职务: 无
职称: 讲师
最高学位:南京航空航天大学 博士
1. Physics of Fluids,Aerospace Science and Technology,Applied Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering等学术期刊审稿人
1. 军用高温升燃烧室的燃烧性能研究,包括极端条件下点熄火特性、燃烧震荡抑制
2. 名用大涵道壁涡扇发动机的污染物排放控制
1. 航空航天工程导论
2. 航空燃气轮机课程设计
3. 中国航天与人文艺术(公选课)
1. 江苏省基础研究计划自然科学基金青年项目,2024,在研,主持
2. 江苏省高校面上项目,2024,在研,主持
3. EEJ20涡喷发动机燃烧室研发,结题,参与
1. Yuling Zhao, Mingyu Li*, Cheng Gong. Effect of mainstream-forced-entrainment control strategy on the combustion performance of a cavity-based combustor[J]. Fuel,2025,380(133265). (SCI,一区, IF:6.7)
2. Jiadong Zhang, Mingyu Li, Bei Yu, Shuqi Li, Yuling Zhao*. Effect of air injection mode on the performance of a novel vortex-controlled flameholder for aircraft engine[J].Applied Thermal Engineering,2025,262:125245.
3. Yuling Zhao, Mingyu Li*, Tiancheng Zhou, et al. Experimental and numerical study on a cavity-swirler-based combustion strategy for advanced gas turbine engine[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering,2024,241:122470(SCI,一区, IF:6.1)
4. Yuling Zhao, Jiadong Zhang, Mingyu Li*, et al. A preliminary investigation on a novel vortex-controlled flameholder for aircraft engine combustor[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2024, 155:109723.
5. Mingyu Li, Qian Wang, Yuling Zhao*, et al. Combustion and emission characteristics of a novel staged combustor for aero gas turbine engine[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2023, 134:108169.
6. Qian Wang, Mingyu Li, Yuling Zhao*, et al. Combustion and emission performance of a trapped-vortex gas turbine combustor fueled by RP-3 kerosene[J]. FUEL, 2023,343:127929.
7. Wu He, Yuling Zhao*, Weijun Fan. Spray, flowfield, and combustion characteristics of an external mixing atomizer in a novel cavity-swirler-based combustor[J]. Physics of Fluids,2023,35(127115) (SCI,一区, IF:4.1)
8. Yuling Zhao, Xiaomin He*, et al. Ignition, efficiency and emissions of RP-3 kerosene in a three-staged multi-injection combustor[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 213:106635.(SCI,一区,IF:7.2)
9. Yuling Zhao, Xiaomin He*, et al. Effect of mainstream forced entrainment on the combustion performance of a gas turbine combustor[J]. Applied Energy, 2020,279:11584.(SCI,一区, IF:10.1 )
10. Yuling Zhao, Xiaomin He*, et al. Experimental investigation on spray characteristics of aircraft kerosene with an external-mixing atomizer[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2020,209:106531. (SCI,一区, IF:7.2 )
11. Yuling Zhao, Xiaomin He*, et al. Effect of cavity-air injection mode on the performance of a trapped vortex combustor[J]. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2020, 106:106183.(SCI,一区, IF:5.1 )
12. Yuling Zhao, Cheng Gong, Mingyu Li*. Effect of air-injection mode on mainstream-forced entrainment and combustion characteristics of a cavity-based combustor[J]. Physics of Fluids,2024, 36:087128. (SCI,一区, IF:4.1)
13. Mingyu Li, Xiaomin He*, Yuling Zhao, et al. Performance enhancement of a trapped-vortex combustor for gas turbine engines using a novel hybrid-atomizer[J]. Applied Energy,2018,216:286-295. (SCI,一区, IF:10.1 )
14. 赵玉玲,何小民*,李明玉.联焰板长度对驻涡燃烧室凹腔流动特性影响的数值研究[C]. 中国航空学会第十八届燃烧与传热传质学术研讨会,2015.
15. 徐熙寒,赵玉玲*,李明玉,何小民. 三级旋流流场中的点火特性研究[C].中国工程热物理学会燃烧学学术年会, 2024.
1. 赵玉玲,李明玉,一种涡控式扩压器,专利号:202311354898.8(已授权)
2. 赵玉玲,徐熙寒,单民,卢江河,李澄阳.一种适配SAF的油气反旋空气雾化喷嘴,申请号202411521222.8
3. 何小民,赵玉玲,等. 一种气旋耦合喷嘴,专利号:201610176845.5(已授权)