职称: 副教授
1. 应用于水动能发电的水力转轮
2. 高压与超高压水射流
3. 流体机械内部复杂流动测量与性能优化
1. 升阻匹配型水动力转轮流动机理及能量转换机制研究,江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,2022-2025,主持。
2. 阻力型水力转轮非定常尾流特性研究,江苏大学高级人才科研启动基金,2021-2024,主持。
3. 混合型海洋水动能转轮关键技术与设计方法研究,江苏省省科技计划项目,2022-2025,参与。
4. 射流强化螺旋桨叶片镍钛形状记忆合金涂层及空化噪声抑制机理,国家自然科学基金,2021-2025,参与。
5. 研究所委托项目,100万元,2023-2025,主持。
6. 轴流风机扇叶开发,企业委托项目,20万元,2023-2024.主持。
1. Zhiyuan Wang, Can Kang, Yongchao Zhang, Hyoung-Bum Kim, Feng Jin. Effect of blade chord length on startup performance of H-type tidal current turbine rotor. AIP Advances, 2023, 13(3):035131.
2. Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Hexiang Zhao, Hyoung-Bum Kim. Effects of the deflector plate on performance and flow characteristics of a drag-type hydrokinetic rotor. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 238:109760.
3. Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Yang Zhu, Hyoung-Bum Kim. Investigation on the performance and flow characteristics of a liquid lead-bismuth pump. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2021, 35(7):2939–2947.
4. Can Kang, Hexiang Zhao, Yongchao Zhang, Kejin Ding. Effects of upstream deflector on flow characteristics and startup performance of a drag-type hydrokinetic rotor. Renewable Energy, 2021, 172:290–303.
5. Yongchao Zhang, Kang Can, Keke Gao, Hexiang Zhao. Flow and atomization characteristics of a twin-fluid nozzle with internal swirling and self-priming effects. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2020, 85:108632.
6. Yongchao Zhang, Amirah Nabilah Azman, Ke-Wei Xu, Can Kang, Hyoung-Bum Kim. Two-phase flow regime identification based on the liquid-phase velocity information and machine learning. Experiments in Fluids, 2020, 61(10):212.
7. Ke-wei Xu, Yongchao Zhang, Dong Liu, Amirah Nabilah Azman, Hyoung-Bum Kim. Slug flow development study in a horizontal pipe using particle image velocimetry. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 162:120267.
8. Hexiang Zhao, Can Kang, Kejing Ding, Yongchao Zhang, Bing Li. Transient startup characteristics of a drag-type hydrokinetic turbine rotor. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 223:113287.
9. Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Hexiang Zhao, Shuang Teng. Effects of in-line configuration of drag-type hydrokinetic rotors on inter-rotor flow pattern and rotor performance. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019, 196: 44–55.
10. Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Yanguang Ji, Qing Li. Experimental and numerical investigation of flow patterns and performance of a modified Savonius hydrokinetic rotor. Renewable Energy, 2019, 141:1067–1079.
11. Yongchao Zhang, Can Kang, Chen Pan, Wisdom Opare. Numerical investigation of performance and flow patterns of a modified Savonius hydraulic rotor. IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 240: 042009.
12. 季言广, 康灿, 张永超. 基于时间解析PIV的串列水力转轮尾流特性研究. 实验流体力学, 2019, 33(3): 97–105.
13. Yongchao Zhang, Minguan Yang, Dan Ni, Ning Zhang, Bo Gao. Particle image velocimetry measurement of complex flow structures in the diffuser and spherical casing of a reactor coolant pump. Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 2018, 50:368–378.
14. Can Kang, Yongchao Zhang, Yilin Xiong, Qing Li. Effects of the pump base on the resonance of a horizontal condensate pump unit: A case study. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 2018, 21(4): 633–644.
1. 《Methods for Solving Complex Problems in Fluids Engineering》. Springer/Science Press, 2019.
1. 江苏大学优秀博士学位论文. 2021.06.
1. 一种垂直轴水力转轮性能测试装置, 实用新型专利,专利号: ZL 201821973539.5.
2. 一种高效垂直轴Savonius风力机. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201810473320.7.
3. 一种核主泵球形压水室. 发明专利, 专利号: ZL 201610970196.6
研究生招生:硕士研究生1~2名。 联系方式:yczhang@ujs.edu.cn.