfaces with Concentric Rings: Surface Geometry and Wettability Effects. Langmuir, 2019, 35, 9546-9553.
7. Shan Gao, Quanwen Liao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Self-Removal of Multiple and Multisize Coalescing Nanodroplets on Nanostructured Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122, 20521-20526.
8. Shan Gao, Quanwen Liao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Nanodroplets Impact on Rough Surfaces: A Simulation and Theoretical Study. Langmuir, 2018, 34, 5910–5917.
9. Shan Gao, Quanwen Liao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Coalescence-Induced Jumping of Nanodroplets on Textured Surfaces. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2018, 9, 13-18.
10. Shan Gao, Quanwen Liao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Effects of Solid Fraction on Droplet Wetting and Vapor Condensation: A Molecular Dynamic Simulation Study. Langmuir, 2017, 33, 12379-12388.
11. Bo Ye, Jian Qu, Hongzhao Wang, Shan Gao, Huihe Qiu, Rapid bubble growth within 200 μs in flat microchannels under “hot spot” heating conditions at ultra-high heat fluxes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 213, 124312.
12. Peng Mao, Shan Gao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Head-on Collision of Two Nanodroplets on a Solid Surface: A Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study. Langmuir, 2021, 37, 12346-12355.
13. Jing Long, Wei Xiong, Chengyiran Wei, Shan Gao, et al. Directional Assembly of ZnO Nanowires via Three-Dimensional Laser Direct Writing. Nano Letters. 2020, 20, 5159–5166.
14. Ji Li, Shan Gao, Rui Long, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Self-Pumped Evaporation for Ultra-Fast Water Desalination and Power Generation. Nano Energy. 2019, 65, 104059.
15. Bo Zhang, Ji Li, Shan Gao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Comparison of Thermo-Mechanical Properties for Weaved Polyethylene and Its Nanocomposite Based on CNT Junction by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123, 19412-19420.
16. 高山, 杨俊杰, 刘志春,刘伟,屈健. 异质表面的薄膜沸腾过程. 工程热物理学报, 2023, 44(08).
17. 毛鹏, 高山, 刘志春, 刘伟. 结构高度对纳米液滴碰撞壁面过程的影响.工程热物理学报, 2021,42(02):447-453.
18. 高山, 刘伟,刘志春. 结构表面水蒸气凝结的分子动力学模拟. 工程热物理学报, 2017, 38(8): 1772-1776.
1. Shan Gao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Molecular dynamics simulation of Condensation on Hybrid Nanotextured Surfaces with Concentric Rings. 6th ASME International Conference of Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer, July 8-10, 2019, Dalian, China.
2. Shan Gao, Wei Liu, Zhichun Liu. Molecular dynamics simulation of water nanodroplets impact on nanopillar surfaces. 3rd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference (TFEC), March 4-7, 2018, Fort Lauderdale, USA.
3. 高山,屈健,刘志春,刘伟. 异质表面的薄膜沸腾过程. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议,上海,2022.7.29-31.
4. 高山,刘伟,等. 纳米结构表面上液滴蒸发过程探究. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议,青岛,2019.10.18-20.
5. 高山,刘伟, 等. 结构表面液滴动态行为的分子动力学模拟. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议,苏州,2017.10.27-30.
6. 高山, 刘伟, 等. 纳米结构表面水蒸气凝结的分子动力学模拟. 中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议,北京,2016.10.21-23.
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