姓名 范宝伟
联系方式:bwfan@ujs.edu.cn 或 tsww1919@163.com
学术任职:国际期刊《Energies》的客座编辑(Guest Editor),工程热物理学会会员,Journal of cleaner production、International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering和Advances in Mechanical Engineering 等多个国际SCI检索期刊审稿专家
1. 发动机缸内气流运动和燃烧过程的基础研究,具体研究的发动机类型是:转子发动机和往复式发动机;
2. 氢气/甲醇燃料电池技术研究;
3. 电动汽车电池包热管理技术;
4. 发动机替代燃料的适应性和化学反应机理研究;
5. 射流控制点火模式的着火燃烧机理研究;
6. 能源转化利用过程中的高效燃烧和节能技术;
1. 新型射流控制点火转子发动机的着火燃烧机理(国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.:51976083),2020.01-2023.12(主持);
2. 转子发动机分层燃烧的实现机制及其对排放的影响机理(国家自然科学基金青年项目,No.:51606089), 2017.01-2019.12(主持);
3. 射流点火甲醇转子发动机燃烧机理的基础研究(中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,No.:2023T160550),2023.06-2024.12(主持);
4. 天然气分层燃烧转子发动机的燃烧机理研究,(江苏省自然科学基金面上项目,No.:BK20201422),2020.07-2023.06(主持);
5. 分层燃烧模式下甲醇汽油双燃料转子发动机的燃烧机理研究,(汽车测控与安全四川省重点实验室基金,QCCK2021-012),2021.06-2023.05(主持);
6. 转子发动机缸内流动和燃烧过程的基础研究.(江苏大学优秀青年骨干教师培育项目,No.:4111130002)2016.01—2019.12(主持);
7. 汽油掺氢转子发动机新型分层燃烧模式的实现机制.(国家博士后科学基金面上项目,No.:2016M601735). 2016.11—2019.05(主持);
8. 汽油转子发动机的高效分层燃烧模式及其实现机制研究.(江苏省博士后科研资助项目,No.:1701111B). 2017.05—2019.05(主持)
1. 江苏大学“优秀青年骨干教师”,2016年度;
2. 江苏省公派留学(新加坡国立大学 2019-2020);
1. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan,Wenming Yang,et al. Numerical investigation of the effect of injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a port injection natural gas rotary engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 133: 511-523.(第一作者,ESI 高被引文章,SCI检索)
2. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Xin Wu, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Numerical investigation of the effect of jet orifice parameters on the combustion process of a turbulent jet ignition rotary engine fueled with methanol/gasoline blends[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 245:107723.(第一作者,SCI检索)
3. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Xin Wu, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Research on the structure of pre-chamber and jet orifice of a turbulent jet ignition rotary engine fueled with methanol/gasoline blends[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 229:120588.(第一作者,SCI检索)
4. Wei Li, Baowei Fan*(范宝伟), Pengfei Jiang, et al. Exploring the coupling mechanism between piston structure and turbulent jet ignition mode in hydrogen mixed natural gas rotary engines[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 63:905-917.(通讯作者,SCI检索)
5. Siquan Huo, Baowei Fan*(范宝伟), Linxun Xu, et al. Combined effect of cylinder shape and turbulence blade on the combustion performance of a turbulent jet ignition rotary engine using hydrogen/ natural gas blends[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 61: 513-527. (通讯作者,SCI检索)
6. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Xiaolei Qi, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Research on the hydrogen injection strategy of a turbulent jet ignition (TJI) rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48:20041-20058.(第一作者,SCI检索)
7. Yonghao Zeng, Baowei Fan*(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, et al. Research on the ignition strategy of a methanol/gasoline blends rotary engine using turbulent jet ignition mode[J]. Energy, 2022,261: 124921.(通讯作者,SCI检索)
8. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jiaxin Wang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Computational study of hydrogen injection strategy on the combustion performance of a direct injection rotary engine fueled with natural gas/ hydrogen blends[J]. Fuel, 2022, 328:125190. (第一作者,SCI检索)
9. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yonghao Zeng, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Evaluation and analysis of injection strategy in a peripheral ported rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends under the action of apex seal leakage[J]. Fuel, 2022, 310, 122315.(第一作者,SCI检索)
10. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yonghao Zeng, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Numerical study of injection strategy on the combustion process in a peripheral ported rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends under the action of apex seal leakage, Energy, 2022, 242, 122532.(第一作者,SCI检索)
11. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yuanguang Wang, Yaoyuan Zhang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Numerical Investigation on the Combustion Performance of a Natural Gas/Hydrogen Dual Fuel Rotary Engine under the Action of Apex Seal Leakage[J]. Energy & Fuels, 2021, 35(1):770-784. (第一作者,SCI检索)
12. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yonghao Zeng, Yaoyuan Zhang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Research on the hydrogen injection strategy of a direct injection natural gas/hydrogen rotary engine considering apex seal leakage [J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 9234-9251. (第一作者,SCI检索)
13. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yuanguang Wang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Numerical Study on Flow Field in a Peripheral Ported Rotary Engine Under the Action of Apex Seal Leakage [J]. ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, 2021, 143(4): 041205. (第一作者,SCI检索)
14. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yaoyuan Zhang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. Experimental and Numerical Study on the Formation Mechanism of Flow Field in a Side-Ported Rotary Engine Considering Apex Seal Leakage[J]. ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, 2021, 143(2): 022303. (第一作者,SCI检索)
15. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yaoyuan Zhang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. The formation mechanisms of flow field in a compound intake ported rotary engine considering apex seal leakage [J]. Environmental Process & Sustainable Energy, 2020, 39(6): e13432. (第一作者,SCI检索)
16. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Yaoyuan Zhang, Jianfeng Pan, et al. The influence of hydrogen injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a port injection (PI) rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends[J], Energy Conversion and Management, 2018.10.1 , 173:527-538. (第一作者,SCI检索)
17. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Yangxian Liu, et al. Effect of hydrogen injection strategies on mixture formation and combustion process in a hydrogen direct injection plus natural gas port injection rotary engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 160: 150-164. (第一作者,SCI检索)
18. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Yangxian Liu, et al. Numerical investigation of mixture formation and combustion in a hydrogen direct injection plus natural gas port injection (HDI + NGPI) rotary engine[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43:4632-4644. (第一作者,SCI检索)
19. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Wenming Yang, et al. The influence of injection strategy on mixture formation and combustion process in a direct injection natural gas rotary engine[J]. Applied Energy, 2017, 187:663-674. (第一作者,SCI检索)
20. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Wenming Yang, et al. Combined effect of injection timing and injection angle on mixture formation and combustion process in a direct injection (DI) natural gas rotary engine[J]. Energy, 2017, 128:519-530. (第一作者,SCI检索)
21. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Aikun Tang, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation of the fluid flow in a side-ported rotary engine[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 95: 385-397. (第一作者,SCI检索)
22. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Yangxian Liu, et al. Effects of ignition parameters on combustion process of a rotary engine fueled with natural gas[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015, 103: 218-234. (第一作者,SCI检索)
23. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Zhenhua Pan, et al. Effects of pocket shape and ignition slot locations on the combustion processes of a rotary engine fueled with natural gas[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 89:11-27. (第一作者,SCI检索)
24. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Wenming Yang, et al. Effects of hydrogen blending mode on combustion process of a rotary engine fueled with natural gas/hydrogen blends[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41:4039-4053. (第一作者,SCI检索)
25. Baowei Fan(范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Wenming Yang, et al. Effects of different parameters on the flow field of peripheral ported rotary engines[J]. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 9(1): 445-457. (第一作者,SCI检索)
26. 范宝伟,潘剑锋,陈瑞,刘杨先,唐爱坤,王谦. 点火提前角对天然气转子发动机燃烧过程的影响[J]. 兵工学报,2014, 35(1):1-8. (第一作者,EI检索)
27. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 唐爱坤,潘振华,薛宏. 进气相位对天然气转子发动机流场和燃烧过程的影响[J]. 农业机械学报, 2015, 46(7):286-293. (第一作者,EI检索)
28. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 刘杨先, 卢青波,肖曼,薛宏. 转子发动机流场的测试和数值模拟[J]. 工程热物理学报, 2015, 36(8):1835-1840. (第一作者,EI检索)
29. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 黄俊 ,肖曼,姚嘉琪. 燃烧室结构对天然气转子发动机燃烧过程的影响[J]. 机械工程学报, 2015, 51(22):141-151. (第一作者,EI检索)
1. Baowei Fan (范宝伟), Yonghao Zeng, Yuanguang Wang, Jianfeng Pan, Xin Wu, Xiaolei Qi, Jiaxin Wang, Rotary engine, 美国发明专利授权,美国专利号:US11732640B2(第一发明人)
2. Baowei Fan (范宝伟), Yuanguang Wang, Jianfeng Pan, Yaoyuan Zhang, Yonghao Zeng, Shaowen Liu. Rotary piston engine,美国发明专利授权,美国专利号:US11300044B2(第一发明人)
3. Baowei Fan (范宝伟), Jianfeng Pan, Yao Lu, Wei Chen. Control device to achieve variable compression ratio for triangle rotary engine CONTROL DEVICE TO ACHIEVE VARIABLE COMPRESSION RATIO FOR TRIANGLE ROTARY ENGINE,美国发明专利授权,美国专利号:US10995618B2(第一发明人)
4. Baowei Fan (范宝伟), Yonghao Zeng, Yuanguang Wang, Jianfeng Pan, Xin Wu, Xiaolei Qi, Jiaxin Wang, Rotary engine, 英国发明专利授权,英国专利号:GB2605685(第一发明人)
5. 范宝伟,宋安齐,吴鑫,齐晓磊,王佳欣,曾永豪,潘剑锋. 一种促进燃烧室后部燃烧的双转子发动机及其控制策略,国家发明专利授权号:ZL202210496123.3(第一发明人)
6. 范宝伟,李宗男,张耀元,等. 一种带涡流室的转子发动机,国家发明专利授权号:ZL201910429452.4.(第一发明人)
7. 范宝伟,王远光,张耀元,潘剑锋,陈伟,陆尧. 一种多缸转子发动机,国家发明专利授权号:ZL201910184252.7 (第一发明人)
8. 范宝伟,王远光,张耀元,曾永豪,刘绍文,潘剑锋. 一种旋转活塞式发动机,国家发明专利授权号:ZL202010715230.1 (第一发明人)
9. 范宝伟、康梓彬,张耀元,王远光,潘剑锋. 一种转子发动机的射流控制点火塞. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL201910451026.0(第一发明人)
10. 范宝伟、张耀元,王远光,潘剑锋. 一种可变进气道的转子发动机. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL20191058887.8(第一发明人)
11. 范宝伟、张耀元,王远光,潘剑锋. 一种射流控制点火三角转子发动机可视化试验台架. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL201910427252.5 (第一发明人)
12. 范宝伟,潘剑锋,陆尧,陈伟. 一种可实现转子发动机转子壁面加热的执行机构. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL201710457657.4(第一发明人)
13. 范宝伟,王远光,张耀元,潘剑锋,陈伟,陆尧. 一种转子发动机. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL201910042853.4(第一发明人)
14. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 陈瑞, 邬迪. 一种用于加快转子发动机燃烧的引火喷管、转子及发动机. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL201310112452.4, 国家实用新型专利授权号:ZL 201320160023.X. (第一发明人)
15. 范宝伟, 潘剑锋, 潘振华, 唐爱坤, 薛宏. 一种转子式外燃机气缸及转子式外燃机. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL201310318410.6, 国家实用新型专利授权号:ZL 201320449425.1. (第一发明人)
16. 潘剑锋, 范宝伟, 刘杨先, 邵霞, 陈瑞. 一种天然气转子发动机的引火槽. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL20131 0033671.3. (第二发明人)
17. 潘剑锋, 范宝伟, 刘杨先, 邵霞, 薛宏. 一种新型对喷转子式外燃机气缸及对喷转子式外燃机. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL 201310318219.1,国家实用新型专利授权号:ZL 201320449700.X. (第二发明人)
18. 潘剑锋, 范宝伟, 吴庆瑞, 唐爱坤. 一种催化微燃烧器的制作方法. 国家发明专利授权号: ZL 201210160844. 3. (第二发明人)
招收工程热物理、动力机械工程、热能工程、流体机械等相关专业的博士研究生和硕士研究生2-3名,欢迎报考!联系方式:bwfan@ujs.edu.cn 或 tsww1919@163.com